Even I am not immune to the dazzling costumes and bizarre fashion trends sprouting from the silver screen.
I wore pleated skirts every day for a year in middle school because of Clueless. I dressed like Madonna from Desperately Seeking Susan. I own more Flash Dance-ish apparel than I probably should be admitting.
But there are five film characters who mean a lot more to me than simple imitation. These five characters have drastically given my closet a makeover in the past ten years. They have changed my sense of style. They have created...me.
Here they are:
Lisa Rowe (Girl, Interrupted)

"Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live."-Dorothy Parker

Angelina Jolie made being a sociopath ridiculously fabulous.
Her character Lisa Rowe steals almost every scene in the movie. Her addictive charm, blatant sexuality, and alarming disregard for other people make this movie entirely worth watching.

I first saw this movie when I was a senior in high school. I immediately went out and bought a coat very similar to the one above. It was my favorite coat and I wore it so much I had to throw it away during my sophomore year of college. It had become a rag.
Plus, Lisa Rowe inspired me to never brush my hair and I barely wore any make up for years because of this movie.
Ah, the days of not giving a damn what my face looked like...no wonder I didn't take many pictures of myself from 19 to 21!
Edie Sedgwick, Factory Girl

"I think I'll quit my painting and, just make Edie a big star"-Andy Warhol

Oh, Edie. She has left a style legacy that can be seen in every fashionista today.
Part beatnik, part society girl, part Hollywood, and part crazy. All fabulous.
And Sienna Miller portrayed her flawlessly.
When I saw this movie a few years ago, I became hooked on Edie's style. The huge earrings. The sweater and leggings. The heavy eyeliner. I started incorporating all of these things into my every day look. I still put a little Edie on once in a while. She was so insane and yet so fun. She didn't follow trends, she started them.
She was All-American.

(The real Edie)
Marie Antoinette, Marie Antoinette

"Is your hair quite tall enough today?" -Emperor Joseph

She was the queen of fashion. She is one of the few style icons from history people can easily point to.
Ever since I was in middle school, I have had a chronic fascination with the fallen royal star. When the movie came out, I was beyond ecstatic. I'm not the biggest Kirsten Dunst fan. But even I have to admit she played Marie beautifully.
Of course, we all know the film isn't really about Dunst's acting chops. It's about the clothes.
And oh, were there clothes.
It is one of my biggest fantasies to play dress up with every single costume in that film.

The closest I have come to emulating Antoinette's style is through nightgowns. After the movie came out, I immediately went to Victoria's Secret and stocked up on long white flowing night gowns, just like the one Dunst wears in the film. They make me feel like a princess right before going to bed!
Andy Sachs, The Devil Wears Prada

"You sold your soul to the devil when you put on your first pair of Jimmy Choo's, I saw it."-Emily

Oh. My. God. I don't even know where to begin on this one. Almost every item in my closet is an ode to this amazing film. My coats. My sunglasses. My hats. My jewelry. This movie came out when I had just graduated college and was beginning my job at the newspaper. Everything clicked. Most of my work clothes are inspired by this movie.

I watch this film over and over again and STILL find new inspirations in every outfit.
Irene, Priceless

"But charm is more valuable than beauty...you can resist beauty, but you can't resist charm."-Irene

I'm not going to lie. This movie makes me wish I had a flat chest. The slinky, low-cut dresses are so glamorous and chic. Yet, they would just look ridiculous on my hour-glass figure. (Believe me, I've tried them on).

Audrey Tautou makes Irene so painfully glamorous, so heart-warming in a heartless life.
I want Chanel. I want Prada. I want YSL. That is my lifestyle and I'm not willing to give it up. I can't even afford that lifestyle and it's mine! Just like Irene.
She is SO me and yet so not me because I'm not a gold-digger...yet.

And there you have it. My heart, my soul, and my fashion inspirations spilled on this post to share with the world.
What characters have turned your closet upside down?