Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(Not So) Society Girls

I've always felt very strongly that I was switched at birth.

I just know my real parents are out there, waiting for me in their mansion, desperate for me to come home to their billion dollar arms.

It's tragic.

Anyway, I've decided to showcase three incredible women who are living my life.

These heiresses chose not to be the Paris Hiltons of the world. They grew up with passion. They worked hard to achieve their goals. They went to college. They've held internships. Now, they're ready to take on the world.


Dasha Zhukova (The Art World It Girl)

Her father is a Russian billionaire and her mother is a biologist. She was raised in the United States, partly in Houston and partly in Los Angeles.

The 30-year-old is queen of the Russian arts scene, after founding the legendary Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, which is basically a prominent venue for artists in Moscow. It holds conferences, workshops, and meetings for the who's who of the modern art world.

The stunning socialite is currently dating a middle-aged billionaire, Roman Abramovich, who has a shady past. He has powerful political ties in Europe and boasts 40 body guards, making him the most protected businessman in the world. He actually left his wife and five kids for Dasha. The two have a son together.

Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis (The Fashion Journalist)

This German beauty was the first princess to have a blog (appropriately titled The Princess Diaries). The writer and editor, living in London, journaled about her love for high fashion, her passion for art, and her globe-trotting, glamorous life. She ended the blog a couple years ago, promising her followers she was going to write a book.

The 30-year-old is currently the Style Editor-at-Large for Vogue Magazine. She has also written a book, "The Faith of Children," which chronicles her spirituality and her life as a royal.

Holly Branson (The Girl Next Door)

Holly is the daughter of Sir Richard Branson, a British billionaire who founded the Virgin mega-brand. Ever since she was a little girl, Holly dreamed of being a doctor. Yes. An actual physician. The 30-year-old beauty recently achieved her goal and got married to her high-school sweetheart. She also helps out with her father's business.

Although the blue jean clad Holly leads a simple life and often jokes she would make a very, very boring reality show, she is actually just being modest. The outgoing socialite is extremely close friends with the British royal family, particularly William and Kate. Her wedding ceremony took place on her father's private Caribbean island. Oh, and she's gorgeous. Not such a simple life, is it?

What do you think of these girls? Which one is your favorite?


  1. Wow, all these ladies are great! What great inspirations.

  2. Holly is my kinda girl. Dasha is a loser in my eyes. Any woman who feels the need to be with a man who is married is a loser in my book. But I feel your pain... So does make the world go around. xox

  3. I think they're all amazing! What a refreshing change to see these smart, talented women DO something with their lives rather than rest on their family's fortune and social status.

  4. Wow..these women are so amazing...making a niche for themselves. I loved Holly...she reminds me so much of Reita Faria. She turned to be a doctor to fulfill all the philanthropic promises she had made when she was crowned Miss World.

  5. Marvelous...I wouldn't mind their lives for a bit!! xx

  6. To tell you the truth, the Russian one is a bit creepy.

  7. These heiresses are totally living my life. I love that they're all actually doing something with their lives as opposed to the like of Paris Hilton.

  8. I stumbled across this blog yesterday and i am so glad i did, not many bloggers praise women who have really achieved something and despite their money and wealthy lifestylethey choose a simpler one. such an inspiring post thank you for writing this down your posts are always the best ones.
    p.s i was wondering if you could check out my blog, no pan intented, it's up to you to check it out, comment or follow. I am just trying to get more readers and chat with more bloggers hope i don't bother you.

  9. Holly is my favorite. Probably because I"m not cool enough to fully "get" art.

    I always wished I came from money, but I'm not kidding myself. I'd probably end up more like Paris it's probably a good thing I was raised on Ramen Noodles. :)

  10. Love them all!
    Fantastic post!
    I think I was an heiress in another life :)


  11. I think that Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis is my favorite - I love the idea of her blogging and being a force in the fashion journalism scene.

    P.S. If you're looking for a hot pink nail color that borders on a neon effect, I have to recommend Sinful Colors 24/7 - it is GORGEOUS. Not to mention super affordable. You can find it at Wal-Greens. :)

  12. They are beautiful, talented and highly privileged.

  13. These ladies are all pretty incredible... Holly comes across as someone very modest, given her background/family.

  14. I love Holly Branson! Heck, I love all 3 of these girls because even though they came from money, they made something of themselves! I have a lot of respect for these ladies, and Dasha is gorgeous!

  15. funny that switched at birth thing happened to me too - my real folks live in Monaco - right. Yeah Roman is creepy and he owns Chelsea football club.

  16. Holly is so pretty! You write great posts!!

  17. I do find society girls kind of fascinating! I'll have to check out the Princess Diaries

  18. These women are all 30?!?!

    I've got one more year to get uber accomplished, I guess.

  19. Wow, this is so encouraging. Women creating an identity outside of their titles! Damn...the don't even need to use credit cards I bet. I'm officially jealous then.


  20. I love that these girls have, per se, real lives. Brilliant.
    xo Josie

  21. I think Holly sounds the most down to earth given her money and status. Plus, j think it is sweet that she married her high school sweetheart and followed her dreams.

  22. I really like Holly Branson. She seems so sweet and down to earth. Dasha is gorgeous but the bit about the boyfriend is a bit shady.
