Thursday, August 9, 2012

WTF Celebrity Couples (Tom Cruise Edition)

A month ago, I did a post about oddball celeb couples.

Well, I was going to include Tom Cruise on that list, but realized there were simply too many of his relationships worthy of a spot. (I mean, any relationship featuring Tom Cruise is a WTF couple, let's be real). So, I decided to give him his own post.

Look at me, being generous.

Here is a look at five of his most eyebrow-raising relationships.


Tom Cruise and Heather Locklear (1982)

Okay, so this might not be weird to you. (In fact, I bet a lot of you under-20's are scratching your head, thinking, "Heather who?"). But it's weird to me. Because I think this might have been the most normal relationship the Risky Business star ever had.

Both are around the same age. Both are disgustingly attractive. And Tom wasn't a scientologist yet. Rumor has it he used to hang around the Dynasty set, like a love-sick puppy, waiting to hang out with his blonde teen dream. Awwwww.

Tom Cruise and Cher (mid-1980s)

Yeah. I'm not sure what more I can add about this relationship. Perhaps I'll let Cher tell you.

The pop singer was 39 when she met the 23-year-old heartthrob at a White House fundraising event.

"It was a long, long time ago and neither one of us ever talked about it and I don't know why," she told Entertainment Tonight. "I loved him though, he was amazing."

Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers (1987 to 1990)

If you don't like Tom Cruise, blame this woman. She is the person who introduced him to Scientology and essentially destroyed his credibility and sanity. His life was changed, and ours too.

She ended up being his first wife and then left him a few years later because she claimed he never wanted to have sex. She said he wanted to be a monk.

Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz (2001 to 2004)

Sometimes I totally forget that Tom Cruise dated this Spanish bombshell. It was so...boring. At least from the tabloids' perspective. The two looked terrific together in photos. But that's about it.

I think how it ended is what weirds me out. Tom's spokesperson released a statement saying that after three years, the two didn't want to be "boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, but want to remain friends." Because they're in seventh grade.

Later, reports that the Catholic-raised Penelope had been simply fed up with Tom's Scientology addiction surfaced, to nobody's surprise.

Tom Cruise and Sofia Vergara (2005)

Most people have absolutely no idea that mere months before Tom impregnated a Dawson's Creek actress, he was intending to marry Modern Family star Sofia Vergara. Yes.

He was convinced Sofia was the perfect wife and he was also intending to introduce Scientology into the Latin American community through the actress. She had already met his children and had planned to visit Scientology headquarters with him, when she suddenly freaked out and stopped returning his calls.

So, what do you think? Which Tom Cruise girlfriend surprised you the most?


  1. weird tom and his weirder relationships!!

    am glad for all the girls though, they did sensibly breaking up with him :)

  2. He used to be so dreamy and then he turned into a nutball...he dated Sofia (I love her so much haha) I wasn´t at all aware of that.

    The Black Label

  3. What the crap?! Tom Cruise and Cher actually managed to miss my radar. Weeeeeeird. And it's not even the age thing. There's something else there that I can't put my finger on that makes it so weird. Hmm..

  4. I had no idea he dated Sofia!! That's the weirdest relationship of his for sure.

  5. I think the Cher one was a bit freakish...she was old enough to change his diapers. I didn't know about some of the others...shame his one wife messed him up with the Scientology...he's become obsessed with it. I loved him way back in the day of 'Legend'...I love that movie and still watch it with happiness now, haha. He was brilliant and also loved him in the 'Outsiders' marvelous...that's the Tom for me :)) Although, besides the Scientology bit, he does seem like a very nice guy...just a shame everything gets messed up in the Scientology aspect!! xx

  6. It's pretty clear to me that all these relationships were more or less fake. Something weird definitively goes on with his head. Do John Travolta next time, please!

  7. Tom was in a relationship with Cher? :O i didn't know that!! Looks like Scientology really messed his life.

  8. As I was scrolling down, I though Tom Cruise and Cher?! Not surprised about Sofia Vergara not returning his calls though. He's so handsome, but his weirdness freaks me out.

  9. I would actually love to date young Tom Cruise. Pre-Cher (I can't understand that one) Tom Cruise. I could wear flats all the time and it would be great.

    Anything after that and he would be too batshit for me.

  10. i think Cher shocked me the most out of them all!

    ∞ © ∞

  11. Craaaaaaaazy couples!
    And I didn't know he dated Heather Locklear!

    Fun post, darling!


  12. Cher? No way! He used to be so cool until he had his teeth fixed and went all nutty! x

  13. Wow. I honestly didn't know about a couple of those? Sofia Vergara? No idea.

    Unfortunately, I do know about Penelope. The awfulness that is Vanilla Sky will be forever burned into my memory.

    ps. Thanks so much for checking out my story. Sorry about making you fill out a profile...I had no idea you had to! I really appreciate your comment, it meant a lot...sadly, that is the extent of my experience up to this point.

  14. Hmmm, Tom is a weird one for me... Boy did I miss that Cher phase...

    A always you never fail to amaze me with your posts!

    Have a rocking weekend!

  15. Tom Cruise is def weird but he was one hot guy when he was younger! lol

  16. I think Sophia is a very smart woman and ran the other way thank goodness bc the Latino community doesn't need Scientology thank you very much. He can keep it all to himself. It truly is a cult. Its all over Manhattan but thats another story. I wasn't surprised at Cher bc she loves younger men but I still can't figure out him and Mimi-they don't make sense at all......ahhhh this loco needs to just get some asap! xox

  17. Sophia Vergara. Hands down. Like...what?

  18. Eeeeewwww, can't stand tom cruise. I mean, i don't mind seeing him act and all, but his religious talk and all just gets weirder and weirder. and hands down, sophia is the shocker for me. who would have thought. glad she freaked out!!!

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  20. All of the above. Seriously. I had no idea Tom Cruise was in relationships with any of these people. I'd say the Heather Locklear relationship is the most shocking. :/

  21. Tom Cruise and Sofia Vergara? Wtf.
    He seems so crazy. I wish him and Cher would have stayed together. That would have been entertaining. haha

  22. I was totally with you on all of it until Sofia V. Whaaat? Can't believe that she dated him, although I can believe she freaked out, haha! And I think he should've married Heather Locklear and called it a day. But things are so easy in retrospect, haha!

    xo Mary Jo

  23. Whoa I believe the Cher one really surprised me I did not know about that one! I had completely forgotten about him and Penelope ... probably because there wasn't too much of it linking other than that bloody Vanilla Sky film! haha! All of his marriages just makes me laugh. :) Great post.

  24. I had no idea that he even dated Cher or Sofia!

  25. Um...CHER?! WTF???? Sophia?? I'm sorry, I totally cannot imagine Sophia taking any crap, let alone being in a relationship with Tom Cruise! AAHAHAHAHAHA I think just about all of these made me go "w.t.f."

    great post!


  26. ps - I bet Cher could use her own WTF post!

  27. ok, i did NOT know he dated sofia, cher or heather! HAHAHAHAHA girl you are a TRIP! something is just not right about tom cruise. i seriously think he's gay or hiding something big. things just don't make sense with him. lately he always seems agitated and snappy. i wonder who's next on his list or shall i say who will sign the next contract. hahaha

  28. TOM CRUISE AND SOFIA VERGARA??!! I had no idea. I'm stunned.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  29. i'm always crazy weirded out that he was married to mimi rogers. so weird. he's so weird. i love his movies, but damn he's weird as shit!

    lauren lanza osias

  30. haha I forgot about Cruise-Cruz- that was right when she got famous!

  31. really ??
    but Tom is superb hero ,
    he deserve super model
