Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good Looking Man About Town

As most of you know, my best friend Jonny has been in town for the past two weeks. It has definitely made my summer a lot brighter!

Jonny, who is an actor and singer in New York City, has decided to pursue a career in modeling as well. A modeling agency has already expressed interest in him!

So, Jonny and I recently went around town for a a fun little photo shoot, to help him practice. I took all these photos and then edited them. Actually, the only photo which has not been touched is the second photo, because I thought it turned out quite striking on its own.

Here are the results:

Which photo is your favorite?


  1. Number two and three are outstanding! His sense of style is killer! So excited for him that hes doing so well here-yeah!! xox

  2. i think these photos are fantastic! he definitely looks like a model! :)

    <3, Mimi

  3. He looks like a dancer in that second pic the way his feet are positioned. I like the last one with the lighting effects!

  4. Your friend is gifted, and your photos aren't half bad either. May I mention that he looks a LOT better than that guy in your recent nightmare?! :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. I like the last photos, so sexy and confident.
    Great photos:))

  6. you're both talented- nice photos! and glad you guys are having fun :)

  7. Those are some great snaps!! I loved the second one and the last one (for the color effects). Glad you're having a great time :)

  8. How fun! You did such a great job. I love the first two!
    xo Josie

  9. Johnny looks fierce! He can definitely take professional photos.

    When you get a sec, please check out my new blog and follow me! Have a lovely day!
    * * * glamBLOUSE * * *

  10. I love the b&w one and the last one, really gorgeous set of photos, you did an ace job. Am glad to hear you had fun with your friend :)) Have a fab week doll xx

  11. I love your Johnny posts! He looks amazing in all the pictures. Especially love the third one.

  12. LOOOOVE the B&W one. Good job photographing and editing too. I could see these on a magazine, lady.

  13. I'm so happy that you've had Jonny around for awhile. I love all the pictures. It is so cool he is into music and modelling because that's what I'd do if I could haha. It must be so interesting. Love the bright colours. I wish all men dressed like this.

  14. Lovely photos! This guy has something really interesting about him. I like the three first ones the most. Can't decide which one is the best! You seem to have an eye for photography as well :)

  15. Jenny, this is an outstanding photo shoot. With your photography skills, and your friend's excellent poses... fabulous! Love that second shot!

  16. Amazing photos. You've definitely both got talent! I really love all of the shots!

    Hope you're having a good week!

  17. wow jen! i'm loving all of them. i can't pick one, because they're all gorgeous and unique. i love that last one too. hahaha glad he's in town and you two are having a great time.

  18. I love them all! He's gorgeous and such a good model. And you're a fab photographer!

  19. Jonny! You're adorable!

    I like the last picture, but honestly...all of these are great pictures. He's got style. And you know how to take some good pictures.



  20. Your friend has an amazing really gorgeous dress sense. I love his clothes, I would wear them myself, his hair looks really amazing too.
    tell him to keep it up from me.
    am following you, please may you follow back

  21. The last one is my favorite! I wish good luck to him, very nice pictures!

  22. The last one is my favorite! I wish good luck to him, very nice pictures!

  23. I liked that second photo when I saw it on FB. Loving the one in black and white too. B&W photos always look so great.

  24. Clothes-wise, I really like the first two. And, in all, I like number two.

  25. Wow, great photos J! I love the last or 3rd from last photos the best!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living
