Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bunny in the Big Apple

My best friend Jonny moved to New York City this week.

I'm so sad, because I am going to miss him a lot. But, I'm very proud of him for chasing his dream of being a Broadway star. There is nothing worse than waking up 20 years later and wondering "what if?". Not many people have the guts, or the drive, to follow their own ambitions.

Before he left for the Big Apple, Jonny and I had dinner with our friend, John, as a sort of goodbye celebration.

I wish Jonny Bunny nothing but success and happiness during his adventures on the East Coast!


  1. How wonderful. And sad. I hope he finds success here.

    If he needs any help, let me know. I'm only a short train-ride away.

  2. Wishing all the luck and success to your bestie.
    I can't help but drool at your hair,its great. :)

  3. that is inspiring. I should be more persistent with my dreams too!

  4. You are SO beautiful! Wishing Johnny the best of luck - I hope all his dreams come true!

  5. Good luck to your best friend! You look amazing by the way. Your hair, ah, your hair! ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. That is sad, but I KNOW he's going to be a huge success in New York!
    xo Josie

  7. Tres excited for your buddy J, hope you'll be ok without him hun!

    What about you young lady? How's that book coming along??? I'm still waiting for your lol blockbuster! Please don't keep me waiting any longer!

  8. Fun pics, darling!
    J is going to love the City ~ and the great news is that you can go and visit him!


  9. off topic - but girl, your "girls" looked amazing in that pink top. :)

  10. Ah, what an amazing time this is for Johnny! He is so going to take NYC by storm! :)

  11. NY is a tough place and not for the faint of hear, but like the song says-if you can make it here you can make it anywhere! Its true! Good luck to your friend!! xox

  12. Hey darlin'! Thanks for stopping by & commenting on my blog! Your blog is awesome. I loved the Lilo post (I did one a while back regarding those lovely teeth of hers....) great minds think alike :) Hope to see you around my Ramblings! I'll be following you!

  13. Good for him, I'm sending him lots of good wishes. xxx

  14. I wish the best to your friend! Hope he will reach his dream. And like everyone here comments, I love your hair! Haha. Oh and happy 3rd anniversary for I Know, Right? ;)

  15. Your Festival of Colors is March 10. Your assignment is to attend and report! :) I hope it's fun! I can't imagine that it isn't half decent. And, being half Indian - you should be embarrassed!!! jk jk.

    Your Bloggy Soulmate.

  16. ps, yeah, it does look a little ghetto...but still!

  17. Best of luck to your friend! I hope his name is up in lights asap!

  18. That's so sweet. Awe, I hope he makes it! And your dress is gorgeous, you're so pretty! I hope you don't miss him too much

  19. Hey Jenny! What a bitter-sweet moment for you. To watch your friend go away to chase his dreams. I really hope that he makes it and all his dreams come true!!!

  20. I wish all the best for him! From what I know, he seems to have a great personality, so he will go far. :) I'm sorry for your loss, though. You still have me!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  21. Looks like you all had a nice time! And best of luck to Jonny while he's pursuing his dream!!

  22. Wishing all the best of luck to him! :)

  23. All the best of luck to him! How exciting.
    You know...perhaps you (we) could go visit? Say... Next Feb, 2013? ;)


  24. good luck to Jonny. He seems like he'd do well on Broadway so I hope his dreams come true.

  25. hey girl! i answered ypur question on a comment under my post....but now that I see your lips I am like whattt???Those lips are Mazing! now thAt i see them I would say |. : I would just embrace them and put a dot of lip gloss on the under lip and voila! your lips are juicy and sexy girl! trust me!
