Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Case of the Mysterious Neighbor

This is completely random, but there is something creepy going on and I had to share it with you.

My parents live in a picture-perfect suburban neighborhood. Think Leave it to Beaver or some shit like that. Two story houses. Manicured lawns. Kids playing outside. Etc.

Well, my parents' neighbor on the left side is this old man who rarely comes out of his house. Whenever he does, it is usually to scowl at people while he waters his lawn.When my parents moved in ten years ago, neighbors told them that this man has a wife who hasn't been seen in years. Like, she used to hang out outside all the time and then one day, she just stopped. It's like she went inside the house one day and never came out.

So, ten years go by and my parents have never seen this woman. It's like she doesn't exist.

A few months ago, my mom and I were walking in the neighborhood and this vintage blue Mercedes driving down the street screeched to a halt in front of us. The old lady driver with bright red lipstick rolled down her window and said, "Hello neighbors!"

We were confused and then stunned when she introduced herself as The Woman Next Door. The missing woman! She called herself Melissa.

"I was just on my way home when I saw you girls and wanted to say hi," said Melissa, with a big grin, showing red lipstick on her teeth.

She cheerfully went on to tell us that she's been watching our every move for the past ten years. She knew my mom's work schedule. She knew that I'd graduated college and moved out. She knew our names. She said she just sits at home and stares out her window at the neighbors every day.

She asked if she could have coffee with my mom some time. My mom suggested going to the coffee shop down the street.

"There's a coffee shop down the street?" Melissa asked, mystified. "When did it open?"

"Um, eight years ago," my mom replied.

She asked my mom for her phone number, but when my mom asked for Melissa's phone number, Melissa just smiled and drove away.

After that encounter, Melissa started showing up everywhere. We saw her walking outside. We saw her watering roses in her backyard. We saw her driving by.

When my mom told other neighbors that we'd not only seen Melissa, but talked to her, they were stunned. They didn't even know Melissa was out and about again after all these years.

A month ago, my parents and I attended a Swedish festival at a town one hour away. While we were sampling lingonberry sauce at a booth, we heard a "hello neighbors!" We turned around and there was Melissa, draped in a Swedish dress, bonnet, and apron. She looked like a giant mechanical doll from the "It's a Small World" ride at Disneyland.

When we walked over to her, Melissa said that she is Swedish, just like my mom. She talked my parents' ears off for almost 30 minutes. During this time, I found it odd that nobody else at the Swedish festival was in costume. And nobody was looking at Melissa strangely.

A couple days ago, Melissa called my mom and told her that she enjoyed making jewelry just like my mom does. She asked her to go to a jewelry fair. So, they went to the fair and had lunch afterwards.

My mom went back to the jewelry fair the next day because she had to pick up an order. When she asked the organizer of the fair if Melissa's order was ready, the man didn't know what my mom was talking about. He said he didn't remember my mom being there with anyone.

So, as a child of the R.L. Stine generation, I can only surmise this logical conclusion:

Melissa is a ghost.


  1. great post. that is creepy!

  2. Oh my gosh, Jenny! That is insane...this woman sounds creepy and awesome all at the same time!

  3. hahahaha honestly this sounds like a women with a grouch of a husband who either A)never had kids or B)kids moved out a long time ago, and she just got lonely and found comfort watching the children around her grow and achieve things. and i know it may seem creepy but its actually very common haha very good post deary i enjoyed it so much! :) i cant wait till the next one :)

    wishing you a lovely tuesday,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  4. that is rather bizarre - I was thinking of the same conclusion before you like came to it

  5. You just gave me CHILLS girl. I'm dying now. INTENSE.

  6. omg'd, i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!!! jennifer, that is W-I-L-D! Eeeeek!

