Friday, May 13, 2011

Paranormal Activity

I just got back from Illinois. I had no idea a three day trip could be so action-packed with horror.

I just had to share with you what happened:

As soon as my parents and I arrived to town after an eight hour drive, we discovered the hotel had given away our suite. And they had no other rooms left! Pissed, we went all over town looking for a hotel room. Every other major hotel in the city was booked for that night as well. Eventually, we managed to find two rooms at a shady little motel by the highway.

I was very distraught by the situation. My room looked like something straight out of a horror film. There were giant dark stains all over the carpet, the comforter, and the walls. The lamp kept flickering on and off, like a strobe light. I was too scared to sleep in the bed because I was worried it may have bed bugs or bodily fluids inside of it. I got no sleep.

The next day, I was exhausted. The funeral was lovely and had included a couple Swedish songs and funny stories about my great-aunt. Her son, my mom's cousin, is the COO (one step under CEO) of one of the biggest pizza chains in the world. To surprise him, 20 top executives from the headquarters flew the corporate jet and took chauffeured Escalades to the funeral. It was impressive.

The reception was held at an adorable Swedish restaurant where we all feasted on Swedish pancakes with lingonberry sauce, Swedish meatballs, pickled herring, and apple cake.

That afternoon, I went shopping with my cousin and aunts, but I was too exhausted to be any fun, and unfortunately, it showed. So we called it a day and went our separate ways before the evening.

To my delight, my parent were waiting with good news. The hotel which had lost our reservations the night before felt so bad about it, they were giving us two honeymoon suites FOR FREE that night!

Overjoyed with the news, I immediately gathered my belongings from the scary motel and I rushed to my new suite. I spent an hour soaking in the suite's heart-shaped jacuzzi with a glass of white wine and my mystery novel. It was like being in heaven.

Of course, things took a turn for the worse.

Snuggled on the couch in my big fluffy white robe, I was watching Criminal Minds and all of the sudden, the channel switched to CNN. I hadn't even touched the remote! Confused, I switched it back. But then, the channel switched, by itself, to the History Channel. Before I could reach for the remote, the volume on the television turned all the way up by itself!

I was so freaked out, I shut the television off and ran into the bedroom. I rationalized that the living room television was broken.

So, I started watching a Hilary Duff movie in the bedroom. But again, out of nowhere, the television turned off on its own and the lights in the bedroom turned off! I was officially scared. I ran out of bed, turned all the lights back on and called Rian, stuttering what was happening. He insisted I was overreacting and perhaps the electricity wasn't working. In the middle of his trying to comfort me, the clock radio turned on by itself and blasted an Usher song. I went to the clock radio and discovered that it was turned off but it was still playing music somehow! Shrieking, I unplugged the clock radio and the music stopped.

Rian was tired and I reluctantly got off the phone with him. A few minutes later, the hotel phone rang. I picked it up. There was nobody on the other end. All I could hear was static. My heart pounding, I unplugged the phone and submerged myself beneath the covers of the king bed.

I was so incredibly frightened. I wished with all my heart that I had been sharing a suite with my parents that night. It was that bad.

The next morning, I woke up after a restless sleep and went into the shower. I was going over the previous night's incidents in my head, when I looked through the glass door and saw a figure in front of me. I let out a blood curling scream and the figure screamed as well.

After a minute of hysterically screaming in the shower, I realized the figure was my mom. My parents had been trying to call me that morning but were worried because I wasn't answering my cell and the hotel phone was off the hook. So my mom got a key from the front desk and came in to check up on me.

It only took me five minutes to get dressed, quickly gather my belongings, and get the hell out of the suite that morning. What a nightmare!

And after an eight hour long journey, I am finally back home.

I need a drink.


  1. Oh my! that sounds terrifying! I wouldn't have stayed in that room. you are very brave to have slept in there after all of what happened... I hope you are ok x hugs x

    Love, Vanilla

  2. This is a knee-jerking story - I can't imagine what's it's like staying at a dreadful motel - you poor thing. And your shower story gave me quite a fright. You must be emotionally exhausted from all this - I think you need a long walk in the woods now;-)

  3. oh my oh my! that sounds awful! should have sued the asses off that hotel! by the sounds of it, you need a very, large drink!

    hope you get a nice restful and peaceful sleep tonight :)

  4. I'm not going to lie -- My heart was totally pounding the entire time I read that. I would have FREAKED the eff out. I don't handle these situations well at all. I probably would have curled into the fetal position on the floor and cried. Bahahahahahaha.
    Seriously, though.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  5. Oh my goodness Jenn! My four cocktail lunch just wore off and I'm frightened. I hope you get some rest now that you're safe and sound, back at home!

  6. Eek, so freaky. I'm taking it you never figured out what was going on. But I gotta say, corporate jets and chauffeured escalades does sound amazing.

  7. ha, ha - you can't beat a crap hotel to make a decent blog entry. I need to go an stay in an EcoLodge

  8. OH m word that sounds terrifying!!I have the most over active imagination possible, I wouldnt have been able to stay there!

    Hope your okay! :)

  9. AAAAAAH this sounds terrifying! And people wonder why I don't watch horror films!

  10. sounds like you found the Bates Motel! yikes,scary.

  11. Wow!!! That is freaky!!! I would have been so terrified!!! I probably would have went to my parents room, lol. I wouldn't be able to stay in that room alone.

