Monday, September 24, 2012

My top five Pinterest recipes (Part II)

Last spring, I started featuring my favorite Pinterest recipes on this blog.

You can find that post here.

Well, I'm back with five more spectacular favorites.

These are Pinterest recipes I've made over the past few months that really stood out to me.


Crispy Baked Spicy Chicken Bites

This recipe from Savoring the Thyme was meant to copy McDonald's spicy chicken bites. But it doesn't. Because it's way better. You see, these are baked, not fried. Plus, there is actually meat in them. Oh, and these are actually spicy (or, at least, you can make them as spicy as you want).

Instead of using the recommended sriracha sauce, I used Frank's hot sauce. And while the chicken bites still came out delicious, I wish I had hauled ass to the store to use sriracha instead. You see, when I want spicy, I want SPICY.

I think these chicken bites would be perfect for dinner, along with a couple side dishes. Or, perhaps, used as a fun finger food for game night.

Tomato, Basil, and Cheddar Soup

This soup is perfect for fall. It even looks like fall, with its warm autumn tint and dark green basil and creamy melted cheese....drool.

I love tomato soup, so when I came across this recipe from More Fruit Please... I knew it was a must-try. (Plus, it seemed healthier than most creamy tomato soups, because it calls for Greek Yogurt instead of cream.)

It didn't disappoint. It was warm and cozy and flavorful. I accidentally used the spicy Rotel mixture, instead of plain diced tomatoes, and it actually made the soup a little spicy, which, if you read the recipe above, you know I like. So, it was a pleasant accidental surprise.

I paired this soup with cheesy garlic bread. It turned out to be a good dunking soup as well.

I suggest trying out this soup this fall, because it will warm you up as the weather gets chilly.

Spinach Salad with Chicken, Avocado and Feta Cheese

This mind-blowing salad from Recipe Girl basically includes everything I love. Avocados. Cherry tomatoes. Feta cheese. Chicken. Spinach.

I had this salad with my parents, and they were also totally blown away. In fact, my mom loved the recipe so much, she used it at the neighborhood potluck this weekend. Yeah, it was gone in two seconds.

This salad was so delicious that I totally forgot that it's healthy. Super healthy. It's basically a power meal. This salad was so filling, that I didn't even need a side dish.

My only complaint about this recipe is that it calls for pine nuts. I have nothing against pine nuts, except for the fact that they cost $23 per pound at Whole Foods. Seriously. That's the exact price. I splurged this time, because I wanted to follow the recipe verbatim. But next time, I'm going to substitute sunflower seeds or almonds instead.

I highly suggest you try this salad.

Asparagus, goat cheese, and lemon pasta

Rian and I made this recipe, taken from Smitten Kitchen, for a date night a little while ago.

It's light, fresh, and very lemony, which I liked. I thought it was the perfect summer dish, but let's be real, this pasta would be perfect any time of the year.

I'm a huge fan of goat cheese. Like, a "I still remember where I was when I had my first bite" kind of fan. But, I know there are a lot of people who hate goat cheese. It's one of those you love it or hate it kinds of foods. So, if you aren't the biggest fan of goat cheese, you probably shouldn't make this recipe. Because the goat cheese has a very strong flavor in it.

While I really enjoyed the pasta dish, I think next time I am going to add something else to it, like tomatoes. I would prefer to have less pasta and more veggies.

You should give this recipe a whirl.

Applesauce cookies with caramel frosting

Sweet mother of Jesus.

Trust me when I say I've saved the best for last.

These cookies from Chef in Training are so sinfully good that I practically ate the entire tray of them. Normally, when I do something like that, I look back and want to burst into tears. But after eating these cookies, I look back and would do it all over again.

These cookies are soft. They are moist. They are creamy. They just...melt in your mouth with orgasmic deliciousness.

If you want a boyfriend, make a batch and give them to potential suitors as a gift. It's that simple.

Anyway, I hope you try out some (or all) of these recipes.

You can find them all here on my Recipes I Have Tried Pinterest board.

Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest here.


  1. Those chicken bites sound PHENOM. Yummm.
    xo Josie

  2. Most def am trying those...the cookies look heavenly, I may eat them before anyone has a chance ;) I love too cook and try new stuff, will definitely whip these up :)) Just stuffed myself with my husband's chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, he's master at cookies, but he won't let anyone have the recipe, hahaha!! Happy Monday doll :) xx

  3. Mmm yum, making me hungry lady. The soup is something similar to what I make as a light lunch, but the pasta sounds delish! Must try that one!

  4. Keep doing these posts. I will try them.

    And I'm totally in the same goat cheese boat.

    Goat cheese boat. Not something I ever thought I would have typed. Huh.

  5. Jen, these all look so good! hahaha I'm a soup and pasta girl. I've got to try those. Thanks for featuring these. Have a fabulous week!

  6. We are food soul mates. I've been craving soup so bad lately and that one looks so creamy and good. I love everything in that salad too! I'm definitely making that. I've never tried goat cheese so I don't know if I'd like that pasta but it looks good.
    Those cookies look like they would taste just how you described them!

  7. Delicious post, darling!
    I need that salad right now!


  8. Some of my favourite things on Pinterest are good recipes! I love that pasta salad, goat cheese is delicious. I will have to make this again when I'm back on the dairy goodness! Have a fab week dear. xx

  9. They all look delicious! I love the sound of the spicy Chicken bites.

  10. LMFAO! You're hilarious, I hope you know that. "If you want a boyfriend, make a batch..." Hahahaaha! I love that. And I'm sure that's true. My eldest brother had a psycho girlfriend once. She made THE BEST oatmeal raisin cookies I have ever had in my life. He stayed with her for 4 years too long and I'm pretty sure those cookies had everything to do with it. The way to a man's heart is most definitely through his stomach. Those cookies look amazing. As does the spinach salad. I am a huge fan of spinach, cherry tomatoes, avocados, and yes...feta cheese! I will definitely try that. Thank you for recommending it!

    I would suggest (off my "sweet tooth" board) the mini peach cobblers. They are a big hit at my house. I've made them several times, but I use less sugar than the recommended amount. I've tried it with strawberries as well (not as good but still good). I need to start trying out more recipes I pin.



  11. Chicken bites and applesauce cookies--done and done. :)

  12. Literally bookmarking your post so that I can make these recipes later. No joke my mouth started watering when I read the spicy chicken nugget recipe. Loves me some spicy food :)

  13. I'm so picky that the only one I would eat is the chicken, haha, but it looks tasty! :D

  14. I'm going to the store to get stuff for that salad! And I think mac and cheese would go with those chicken bites!

  15. Applesauce cookies? With caramel frosting? Hello...I DIE!!! :)

  16. Aren't you domesticated? Next blog - the 'joys of scrapbooking' - may gave that goat cheese shit a whirl, looks good.

  17. I do have a pinterest account but I really don't use it very often. Thank you so much for your comment Jennifer, I am actually starting a new job tomorrow so your words of encouragement really means a lot to me. Thank you for your support!

  18. I CANNOT wait to try these!! The cookies, pasta, and soup and begging me to make them.

    Thanks Jen :) I love these!

  19. I love everything you picked and am definitely going to try all of them--thanks for sharing and you have amazing culinary taste!

    xo Mary Jo

  20. yum, I definitely want to try the Tomato, Basil, and Cheddar Soup - looks amazing!

    Love Jenny XOXO

  21. Mmm I want someone to make me those cookies!

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