Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Pink Chanel Lady

Her blood-splattered strawberry Chanel suit became the symbol for innocence lost. She was elegance. She was grace. She was all-American, yet worldly.

She was a Kennedy and then wasn't.

Designer clothes and bright smiles made her a legend, but her lips were sealed to the public.

This is what she said.

I always wanted to be some kind of writer or newspaper reporter. But after college...I did other things.

The trouble with me is that I’m an outsider. And that’s a very hard thing to be in American life.

You have to have been a Republican to know how good it is to be a Democrat.

If you mess up your children, nothing else you do really matters.

I am a woman above everything else.

There are two kinds of women, those who want power in the world and those who want power in bed.

One must not let oneself be overwhelmed by sadness.

I think my biggest achievement is that, after going through a rather difficult time, I consider myself comparatively sane.

The only routine with me is no routine at all.

What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown - watch the raindrops coming down the window pane?

The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship.

We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them.

I have been through a lot and have suffered a great deal. But I have had lots of happy moments, as well. Every moment one lives is different from the other. The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so, either.

The river of sludge will go on and on. It isn’t about me.


  1. She is still such an incredible influence today. What a woman of such strength, right? She was amazing.

    Great photos and quotes!

  2. i lover her style! she was a lady!

  3. wat a complete woman she was!!!
    fabulous quotes..just frm lifee

  4. Amazing post!
    Love all these pics!


  5. Jacqueline Kennedy was such a classy and gracious woman...I've always found her to be sincere based on what I've learned about her, and the statements you posted from her make that even more evident. And, of course, her style is timeless and beautiful, just like her.

  6. Beautiful posts, thanks for sharing so many inspirational quotes :)

  7. What a fantastic post! There will never be another Jackie!

    Stop by my blog and enter my giveaway!

  8. Thank you for this beautiful post. Jackie O is a classic beauty in so many ways...I adore her style, honesty, and the way she carried herself through so many difficult times (in the public eye no less!)
    Great quotes + photos!
    XO - Marion

  9. Wow--amazing quotes and incredible insight. The images were wonderful accents.

  10. I loved your post-what a breath of fresh air she was. I will never forget the day JFK Jr passed away...I was brought up knowing they were the kings and queens of camelot-American Royalty bc my father was about 14 when JFK was killed and he would tell me stories about all that. So I grew up admiring and appreciating all the history (good and bad) about these Kennedy's. She was an American Icon for sure-I love her quote about love...very insightful. I loved it Jen!! xox

  11. I LOVE this tribute to Jackie O. I actually saw a one-woman show, dedicated to her, recently and it was great!

    [your everyday girl,
    writing about guys]

  12. she is an awesome women and i like it...can't believe you are Indo Swedish!! weird strange but true

  13. She was an amazing woman,her style is evergreen. Her trademark over sized sunglasses "Jackie Os" are back in fashion now and they are my favorites. Lovely quotes :)

  14. What an inspiration! I've had her as a role model my whole life.

  15. She's so lovely. Jackie is such a major influence, and I love how she stays classy, elegant, and full of grace!

  16. What a great post! I've always thought she was such a good role model and a cool person.

    Mabel Time

  17. Everything about this post has me smitten. I've always said, since I was a little girl, Jackie is my favorite first lady. I spent nearly 30 minutes looking at her clothes in the Museum of American History the first time I saw the first lady exhibit. I had to be like 16 when that happened. She's just so classy, so amazingly stylish. But she does it all without being ostentatious. I love her. And I love you for posting this :)

  18. Wonderful post, Jenny, and you picked beautiful photos and quotes too. I always thought Jackie had style and class. When she and her husband visited Paris in the early 1960s, the French adored her, as did their old leader, tough cookie Charles de Gaulle. I believe Jack Kennedy famously declared in a speech about that visit: "I am the man who accompanied Jackie Kennedy to Paris!" ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  19. What a fabulous post! there's loads of quotes I hadn't read before adn some of those images are stunning, especially in India. x

  20. I loved her. She went through a lot of stuff! I think the history channel just released another documentary that showed local Dallas coverage of the assassination. It was so sad. Loved her sense of style. Great post Jennifer!

  21. I love the quotes. I feel like I can totally relate to her, as can a lot of women. She is so empowering.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  22. Great learning about her, thanks for sharing!

  23. Always loved her. :) Such an influential woman! Even today!

  24. Jacqueline was always ahead of her times in terms of style .
    Loved reading this post, it is refreshing to read such posts - and great collection of photos.
    Take care,

  25. hello dear! :)
    thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! :)
    great post here! she truly is an inspiration!


  26. what a great feature on the ultimate first lady (besides maybe Michelle Obama). I don't know much about her but she is so chic and makes me feel sad for some reason.

  27. I love her. I just. Love. Her.
    xo Josie

  28. Love this post, fabulous pictures and quotes. I love so many of the looks here and I agree with so much she said!

  29. She was definitely amazing. I love all the quotes. Her life could've eaten a lot of people up, yet she seemed to thrive in it to the very end.

    I see a lot of her in Michelle O. They both easily stand outside their husbands' considerable shadow, and they both do it with such a sense of style...

  30. Such an iconic and inspirational woman. Great post!

  31. Jackie O, what a rockstar and a great post! She oozed style and grace, you'd never catch her flashing her knickers!


  32. this was an amazing post. I've seen many of these photos, but I haven't read many of her quotes. She really is classy and inspirational!

  33. I really enjoyed this post. She was such a beautiful classy women! Great shots you chose of her too!!

    Xo Kelly

  34. So American and yet not so.
    I so enjoyed reading the quotes.

  35. I've never known her from this perspective - as a strong woman who had gone through pretty horrific times but stayed humble and gracious regardless. I love the little quotes that you inserted here. What wise words that we could all learn from. She's absolutely right about women. Even to this day, I know a lot of women who became depressed and aimless after their children have gone to school. Life without goals or aspiration is sheer drudgery.

  36. This is so inspiring post. I always love this lady, she was amazing and I adore her style.

    Christina @ Cheap Suits For Men