  12. DUDE. I have so been there...with a basement apartment that Meg and I lived in in DC. Totally haunted! EEEK. You poor thing. My condolences to you and your family.

  13. wowwww what a crazy story. i think after the telephone rang i would have completely lost it, thats so scary! hope youre getting some real rest now <3

  14. Wow, I would NOT be able to sleep in either hotel after all of these occurrences! This could literally be a movie, you should write a book about this trip alone!

  15. Awesome blog! Feel free to stop by and follow me back at and also link up with Friendly Friday Follow

  16. ummm... i shouldn't have read this at night! I have a crazy poltergeist story but that's for DAYLIGHT only! hahaha! remind me to tell you later!

    Happy friday love! mwah!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  17. the hotel incident is pretty traumatic!

  18. that is so scary! i was expecting the haunting to occur in the motel not the hotel!

  19. whoa thats a scary experience.from a shady motel, where u would actually look fwd to finding the "psycho killer" u end up in the honeymoon suite getting shit scared!!!bummer!

  20. That is SO spooky! I never would have been able to sleep there!
    xo Josie

  21. wow, that was SPOOKY!
    and here i was thinking that it was the shady motel that u had to worry abt!

  22. Oh: Scary!! I got scared even reading this! I don't think I could have slept in that room. At least you're home now.

  23. Yay for honeymoon suites and that for free. Scratch that...I bet the hotel has some secret and knows that this exact suite kinda has its little perks and all. Haha. No way...I would have been so freaked out about everything happening in there, too. Holy cow!!! Your shower story was incredibly funny (sorry girl) but still super scary and I would have literally screamed too.

    Hope you got a super large drink, or even two!!! You totally deserve it!


  24. wow! sounds so strange!!! yummy the second pic :P

    have a nice weekend :D

  25. oh scary! Fab pics x

    Style, Celebs and Fashion

  26. So spooky, darling!

    But the heart shaped tub sounded awesome :)


  27. Wow, what a journey!!! Poor thing, all of this sounds exhausting and a scary movie worthy! Hoep you got lots of rest after you came back home!!

  28. Geez, that all sounds terrible! And scary...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  29. Sounds like you had quite the adventure! At least you got 2 nights free. Again, Im sorry for your loss. Have a great weekend XOXO

  30. Dear Jennifer, I'm glad that your strange journey has ended. You might hate me for saying this, but I think there is a dose of dark humour in it.

  31. I love the feeling when you're paranoid of fear :D It's not funny but the adrenaline rush is awesome! :D


  32. didn't i say you always have the best stories--the things that happen to you, jen fab!

    but seriously, i wonder if someone in the hotel was playing a trick or something bc that's just too freaky!

    but at least you are back home where you are safe from creepy hotels.

  33. oh you mean "pissed" as in angry. that sort of makes the story more plausible.

  34. im spooked reading this.....its really scary..take care girl!!!!

  35. That's scary... I've had a few ghostly experiences in my time and it's always extremely unsettling.. Is it possible that it wasnyour great aunt reaching out to you??

  36. I am so chicken that I would've left immediately running to my parents after the situation with the first TV. lol

  37. OMG Jennifer! I can't believe it! I was so happy for you when I was reading the part about getting a honeymoon suite for free! I think that if I were in your situation, I'll probably die of heart attack! I hope that it will never happen again! Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to treat yourself something special! That is one freaky hotel! xooxxoo

  38. OMG, that's sounds scary i hope you're fine now !!


    btw wanna follow each others ?

  39. What a scary story! I can imagine... I would go crazy if I had to stay in a hotel like that!
    Hope you are ok now!
    Hugs from Australia:)
    Marusya V

  40. Talk about a bittersweet weekend. That sounds absolutely dreadful. You definitely need a good stiff drink, I fact I'll have one for you.
    I love the way you write. xxx

  41. Maybe one night at the horror motel was worth it when you got the hotel suits=)

  42. That is totally crazy. Anyone would have had a crazy time staying in that room.

    Here's to hoping your weekend was normal!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  43. SOunds like a freaky weekend indeed! Glad you made it home safe! Get a drink - STAT! xo style, she wrote

  44. girl you are sooo brave!
    ps- so happy i stumbled on your blog!

  45. its so cool you had the free honeymoon suite! i think when you start getting scared about one thing everything feels even more scary after .

  46. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog :)
    That sounds really freaky. Did you ever ask about the history of the place?


  47. Oh dear I'm sorry to hear about your aunt! That is awesome about her son & the rooms!! =)

  48. Holy crap... I don't do "scary situations" well. That includes ghostie electric malfunction activity as well as gross motels. I say more white wine is in order!

  49. That is SO scary! I don't know how I would have been able to stay there all night! I would have run into my parents' bedroom I think, haha!

  50. To be honest, I'd always wanted to stay in a grungy motel at least once. So last year while on a road trip, I found this really crappy motel that was only $30 a night with wifi and a mini fridge in room. The room had bullet holes in the door, stains on the chairs and carpets, smelled like cigarette smoke, the bed was itchy, it was just the works. It was kinda like "roughing it" though and I liked it haha. I'm going again in December and I kinda wanna stay again just so I can show my boyfriend just how crappy it is.
    Anyways, I bet that honeymoon suite was pretty though. I can't believe all that shit happened to you! And to think, people have sex in there...with ghosts. I would have ran to my parent's room. Geez, your whole trip was crazy.

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