  7. Okay so when is your first book coming out bc I am going to be the first to buy it! Damn girl youre an amazing writer! I was captivated until the end! Now I wonder though-has the husband showed up since her appearance...and perhaps just perhaps the husband is Melissa??? Dum dum dummmmmmmmm xox

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What!?! I love it!! That's awesome..need to call the Supernatural boys to come and salt her bones...if she has any!! How freaky, but so interesting at the same time. That was brilliant!! xx

  10. Is the for realsies?

    I want a ghost neighbor who wears red lipstick!!!

  11. Crazy crazy! She is totally a ghost. So weird.

  12. Definitely a ghost. But I read a lot of RL Stine, too.

    Has she ever been spotted with her husband?

  13. IIiiiiiiinteresting! So, maybe Melissa had some kind of sickness that had her locked up for 10 yrs? Either a mental illness, or a physical illness? And now she's feeling better? Who knows. I think your mom should just ask her straight up "why have you been hiding out for the past 10 yrs?" you MUST follow up on this post!!! :)

  14. LOL. Seriously, lol. While reading this I was trying not to convince myself that this Melissa was most certainly a ghost. But what other conclusion could there be? Consider yourselves fortunate that you guys are the only ones who can see her.

    I suggest you try to take a photo of her without her knowledge to see if she shows up in the image. I had a science teacher who hated photos and said they steal your soul...and this man taught science!

  15. Super creepy!
    Love your stories, darling :)


  16. When I was reading this, I immediately thought about those Criminal Mind's episode where those crazy people keep their kids or spouse in the basement.
    This is so creepy.

  17. Whoa. That's messed up!

    That definitely sounds like something Twilight Zone-ish (did I just date myself?).

    I'm trying to figure out if I'd prefer having a neighbor who knew that much about me or having a neighbor who was a ghost. ...I think I'm going ghost.

  18. OMG, so much to say, first R.L Stine and Point Horror books... loved 'em all as a kid!

    This is a funny & totally creeped out story - what has she been doing all these years? Secretly checking out your mail so she knows what's been going on in your life, whilst being couped up in her home making Swedish Meatballs? EH?

    Are there any other wacktastic neighbours?


  19. HOLY SHIT!!!!! Oommggggg how CREEPYYY!! I swear you have the bestest interesting stuff ever that happens to you. I am *so* coming to visit.

    OMG. never let your mom go in that house!!!

  20. hahahahhah What?!?! This is more "Fear Street" than "Goosebumps."

    Mabel Time

  21. what? is this a true story? you could write for wisteria lane hahaha!

  22. Scary but entertaining lol
    I cannot imagine how creepy yet exciting it is to actually meet, talk and have a coffee with a ghost:))

  23. oh my gosh is this for real? i really enjoyed reading this post, sounds like a movie or something! so what happened after the jewelry fair? did melissa show up again? this is so creepy! hehe

  24. Everything about this is beyond creepy.
    xo Josie

  25. That is the freakiest thing ever! I love your writing, you had me gripped right from the start! x

  26. Ohmigosh this gave me chills. Seriously. It's totally like the movie Monster House? Have you seen it? If not you need to rent it immediately.

    P.S. Hooray for R.L. Stine! I still read his books! :P

  27. WhaaaaT? My first visit to your blog and THAT's the story I get? YIKES. Totally drawn in and amazed by it. Love your blog.

  28. haha that is odd. Hmm..let's think. At first I assumed the husband killed her. But now I'm thinking their partners in some kind of crime ring and their trying to kill your mom, steal her identity, or do something somewhat scary. I'm very curious about this now. Pull a "lovely bones" and break into their house IF they ever leave. I'm so intrigued!

  29. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Wow this story was so creepy. Very good writing though, such suspense!


  30. I love this post. It's creepy and fantastic. I love the character description.

  31. Haha, I was just going to say this sounds like a Goosebumps story -- that is pretty creepy!

  32. O_o i was thinking the whole time that she is a ghost, omg! i'm a child of r.l. stein too lol, perfect twist

  33. oh my gosh is this for real? i really enjoyed reading this post, sounds like a movie or something! so what happened after the jewelry fair? did melissa show up again? this is so creepy! hehe
