Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weekend with Julie

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to have my high school, college, and fellow blogging buddy Julie visit me from Ohio!

We had not seen each other in ten years! Isn't that crazy?!

When Julie got here, we had a girls day out with pizza and manicures and coffee. We also had a girls night out with our mutual friend Maryam.

It was spectacular fun! We went to eight different night clubs and bars around the city. Our favorite part of the night was downing spiced pear shots. They tasted like apple pie! Yum!

Another day, we went shopping with my friend Jonathon.

And then we went to the park and looked at the ducks, who were walking on icy ponds.

And then we spent the rest of the day at the art museum.

Oh, and we had a Golden Globes party later that night, of course. We loved admiring all the red carpet dresses (and making fun of some of them, haha!).

I was really sad to see her go home.

If you get a chance, make sure you check out Julie's blog. She offers delicious recipes, recaps about her awesome life, and normally chronicles her adventures as a runner (although she's been on hiatus recently due to doctor's orders).


  1. You must have enjoyed your weekend with Julie. She looks Fun. xx

  2. Love the duck! :D I was with my friends last weekend too :) looks like you had fun!

  3. Looks like u had a great weekend : )

  4. Your weekend sounds amazing! Also, that picture of the duck on the ice is so cool!

  5. 10 years? That's crazy long and yet you two seem like you had a blast catching up like you saw each other just last week.


  6. sounds like such a nice weekend :) also, and I should preface this by saying that i'm not a drinking woman, that pear shot sounds amazing.

  7. Those pear shots sound very dangerous. I don't usually drink, but this makes me want to. LOL!

    Is it fucked up that I laughed really loud when I saw those ducks walking on the ice? Don't get me wrong, I love animals. Especially birds. But that picture is just hilarious for some reason. Maybe I'm just a bitch.

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you had fun with your friends :) This is probably going to sound creepy, but you have such pretty eyes!


  8. Aw, this sounds like such a blast! Glad you had a fab weekend, gorgeous!
    xo Josie

  9. I love catching up with old friends- good for you! I'll have to check out her blog too :)

  10. oh gosh, that sounds so fun! catching up with friends is the best! :D

    <3, Mimi

  11. Sounds like so much fun! My best friend has been staying with me for the last few days so I definitely understand how great it is to have a friend visiting.
    Love the picture of the duck!

  12. 8 different night clubs and bars in one night? Wow! That's a lot :) And wow, whole 10 years... But its so awesome that you've kept the friendship alive through the years. Your time together sounds perfect to me - that's how I like it too, I like to cover everything, from museums, to walks throughout the town, to night clubs and bars!

  13. Glad you had fun with your friend! I am going to go check out her blog!

  14. aw what a fab weekend! great pics!

  15. seems like you had an amazing time...lovely pics...

    a kiss from the

  16. Looked like you guys had a lot of fun! Eight night clubs.. In one night? Goodness girl! Lol.

  17. Spiced pear shots? Wow! I want some of that.

  18. Glad you girls had an awesome time. You did some fun things. :D

  19. Oh that looked like a great weekend!! It's always so nice to meet up with old friends. I did this a couple months ago with my high school bff and it was such a fun week. It just sucks when they have to go back home.

  20. Sounds like a great time. I loved the photos!

    8 different night clubs and bars?!? If I tried to do that I guarantee they'd be peeling me off the ground by bar #4 or 5!

  21. Wow that's a lot of clubs and glad you had fun girl! Great pics. Xoxo.
