Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Creepy Fan Art

There are a lot of devoted fans in this world, who display their admiration and appreciation for their favorite celebrities with handmade artwork.

I've found some of the most disturbing.

Please enjoy!

Jennifer Aniston

Holy. Crap.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

A grown man spent days creating this bronze nude sculpture of the young pop star and his main squeeze. Umm...perhaps the teenage couple should put out a restraining order on this artist??

Robert Pattinson

There is no denying the Twilight fan who drew this portrait has skills. But she made this handsome actor look like a serial killer. Or somebody whose name should pop up when you're searching for sex offenders in your neighborhood.

Who is this celebrity?

If you guessed Justin Timberlake, you're correct! Seriously. (source)

Part II

Speaking of Justin Timberlake...yep. (source)


...poor SJP.

Whoopi Goldberg

As if this lovingly crafted digital illustration of Whoopi wasn't enough, the artist accompanies the piece with the passage, "She has been called Ishtar. She has been called Venus. She has been called Mary. She has been called Isis. She has been called Tara. She has been called Kali. She has been called many other things. Many have prophesied Her return. The new age slowly awakens -- the Goddess slowly awakens. Our primordial Mother! Today She is called Whoopi."

What do you think of this fan art?


Lemanie said...

I'll pass...I'm perplexed on the blueberry...and the girlie Justin Timberlake...WEIRD!!!

Lemanie's Randomness Blog said...

OMG, what a unique post and you're right totally creepy. I'm sure these celebs have fans that create all kinds of things LOL. That Jennifer Aniston one is so weird...thanks for sharing and stopping by.


Anonymous said...




poor sjp indeed.

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

WHY??!!!! LOL!!!

What is up with that blueberry?

Shannon said...

The above comment is Shannon from Sitting In A Tree...I have no idea why I'm showing up as anonymous. I'm logged in and shit. Huh.

Sarah said...

Haha this is so funny!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

hahaha what a great take on sjp. and the jennifer aniston one almost made coffee come out of my nose. THAT creepy.
xx jes

Mikaela said...

I can't stop laughing at these :D


Valeria said...

Cool, but SJP & J. Timberlake are WEIRD!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Gosh that made me laugh a lot ! The Justin bieber thing is so creepy ! hahahaah

Sherin said...

Haha! Some of these are SO creepy. Those Justin Timberlake ones are insane.

Arielle-HumblePieVintage said...

The SJP one actually looks like her just without hair. The creepiest one is the Justin and Selena one. I judge that guy. I think we all should lol

The Blonde Duck said...

I had a book publisher that's releasing one of my books ask me to do sketches. This killed that desire.

Anonymous said...

The SJP one is the best!!!!! hahah! Robert Pattinson looks like a dirt bag in real life and in that drawing. I think they did a fine job of capturing that lol. I don't get why he's hot. He's just not my type, I guess. Great post!

Mabel Time

Janelle said...


Bravoe Runway said...

WOWOWOWOW...that is something major! OMG a bald SJP? That is crazy and I didn't see JTT right away!

Josie said...

People have WAY too much time on their hands. Like, these made me nervous.
xo Josie

JUST ME said...

No, actually I think Robert Pattinson always looks like that. And insane elf. An insane elf serial killer.

Meri said...

WTF is my only response.... SJP? whaa??

Couture Carrie said...

Crazy portraits!
Poor SJP is right!


Style-Delights said...

OMG!! SJP picture will haunt me tonight after I go to bed!! LOL! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog
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Swarnali said...

The Jannifer Aniston one makes her look like a zombie,but i can pass taht one. But,Justin Timberlake in that girlie costume?? Seriously??
The best part was Whoopi Goldberg....and the special message accompanying it... :D

Tara said...

Oh my goodness...I don't even know what to say about these! The Justin and Selena one is...yeah. I don't even know.

Carmen Vogue said...

This is hilarious! I'm not sure which one was the scariest. I'm guessing the Jennifer Aniston or SJP drawing. Your blog is always interesting.


Carmen Vogue said...

This is hilarious! I'm not sure which one was the scariest. I'm guessing the Jennifer Aniston or SJP drawing. Your blog is always interesting.


Fictitious Fashion said...

with every art you showed.. I'm like 'whaaaat?' .. that is so disturbing... what were the fans thinking?? ur right.. dey weren't thinking at all :P

New outfit post is up <3


xxyy said...

hahah, I wouldn`t have guessed that`s Justin Timberlake in a million years. xx

Jillian said...

This is GREAT! Pure hilarity!

Poor SJP is right. And what's up with Whoopi cuddling a blueberry? I've gotta' say, these artists are very...creative.

Cafe Fashionista said...

I'm just going to say one thing...I believe I am officially scarred for life. These are HORRIFYING. :/

Anonymous said... funny!!!express yourself no matter what!!!

a kiss from the

Tights Lover said...

This post inspired me to create some fan art. I decided to make a sculpture of the Kardashians out of household trash.

I am already done.

I feel bad for Jennifer Aniston...I never realized her teeth were so bad. Wonder she got this far as an actress.

But I've gained new respect for Timberlake's style.

Unknown said...

hhahahha those made me giggle, great post! Aimee

Oh to Be a Muse said...

these are all fabulously creepy, so thanks so much for creeping me out today, Jen. my fave is probably the second JT fan art. how insane!

Chocolate Cookies & Candies said...

These fans must be REALLY obsessed seeing that they'd spent so much time on their artwork and sculpture! Either that or utterly mad.

socialitedreams said...

i just about died laughing....WOW

Coffee Cream and the Caffeine said...

Totally creepy ! I prefer on abstract art or fashion illustration :)

littlemissandrea said...

Hahaha laughed so hard. These are pretty bad.. why would anyone draw SJP without hair?!

Following you now, would love if you can do the same for me! :)

Daniella Robin said...

Wow, all these pieces scare the living daylights out of me. Now I am thinking, what is some people I know secretly make weird artworks of their favorite celebrities? Uh-oh.

Chi said...

really amusing :DD

Huda said...

You're right. Totally creepy, yikes. Those artists must be blind.

June said...

LMAO at RPatz the serial killer, Justin in a dress, SJP looks really good, besides the missing hair...
Fun post!

sherene said...

The weirdest pic ive ever seen lol.
But it's funny:))