Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's in my bag?!?

I've been blogging for three and a half years. Maybe more. I'm not exactly sure. There's been a lot of drinking involved. JUST KIDDING. (Kind of).

Anyway, over the years one post that always pops up on various fashion blogs I follow is the "What's in my Bag?" feature.

Girls empty their designer purses and take photos of what was in them.

"Oh look, there's my brand new Chanel lipstick! And my Prada sunglasses. Omg I totally forgot I randomly had this diamond skull Alexander McQueen ring in my purse! Silly me!"

You get the point.

Well, I decided to share with you what is in my bag. You might be surprised what's in it! I might be surprised what's in it!

Here we go:

Holy shit. Why did I have so much crap in my purse?!

Let's take a closer look at some of the items:

There's a smattering of receipts from fine dining establishments, such as Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, KFC, and Fire House Subs.

On closer look, it appears that at 10:26 p.m. on July 9, I really, really needed three tubs of hummus and two cartons of goat cheese from my local grocery store.

There is a note telling myself "Don't do it!!!" which terrifies me, because I have absolutely no idea what I'm not supposed to do. I must have written it months ago and now I forgot. Knowing me, I've probably already done it, too.

I have some vitamins I purchased eight months ago and still haven't opened. There is also an almost empty bottle of ibuprofen which I take every time I have dinner with my parents.

I might just be the only news reporter who uses a Barbie notepad for work.

And here's a Polaroid shell case my friend Craig asked me to throw away for him god knows how long ago. Clearly, I forgot to do so.

Anyway, sorry my contents are not as fabulous as all the other fashion bloggers. But this is my life in a bag.

What do you think?


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! You crack me up, Mademoiselle Jenny. As for that Post-it note, I think I can help: A few weeks ago, you thought about doing a post about your handbag's contents. After a quick look at said bag, you decided against it. You were out partying with your best friend (that nice guy from NYC) that night, and you knew you would have forgotten everything in the morning. You quickly scribbled that warning on a Post-it note and placed it on top of the crap inside the handbag... That's it, isn't it? --- You're welcome! :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. I never throw out those polaroid containers - they make the best of all possible polaroid frames! (so, y'know, if you're gonna ditch it, feel free to send it to me instead... ;)

  3. what in your bag are interesting! thx for stopping by

  4. Hahahahahaha...that was freaking hilarious!! I loved it!! I was waiting for someone to really show what was in their bag and not just the edited version!! That is great. I have loads of shite in my bag really, I keep forgetting to clean it out. This was brilliance...always making me laugh!! xxx

  5. Definitely my favourite 'What's in my bag' feature ever!!! I love that you have all those receipts - I think 99% of us have that many in our bags.
    I need to know what the 'Don't Do it' is for.

  6. Ha! I love this. Keepin' it real. My purse is a graveyard for receipts too. Some of them have been in there so long that the print has faded. Oh and gum wrappers too.

  7. I literally spit out my water with that first picture.

    This is BY FAR, the best what's in my bag post I have ever seen.

    And seriously, you can never have enough goat cheese.

  8. I should do this for i myself has a bag full of trash lol.
    Loving this post, its so real and not just another edited whats in my bag post hahahaha.

  9. I actually emptied my bag yesterday and found receipts of places I'm sure I've never been to, it was scary. That note yo found in your bag was scarier though. ><

  10. Love your "don't do it!" note.

    For months (ok, maybe the greater part of at least one year), I had a note taped to the back of my AmEx that said "NO MORE CABS!" You see, AmEx has the chip in it that allowed you to tap instead of swipe, which is all too tempting when taking cabs around NYC. My entire monthly bill wound up being takeout dinners and cab rides. Trouble Trouble.

  11. hahahahah love the don't do it note, and even better that you don't remember what you weren't supposed to do!

  12. Love the Barbie notepad! And I have b-complex in my purse sometimes too. I wonder what it is that you're not supposed to do--hope you didn't do it! And that's a lot of jalapeno hummus, lol.

