Monday, February 13, 2012

Three year anniversary

It's strange that I'm celebrating three years this week. I honestly didn't think I would stick with my blog for very long when I created it in 2009.

But it has been incredibly fun and introduced me to some very important friends. Plus, it has given me a way to be creative and explore who I am as a person. That sounds so stupid, but I have a feeling you fellow bloggers understand exactly what I mean.

Since I am without a laptop or other recording device right now, I don't have the means to create another vlog for ya'll. Which is sad. Because seeing me in motion, unable to hide behind my eloquent words or a cheesy photographed grin, is like falling in love for the first time. And I wanted you to have that experience.

Well, I dug up a video I created for my blog's first anniversary a couple years ago. Everything I say in it still holds true and I still look the same. So, if you want to see what a dork I am in real life, press play.

Hopefully by this time next year, I'll have won the lottery and I can do something fabulous to celebrate my blog. Like, throw a giveaway where you win a trip around the world. Or, perhaps, technology will have advanced so much I could just jump out of your computer screen as a giant hologram and give you a hug. That would be cool.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Happy happy anniversary, Jenny. You are every bit as bubbly and cute in person as I expected you to be. Here's to many more years of happy blogging! I can't toast with you tonight, but I can see you have a well-stocked bar behind you on the video, so just drink something for me, ok? -- Hugs. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Happy blog birthday! Here's to the next three years :)

  3. Happy blog birthday. It's always a delight to visit and read your musings. xx

  4. I remember this video, so good to see it again. Happy 3 years to your blog. It has been incredible to get to know you and read your blog too. It has helped me in many ways. I love you! This post also reminds me that my blog must be approaching 3 years too. I remember starting it around the beginning of 2009 so I must check that out too.

  5. Happy blogerversery!!! I think I turn 3 in 2012 too! But I only have a fraction of the followers you have so that just goes to show how stinking cool you are!

  6. three years! Wow, that's awesome.

  7. Aww...Happy 3-Year Anniversary!!! Happy Valentine's Day too!! =)

  8. Ah! What?!? You're adorable!!!

    The camera loves you, actually. :)

  9. Happy Anniversary, my dear Jen! It's lovely to finally hear your voice after following you for so long. xxx

  10. Happy 3rd Blogiversary! I loved your video and relate to all of it! Here's to many more years of blogging!

  11. Happy Blogiversary, gorgeous, and Happy Valentine's Day, too!
    Keep up the fabulous work!


  12. Happy 3 years and happy sweet Valentine's Day. I enjoyed reading your posts. Keep up the great work.

  13. happy 3 years to your blog :D
    thank you for visiting mine! I'd like to follow each other, what do you think about it?let me know xoxo

  14. You are so adorable and I love you even more after hearing your voice, if that's even possible.

  15. It was worth posting the video again. And no, dorky is not what I'd call you!

  16. well I for one am very happy you've stuck with it- and hope you do for much longer too! You're one of the most talented journalist/ bloggers I've seen!

  17. Jen, you are ADORABLE! I'm so glad that you started blogging and stuck with it -- you KNOW it always cheers me up to read your hysterical thoughts! Here's to many more happy anniversaries.
    xo Josie

  18. Ohmigosh Jennifer I LOVE you - you are like the cutest thing EVER! Hooray for old videos! And for reaching your three-year anniversary! Happy, Happy Bloggyversary! :)

  19. Wow J-Fab, that's first time I've ever seen you in motion. It's strange to hear your accent because when I read your stuff I always have a Brit accent in mind. (You write so well that I often consider you one of us.)

    You've got amazing eyes, like Disney amazing, brilliantly expressive. Heck knows why you're so hard on your looks sometimes. You look exotic.

    Well done on your blog.

  20. that video wasn't crappy at all! in facat, it was super sincere and a total pleasure to listen to and to watch.

    happy 3 year anniversary Jen Fab!

  21. Congrats on your three years! I'm so excited for you and I'm looking forward to many more years of my favorite blog!

    ps. Your comment on Monday made me very angry! If I ever do happen to be in KC, I can guarantee to you I won't shop there either? Who treats customers that way? Who treats people that way? That's so terrible!

    ...sorry for my mini-rant. Congrats again :).

  22. Happy 3-Year-Blogniversary doll...YAY and more coming I'm sure. I loved your video. You're too cute and adorable.

    <3 Marina

  23. Happy happy third anniversary love :) You're da best!

  24. haha aww you look so nervous! I think it's cool though and wowzah, 3 yrs is a long time! Congrats! I love your blog and your posts and tell people about the stories you share about the different women/tragic lives. Your blog is so unique and I'm so glad I found it!

  25. Awe! I loved it!! I wish that you could make more videos!! Happy anniversary Jen! I'm so happy that you and I both have made it to three plus years of blogging!


  26. Hey Congratulations..and you did pretty well with the video :)
    Simply Fabulous!!

  27. jajajajaja I loooooved that video!!!! OMG! loved it! its so natural and spontaneous! You rock!
