Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Think We're Alone Now

I'm sorry for disappearing off the face of the planet for the past week.

I've been swamped with work, plus my best friend Jonny is in town, so I've been spending most of my free time with him.

In between attending city council meetings, writing stories, and sipping cocktails with my bestie, I managed to sneak in a short, very entertaining documentary, which was suggested to me by my blog friend, Jillian.

This jaw-dropping documentary, I Think We're Alone Now, focuses on two crazy ass men who are in love with Tiffany.

Yes, Tiffany. The teen pop princess from the late 1980s.

Even though her star has faded in the music world, the suffocating, mind-whirling love these men share for her hasn't waned a bit since 1988.

There is Jeff, a 57-year-old autistic man who has been charged with stalking Tiffany numerous times. He's shown up at every single concert and appearance she has given in the past 24 years. He has been arrested for trespassing at her home and also for brandishing a sword near the pop star.

The other crazy ass stalker is Kelly, a intersexual (hermaphrodite) who is practically homeless, but holds on to his passion for Tiffany like a light in the dark. The walls of his dilapidated apartment are adorned with Tiffany photos and song lyrics.

I think what creeps me out the most is that both of these grown men genuinely believe Tiffany has a special connection with them.

Jeff says, despite the numerous restraining orders the singer has put on him, he is Tiffany's closest and dearest friend. He said they share a bond no one else in the world will ever have. He said Tiffany calls him up at night, just to tell him that she considers him the most important person in her life.

Kelly, on the other hand, is madly in love with Tiffany. When the aging pop star got married a few years ago, Kelly's world came crashing down. Kelly can't even talk about Tiffany's husband without shaking in fury. The stalker believes his destiny is to be with Tiffany romantically one day. Kelly is frustrated nobody else can see it.

Both men have met Tiffany. And while she was nothing but super sweet with them, you could tell Tiffany was completely freaked out. She's known Jeff her entire adult life (the guy has stalked her since she was 16 for god's sake). Meeting Kelly for the first time, after a concert, was clearly a strange moment for the middle-aged mom.

Despite their obvious psychoticness, the documentary shows a vulnerable, and almost innocent side to these men. They're both so eerily interesting and their lives are so much more than obsessed fans.

I highly recommend this documentary.


  1. Ha. Seems like a interesting documentary. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Yes! You saw it! Wasn't it fascinating? I totally agree that it showed a very personal and vulnerable side to both these people, in spite of the obsessiveness. Neither of them seemed like they wanted to hurt anyone, they just wanted to see Tiffany and be near her.

    I'm not sure if it says it in the documentary, but I know that that guy, Jeff, stopped stalking Tiffany and started stalking Alyssa Milano!

  3. YESSSS! I actually saw this and loved it. Totally agree on the recommendation.

  4. WHOA....this is very VERY bizzare. Especially the fact that she was an 80s sensation! I don't know what is more weird, these two or that Miley fan you talked about a few weeks ago.

  5. This one sounds really interesting, adding it on my download list. Thanks :)

  6. that's so funny, the second i saw the title i started humming the song!
    Xo Megan

  7. This sounds totally creepy and fantastic...right up my alley!! It reminds me that my husband had a crush on Tiffany back in the day, and now I am more creeped out. LOL!!

  8. Great recommendation. I loved this doc. It's creepy but there is relatable human-ness to both guys.

  9. This takes uncomfortable to whole new levels. Hope you and Jonny are having a ball!
    xo Josie

  10. Yikes. Can I just say creepy with a capital C?! Hope you are having lots of fun with your friend! xo.

  11. Oh wow. Sounds interesting. I guess that's one (of many) downsides to be a celebrity: creepy fans.
    But I can imagine the very vulnerable side to people like this too.

  12. Wow - this sounds really interesting - poor Tiffany though - how creepy !!



  13. Wow. This does sound really odd. I have to see it now! I wonder what Tiffany really thinks of these guys?

  14. You are the queen of finding creep-tastic documentaries and uber-fans. These guys definitely fall into both categories - though lean a bit more towards the creep-tastic side. :P

  15. Wow. Tiffany. Blast from the past!
    Sounds like a really interesting documentary!

    Glad you are having lots of fun with your bestie :)


  16. That sounds immensely fascinating, I must try and find it.
    Have a fab time with your bestie! x

  17. wow....I need to see this! (With the lights ON haha)

  18. thanks for your sweet comment! that looks really interesting i will have to check it out! i have two brother that are autistic so i understand that kind of behavior pretty well


  19. Wow very interesting..... Definitely need to check this out!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!

    The Urban Umbrella


  20. That sounds like such an interesting documentary!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. That seems so cool/creepy. Might need to check it out :) I'd forgotten about Tiffany!

  22. Hey no worries, it's hard to keep up w/ blogs sometimes but it's a all good! Thanks so much for your sweet comment :) I know i love the recipes on pinterest!

  23. If I see this on TV, I will definitely stop and watch it. Jeff and Kelly are both crazy obsessed, but at least Jeff has somewhat of an excuse...although he's still creepy. I hope they keep their distance.

  24. yikes! these are not stories I should read before bed hahaha...

  25. That title brought me back to the 80s. :) Very interesting, a bit creepy though, I must admit. I may have to check it out. :)

  26. That would freak me out too! I loved Duran Duran, but never like that. HaHaHa Oh Gawd! Girl, enjoy your life and have fun. We will all still be here.

  27. thanks for the comment and for the suggestion!
    kiss from italy


  28. God this is so tragic, poor tiffany being on the receiving end of this horrendous and unatural obession and for so long.

  29. LOL! I'm sorry, but this is just so awesome for some reason. I mean, it's sick (clearly) but now I want to go see the movie. Thank you for sharing, Jen. Is this a recent documentary? I'm going to look it up right after I leave this comment.

    Good night!

