Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jonny's Pick: Inside Daisy Clover

My darling friend Jonny and I have very similar taste in movies. So, when he gave me a list of films I simply had to watch, I took it seriously. And I decided to review them on my blog, as I watch them.

Here is the first film.

Inside Daisy Clover is the story of, well, Daisy Clover, a 15-year-old girl from the wrong side of the tracks who becomes a movie star overnight. As Daisy (played by Natalie Wood) copes with her new found fame, as America's favorite little girl, she discovers the sinister side of 1930s Hollywood, which eventually leads to her demise.

When this film was released, it was a box-office and critical failure. It has gone on to become a cult classic, however.

On the surface, it is easy to see why Inside Daisy Clover was a flop in 1965.

Natalie Wood was 27 years old when this film was made. A year before, she had played a glamorous psychiatrist in the 1964 smash hit, Sex and the Single Girl. After seeing her in such a sexy romantic comedy, it would have been hard for audiences to believe Natalie as a 15-year-old, despite her youthful features.

Also, this movie is incredibly dark, with even darker humor. I'm not sure if audiences around this time were expecting anything like it. I'm not even sure if audiences around this time had experienced anything like it before.

That being said, I can recognize many reasons why this movie resonates with audiences TODAY.

This is one of the first films where Hollywood exposes itself, and it's not pretty. The Golden Age of Hollywood, the 1930s, is portrayed as a time when movie studios were people factories and studio heads were ruthless. Movie stars were like dolls, without much freedom.

The acting in this film is solid. Christopher Plummer shines as the powerful, yet creepy, studio head, Raymond Swan. Ruth Gordon is incredibly believable as Daisy's mentally ill mother.

The actor who steals the show, however, is Robert Redford.

Unbelievably young and with all-American boyish good looks, Robert is brilliant in his portrayal of the charming movie star Wade Lewis. His character steals your heart and tosses it away, but you don't even care because you're too busy being mesmerized by his smile.

If you love old movies and you're interested in the way Hollywood used to be, I definitely recommend Inside Daisy Clover.


  1. I love old, classic movies. I am definitely going to check this out. I followed, hope you will drop by my blog again. take care.


  2. Will have to watch this one, it sounds really interesting!

  3. interesting movies, hope i can watch!

  4. Hi, great blog. Thanks for your visit. I'm following you. Would you like to follow me back?


  5. wow lovely post!
    it's so "vintage" that it takes me to old times!!!
    Syriously in Fashion

  6. I've never heard about this movie and I have to tell you how much I've enjoyed while I was reading the plot by the way you are a splendid storyteller!!!!
    I'll try to get the dvd...
    I'm following you, I love your blog ;)

  7. I love movies that show the demise of people...yes, I'm weird. But it's really interesting to see the behind the scenes of hollywood and how it's not all glitz and glamour. I will definitely be finding this to watch.

  8. The new stuff doesn't hold a candle to this old stuff. Thanks for sharing the post and drop by me too, soon.


  9. old movie photos are so my fav!thanks for the comment dear.i am following u.follow back if u want.kisses from greece :)))

  10. This looks like a great film! you should post a list of your fave films for me to watch! I have never heard of some of the ones you recommend :)

    Love, Vanilla


  11. This does look intruiging. Thanks for the heads up. xxx

  12. This movie sounds amazing. It really seems like something I would enjoy.

    BBQ hopping DEFINITELY sounds good to us. Mr. A is totally stoked to have a local KC resident to show us all of the good places. He has been to one of the BBQ places already -- Apparently, they yell at you and give you stars or something there? Either way, now he has planned that we will go to KC once he gets a full-time teaching gig so he can spend oodles of money on food. You have given him an ambition in life now.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  13. Love old movies, too. And Natalie Wood in them?! Awesome. :D


  14. Sounds like an interesting movie; definitely adding this to my Netflix queue!

    Thanks for birthday wish! :)

  15. 3rd picture is awesome. She looks absolutely awesome!



  16. i am a movie buff, so this is on my checklist. will try and watch it for sure!

  17. Great review...I love old movies this one looks really good..I´ll definetely see if I can get it and watch it

    The Black Label

  18. This is such a good review -- I LOVE Natalie Wood so I have to get my hands on this immediately!

  19. aw wow great review! may have to watch this film sometime!


  20. I love Natalie Wood, but I've never heard of this one! I saw sex and the single girl on TV about a year ago and can't believe she played a teenager after playing someone, well... her own age haha! Thanks for the review!

  21. I have never even heard of this film! Sounds fab!


  22. wow, never even heard of it. good info!

  23. i have heard amazing things about this movie! i must watch it now! :)


  24. This movie sounds very intriguing I will def have to check it out!

  25. i really want to watch whole bunch of old movies now :) thanks for sharing!


  26. i've been going thru a 190s french film phase.....theres classic movies look amazing i'll definately be checking them out!

    thanks so much for ur lovely comment on my blog lovely!



  27. I love old moveis, specially when i see Natalie in one of them..
    Lee x

  28. I love old moveis, specially when i see Natalie in one of them..
    Lee x

  29. I love old classic films, but I haven't seem that many. So I definitely want to see this one =)

  30. sounds like a good movie, though I've never been a fan of classic movies i know i know i'm ill educated that way! lol

  31. This sounds fantastic. I'm definitely going to have to check it out!

  32. come to my blog, there's a gift for you :)

    jos xx

  33. Now you've got me curious about Natalie Wood and that movie, Sex and the Single Girl.

    Cool post.

  34. yeah, it must have been difficult to see natalie wood play a child that year. but my goodness, look at that young robert redford! what a looker!

    You should enter my Towne & Reese jewelry giveaway!


  35. I love the classics! I should watch this... rainy days are perfect!


  36. This is such a great review! There was a Robert Redford movie playing on Turner Classics chanel the other day but I missed it. I can't wait to see this! xoxoxoo

  37. I just added a new movie to my list!

    Nice blog, dear.

    Thanks for your comment about the pictures. Hope to see you around the blog again :)


  38. Thanks for visiting my blog(:

    Awesome post! I love classics!

    follow each other?


    xoxo Uyen

  39. Thank you for the comment. If you want to we can follow each other. I'm already following you.

    I like this post, it was interesting to read.


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  41. Dear Jennifer Fabulous,

    As someone who loves musicals, I really enjoyed this review, and I now want to watch this movie more than ever!

    Peppermint Snowdrift
