Friday, May 4, 2012

My top 5 pinterest recipes

I do this weird thing where I actually make the recipes I pin on pinterest.

Strange, right?

Well, I've made quite a few recipes so far, and some turned out okay and others turned out disgusting, but there were five that really stood out for me.

I've been going through so many recipes, this might actually be a regular feature on my blog (maybe monthly?).

Here are my top five recipes I definitely think you need to try:

Overnight Fridge Berry Oatmeal

I initially found this recipe through Glamour magazine, and they got it from the Busy Mommy blog.

This recipe is so easy to make, it's almost a joke. You basically spend two minutes putting the ingredients together in a bowl at night and sticking it in the fridge for breakfast the next morning.

It is unbelievably healthy and undeniably delicious. I had never had oatmeal cold before, so I initially was a bit nervous to try it. My fears went out the door as soon as I took the first bite. Amazeballs.

Plus, you can do this recipe over and over again with different variations. Don't like berries? Use apples! Use peaches! Use peanut butter and banana! Well, you get the point.

Words cannot describe how much I love this salsa. This recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod is the best one I have ever found. And I've been looking for the perfect salsa recipe for 20-some years. Yeah, since birth.

You can make it as spicy as you want (I'm generous with the jalapenos) and it tastes too good to be healthy. But it is healthy. Sickeningly so.

Be warned. This recipe makes a lot of salsa. You most likely will have leftovers. I've only made it twice in the past month, and it feels like I've been eating it every single day. It's perfect for parties.

I'm not going to lie. I didn't like this salad from Expresso and Cream. So why is it in my top five recipes? Because my parents LOVED it. That is a big deal. They are so picky. The reason I didn't like the salad wasn't because it wasn't good. It was because I don't like sweet salads. Just the thought of Waldorf salad makes me shudder. But if you like that kind of stuff, this salad is perfect for you.

This salad is fresh and light and perfect alone for lunch or with soup/sandwiches for dinner. It made such a big impact on my parents last week, they actually still talk about the salad today. Wistfully. Like eating that salad was their once-in-a-lifetime trip to Paris.

They're so making it again this weekend.

Ever since my trip to New Orleans in 2003, I have been searching for the perfect muffuletta recipe. I've literally tried dozens. Of course, the most common-sense one was right under my nose at Panera Bread.

If you want a taste of New Orleans, you definitely need to try this sandwich. I suggest using the olive salad from Trader Joe's, if you're lucky enough to have one in your city.

Again, this recipe is incredibly easy to make. If you can tell by the recipes I've listed here so far, I'm not big on spending hours in the kitchen.

This is literally melt in your mouth chicken. I was skeptical by the name, but it truly lives up to it. This might actually be the holy grail of chicken recipes, if done correctly. I fell in love the first time I made it.

It is perfect for a Sunday night dinner, with some steamed veggies and a baked potato. Sometimes I love comfort food and this definitely falls in that category.

It has a very buttery, moist taste to it, which I think you'll love. (Given you aren't a vegetarian, ha).

Do you think you will try any of these recipes?

(Don't forget to check out the other recipes I've tried on my pinterest board!)


  1. The oatmeal recipe sounds scrumptious. Happy cooking!

  2. I am so going to try the berry oatmeal! I just have to find frozen berries here in the supermarket. I think it would make a really delightful snack for the whole family.

  3. i've wanted to try that oatmeal! thanks :)

  4. I want to try the oatmeal one!! I think I'll do that this weekend!! =)

    Lemanie's Randomness Blog

  5. OMG I have GOT to try that salsa recipe...thanks for posting, now I have that just in time for cinco :)

  6. I think this should be a monthly update. I've tried maybe 5 or 6 recipes from pinterest and haven't found one that I needed to share. Perhaps I'll use you as my pinterest recipe reviewer. :)

  7. Wow, all of these recipes and pictures look so yummy! I might have to try one of these for myself!

  8. these all look delicious! i want to try the melt-in-your-mouth chicken! ;)

    <3, Mimi

  9. mm steamed veggies, thats my fav way of eating them!!

  10. Now I'm hungry! Thank you!! Love the salad, fall inspired or not - love it!

  11. They all look lovely! I need to start some proper cooking and prove to myself that there is more to recipes than cake!

  12. looks yummy but sorry - Pinterest is for girls...

  13. Mmmm.. New Orleans muffulettas! There's so much good food in NO. Every time I go though, I splurge on seafood. It's the very best! All great recipes, thanks for sharing!

  14. I love pinterest for food inspiration. Although, I've yet to cook something from there. Need to try one of these.

  15. These look delightful...I love cooking and baking and I'll most definitely try these..the oatmeal one sounds heaven :)) Hope you have a fabulous weekend doll, your comment was brilliant...glad to see another obsessed with the 1920's!!! Have fun ;) xx

  16. Mm mm, I'm looking for easy, healthy recipes these days and you've just helped. I like cold or hot oatmeal plus yogurt, and a sweet salad always works for me. Thanks, Jennifer!

    Be well.

  17. Uh, so that muffuleletta sandwich literally made me drool. As an Australian with a deep spiritual feel for all things deep American south, this sandwich pretty much spoke to me. I think I was supposed to be born in 1910, in New Orleans. Midnight in the Garden Good & Evil is pretty much my bible. Honestly, I think I have a spiritual connection somehow to North America's south roots. I spologise if this offends anyone, but I do..

  18. They all look delicious!! :D the oatmeal recipe deserves a try!!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Oh my gosh, these all look delicious...I'm going to have to start trying out recipes this summer since I won't have a meal plan at school. I am going to try some of these!

  20. I could eat a bucket full of salsa. It's so good.

    Mabel Time

  21. I think I need to check out this whole pinterest thing! I sound like i live in the dark ages! I am like you, I don't really like sweet salads but the autumn chopped salad does look good. I can't cook so I'll probably try to make the overnight oatmeal...

  22. Ooh I am all over these recipes - the oatmeal sounds fabulous and so easy!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  23. Well check you out miss domestic goddess!

    I'm addicted to and I often try new things out from there - WARNING - don't go there til you've eaten or you'll be drooling over the computer!

  24. I am so unbelievably excited for prime tomato/ onion / pepper season so I can make batches and batches of fresh salsa! Right now I'm still just buying jars until summertime, but soon I'll try that recipe!

  25. That chicken sounds AMAZING. I'm a hardcore Pinterest addict too -- it's bad.
    xo Josie

  26. oh darling these look delicious i will be using all of these recipes shortly!! thank you ever so much for this post it is amazing :)

    Wishing you a lovely start to your week,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  27. Going to try the oatmeal recipe.
    We nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! Check out our blog for more details. Have a fabulous day!

  28. I cannot wait to try that oatmeal recipe..I love the idea of it! Mmm...and having it cold will be perfect for those warm summer mornings.

  29. Hey, thanks for including my oatmeal recipe :) I also have a delicious (and similar) Pumpkin Oatmeal with Cinnamon Sugared Pecans AND an iced coffee oatmeal. If you're interested here they are. My favorite out of the three oatmeals is the Pumpkin... the berry is a close second.
