Do you find ethics violations a joyful thing?
They knock the noses off statues in the park and throw dye in the fountains.
But you never get the feeling this author believes any of it. There are so many people who don’t know what they’re talking about.
We need to up the aggression and win the war or withdraw entirely to ensure against the needless loss of life in a conflict without any apparent road to victory.
Can you agree? Google the word “illegal” if you have to, it has nothing to do with race and drug related offenses.
We could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship.
I want to get to the heart of what everyone is talking about. What is everyone talking about?
But when it comes to strong opinions, catty attitudes, and over-the-top reality, forget about it.
A bomb blast tore through a crowded passenger bus on a desert highway in southern Afghanistan yesterday.
How are we going to live vicariously through these characters? I want to experience things I can’t do in real life.
A prayer is more than talking to God, but more specifically the opening of our heart and mind to God said the priest.
This reasoning makes little sense.
In every molecule, every moment, God’s goodness is there.
That might alleviate some of the fear, but if it doesn’t, that could be concerning.
Will we be a victim of circumstances or will we use them instead to grow and become victorious?
No, Middle America will always be screwed.
Rian and I recently learned a new form of poetry. This was my result.
They knock the noses off statues in the park and throw dye in the fountains.
But you never get the feeling this author believes any of it. There are so many people who don’t know what they’re talking about.
We need to up the aggression and win the war or withdraw entirely to ensure against the needless loss of life in a conflict without any apparent road to victory.
Can you agree? Google the word “illegal” if you have to, it has nothing to do with race and drug related offenses.
We could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship.
I want to get to the heart of what everyone is talking about. What is everyone talking about?
But when it comes to strong opinions, catty attitudes, and over-the-top reality, forget about it.
A bomb blast tore through a crowded passenger bus on a desert highway in southern Afghanistan yesterday.
How are we going to live vicariously through these characters? I want to experience things I can’t do in real life.
A prayer is more than talking to God, but more specifically the opening of our heart and mind to God said the priest.
This reasoning makes little sense.
In every molecule, every moment, God’s goodness is there.
That might alleviate some of the fear, but if it doesn’t, that could be concerning.
Will we be a victim of circumstances or will we use them instead to grow and become victorious?
No, Middle America will always be screwed.
Rian and I recently learned a new form of poetry. This was my result.