Friday, June 22, 2012

The Tejano Princess

Young, gorgeous, and vivacious.

It was rare to see Selena Quintanilla-Perez without a glowing smile. Her laughter was contagious. Her music was heartbreakingly magical.

At 23, the Texas beauty was murdered by the president of her own fan club.

The last word she heard before she collapsed to her death was "bitch."

Nothing is fair.

I had a very boring childhood because I never had the opportunity to associate with anybody my own age due to my career.

Although my Spanish is a little weak I feel that I am Mexican. I'm very proud of my roots and ever since I was little we played English music and country music aside from Tejano. It was something very natural for us.

I only dance with people I know. I don't dance with strangers unless they ask my dad for permission. I also enjoy seeing other people dance. Then I go backstage and practice the steps I saw.

The life of an artist isn't all glamorous. It's a lot of work. A lot of people think it's very easy. They think you always stay in good hotels, you buy good things, but it's not like that. You have to work hard like everybody else.

Really and truly, I can't imagine myself having an everyday job and going into an office. I love business. I have my own business aside from singing, but I can't picture myself going to the same place everyday. I don't know, it would be kind of a drag to me, I guess. I have gotten so used to traveling now.

I think I'm very a kindhearted person. I don't like to hurt people's feelings. If I do, it's not intentionally. I'm sincere and very honest. And I feel that nowadays a lot of people have lost that, but I think that starts in the home. My parents have taught me that. Being fair with people.

The reason I'm so appreciative of everything that's going on around me is cause I never expected it. Never dreamed...never in my wildest dreams thought I would come this far and I plan to keep that attitude.

What I do on stage, you won't catch me doing off stage. I mean, I think deep down I'm still kind of, like, timid and modest about a lot of things. But on stage, I release all that; I let it go.

So you can imagine how I felt when they called out my name. I cried in the back. It was just a great feeling.

If you have a dream, don't let anyone take it away.


  1. I used to watch the movie when I was younger and bawl my eyes out. I refuse to watch it now, even! She was absolutely beautiful, and her music was spectacular...she was so gifted.

  2. Every time I watch her movie it makes me cringe, which is why I can no longer watch her movie. I can't believe that crazy lady would kill this beautiful soul.

  3. Loved her. Unfortunately, I only got into her music after her publicized death. Did you ever see the Behind the Music where they interviewed that woman (the fan club prez)? I believe it was her only televised interview. She is absolutely out of her mind.

  4. Love Selena and her music. It lives on for sure. I cry every time I watch her movie. Beautiful post!

  5. she is sensational!

    Maybe you have time to read my New Post- Viviana India


  6. I forever picture J.lo's face every time someone says Selena. Shameful, I know.

  7. Great post. I remember her death like it was yesterday. I worked with several people who were huge fans of hers. I think it was pretty devastating to an entire culture...

    Have a great weekend Jenny Benny ;).

  8. Such a sad story. We had to watch this movie in high school. I remember it very well.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  9. I love her! She was and still is so amazing, even though she's sadly gone. I remember when that happened to, I was in highschool. Very sad time. My friends were so upset. I loved the movie they did on her too, she had this voice that just floated through. Just beautiful!! xx

  10. Love her-love her music-she was just beautiful in every way! xox

  11. She seems so amazing: such a tragedy she died so young.

  12. You know what I love about your blog? I read & learn about people I would otherwise have never known about. Even the tragic stories are great to read. I'm glad you share these life stories. xx

  13. A heartbreaking bio.
    Love the last line of your post.


  14. I just had someone tell me I should feature Selena as one of my Ladies of the Week! I watched the movie when I was younger and then my mom told me about the true story. I loved her music! They did good casting in that movie too.
    Great post!

  15. Celebrating her life and work here was very beautiful, but somehow it's a sad story... I mean, amazing what she achieved, but very sad the way her life ended... although her life goes on through her work and her fans!
    Beautifully written post!

  16. Celebrating her life and work here was very beautiful, but somehow it's a sad story... I mean, amazing what she achieved, but very sad the way her life ended... although her life goes on through her work and her fans!
    Beautifully written post!

  17. Great post! :)

    Thank you for your wonderful comment in my previous post <3

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  18. I remember the day she died. I was a senior at St.Mary's in San Antonio. The entire city mourned. Such a loss.

  19. She was so spunky, bright, and beautiful. What a tragedy.

  20. I loved Selena!!! Tragically, I only found out about her music and life right after she died. Such a nice person and wanted the best for everybody. Her husband (Chris) is on facebook and is SUCH A SWEETHEART. He talks to people on there like he knows them and shares everything about his life. He married again, but it must have not worked out. But he has two lovely children that he adores and is currently autographing books that will be for sale soon regarding Selena. You can tell his heart aches for her. I felt for her family.

  21. Thank you for writing about her! I remember dancing to her songs with my cousins before she died. Her voice was always on the radio. She was beautiful and so talented.

    Now let's talk about JHo. In the Hispanic community, it was quite the controversial subject that they picked a Puerto Rican to play a Mexican. Selena was (and still is) a pretty big deal to us Hispanic folks. She was our musical princess. Honestly, I think JHo owes Selena her career. This role was HUGE.

    I remember seeing an interview with the bitch that killed Selena. They asked her why she did it and she said she wouldn't say and that she would take that secret to the grave. Those words haunted me for years. There is so much more to the story and I hope one day we can find out.



  22. That last quote says it all. I remember my cousins talking about her when we were in school and they were on vacation in India and I remember thinking, "How can people just shoot people like that?"