  13. Wow girl you absolutely rock !! Simple is the best! Following you now, follow me back?

  14. that's a whole lotta receipts! lol very interesting bag loot ;)

  15. ROTFLMAFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer you are just too funny girl. HAHAHAHAHA I nearly fell out my chair. You're so right about what some of these girls have in their bag. Oh gosh, my receipts take over my purse too. LOL at you not remembering what NOT to do! HAHAHAHA I want a Barbie notepad! That's so cute! Great post girl. You deserve another drink! HAHAHAHA

  16. LOL this is why i love your blog!!!


  17. This has to be the best "What's In My Bag" ever! I'm thinking that the "don't do it" note was about not throwing away that polaroid shell, haha. This is one reason nobody ever sees into my bag (and I'm a bag designer, so there's no excuses really) - because it's way too scary!

    p.s. Love and admire that you own several printed suits!

    xo Mary Jo

  18. yeah.Thank you so much!:)

  19. Hilarious post, darling!
    Love the first para. and your "Don't do it" note!


  20. You are too funny! I love this post and this blog! thanks for u lovely words on our blog! XOXO

  21. Wow...thats a mess! lol LOVE Vera Bradley! and the Barbie notepad ^^

  22. lol, hilarious! I think if I actually dumped mine out it would be about the same. I actually found myself insisting that my boyfriend stop at the grocery store late one night for hummus as well..

  23. I am totally laughing at the don't do it note!!

  24. I love to see what other carries around in the bag. I adore your Barbie notepad.

  25. beautiful blog! :)

  26. Oh my god I can't even tell you how much I loved this. Like. Receipts? Always. Random post its? Always. Thanks for being real girl.

  27. Probably a typical womens purse :D

    <3 Elisa

  28. LMFAO!!!! I laughed SO hard at your description of what bloggers "just happen" to have in their bags. And then they set it up all nicely and shit.

    I love that you have a ton of receipts in your purse. That is pretty much what mine looks like whenever I leave the house. There is a reason why I only carry small bags now...less stuff will fit in it! That means less stuff I have to save in it ;)

    Oh, and I never replied directly about your last comment. Don't even worry about not being able to comment back or whatever. It's coolio :) I know what it's like to be livin la vida busy.



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  30. You made me laugh and I immediately pressed follow button on GFC. This post is so cool and I loved it. Btw, my bag is almost the same kind of mess :))

  31. Haha, so funny! But I also carry around a bunch of stuff I actually don't need - I empty my purses thorougly really seldom. Usually I just switch to another purse until I have no empty ones left. :D Most of the inside is pure crap.

  32. Ha! Love that you actually dumped out your purse, instead of staged it :) I always have so many random receipts it isn't funny. Love this. Especially the Barbie notepad.

    <3 Josephine

  33. Excuse me . . . but do I see a disposable razor in there??? As someone old enough to be your mother, let me warn you that it's dangerous to dig into a purse with a razor in the bottom! :o) Please be careful.

  34. Haha my bag would be just as similarly strange! Probably with about 3,000 different deodorant cans bought after having to run for a train being a bit of a sweaty betty. Thanks for commenting on my blog

  35. Oh man, the reason I know this is legit is the pile of receipts. No matter how often I clean out my purse, there are always way too many receipts I never needed to have or keep... why do you have to have a receipt everywhere anyway? like when I buy m&ms at the gas station for crying out loud, I"m not going to return them...

  36. Ummm... this post is absolutely GENIUS!!! Genius!!! ahahahahaha

    So funny - I take the same vitamins, but the gummy kind. I get so excited about them that I sometimes (regularly) take more than I'm supposed to. And then i get hyper (b vitamins will do that, apparently).

    I love that you didn't "glam" up this post, or arrange it in a artsy fartsty way. The shot of all the receipts: that's me too!

  37. absolut ice bar! ho cool is that eh, ill be drinking non stop if given the chance to go there lol

  38. I can see how not knowing what you weren't supposed to do is kind of scary.
    But that post it note was pretty funny.

  39. love it hahaha so true and honest...the things a woman fit in a purse!
