Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Honky Tonk Town

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially back from Music City, otherwise known as Nashville, Tennessee.

There was some fabulousness mixed in with drama and stress, which I really don't want to get into right now.

So, I thought I would share with you my photos instead.

You will notice there are no photos of me. I have decided to boycott having my photo taken until I lose 20 pounds.


One of my favorite things to do in Nashville was go shopping, of course.

Downtown Nashville boasts an area called "Music Row" where all the country western bars, shops, restaurants, and clubs are located. It's a colorful spot. Kind of reminds me of a Las Vegas themed Mayberry.

There were so many cool vintage stores there, selling everything from cowboy boots to leather jackets.

I bought a special edition Dolly Parton CD at this 63-year-old record shop.

Elvis was everywhere!

I spent one day touring the Belle Mead plantation, which was home to one of the wealthiest southern families during the Civil War. It was breathtakingly gorgeous. I edited this photo to make it look like I had taken it during that time period. It looks more haunting that way, I think.

This is where the family who owned the plantation was buried. I got chills being there. Since it was a chilly day, my family had the place pretty much to ourselves.

This is a servant's cottage along the property.

I mocked this horse, but he either ignored me or played dumb, so I didn't receive a response.

I also toured the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Grand Ole Opry, which are not pictured here. (The photos weren't as exciting).

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Did you miss me?


  1. i love those pictures!!!! i love the pictures of the plantation the most! :) you look like you had a blast!!! :) thank you so much for sharing these lovely pictures! :)

    wishing you a lovely week,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  2. Well of course we missed you. And what is this nonsense about not having your picture taken until you lose 20 pounds? Did you try the "Elvis diet" while you were in TN? (bad joke, I know :-) Great to see all these pics since I have never been to the "Honky Tonk Town." At least you established one thing: You do not speak horse! :-) A bientôt crazy girl. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Haha, too fun! I've never been there but I'd love to.
    xo Josie

  4. Looks marvelous. Shopping for vintage is always good. And I love this house, it's amazing!! Glad it was fun :) xx

  5. Looks like you had a lovely time!

  6. Did miss you, darling!
    Awesome pics ~ must visit Nashville someday.


    P.S. That yellow maillot you pinned is incredible ~ will be including it in an upcoming "CC Loves..." post :)

  7. Oh yeah, and I agree with the other peeps, you do NOT need to lose 20 pounds. You are gorgeous and magnificent, duh!


  8. Oooh, so colorful! Nashville looks like a blast. I like cities that still have local music stores and vintage stuff like that. I may have to add that city on my list of places to visit one day.

  9. ah nashville - i love it there! i went last memorial day and cannot wait to go back!

  10. Yes, I missed you greatly. Hope you had a fabulous time and there wasn't TOO much stress. Love your pictures. They look completely different from anywhere I've ever been. It looks like such an interesting and fun location to visit.

  11. we missed you. looked like a fun trip. : )

  12. Of course we missed you! Nashville looks amazing. I want to go. Music Row particularly looks like so much fun!

  13. I have been living vicariously through you on Facebook since I don't think I will be going anywhere this summer. It sounds like you had an awesome time!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  14. Looks like fun! I've always wanted to go to Nashville!

  15. hi Jennifer! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. These pictures are lovely - in fact your entire blog is lovely :)


  16. I've never considered myself a little bit country; but oh these pictures are adorable. I literally want to live here - at least for a little while. Cuteness!

    P.S. Thank you, thank you for your comment about Cafe Fashionista's new look, and my profile picture. You're so sweet! Honestly, I would love to start doing outfit pictures, I just don't have a camera (I take all pictures right now with my iPhone). Maybe if I stopped buying shoes I could afford a good one for outfit posts. :P

    Gah! I wish we lived near each other; I think we would have such a blast - shopping, The Vampire Diaries marathons...it would be amaze! :)

  17. That place looks AMAZING! & considering how much my dad is into Elvis, I'm keeping this on my list of places to travel to! Awesome post!

    xx Corinne

  18. Great pics, I have similar-ish snaps from a visit a long time ago.

    Hope you had a great time love!

  19. nice pictures!


  20. wow... never been to Nashville, but one day I will. Looks cool, and as always great pics

