Saturday, February 11, 2012

WTF, Lilo?

I've gotten to the age where reality has hit. My childhood dreams of being a movie star are probably not going to come true.

Mostly because I haven't pursued acting or modeling and honestly, would rather write a witty blog post than memorize an entire script of dialogue.

But still, no paparazzi?! No million dollar mansion in Beverly Hills?! No Jake Gyllenhaal beaming next to me on the red carpet?!


It kind of sucks to just KNOW the fantasy is over.

Well, there are a handful of girls who are lucky enough to have my fantasy as their reality.

They are actresses. They are beautiful. They throw parties in their Malibu dream homes.

But some of them throw it all away. Like, they have everything right at their fingertips and they don't give a damn. They treat life like garbage. They focus on drugs or alcohol or sleeping with one-hit-wonders. Um, ew.

One of those starlets is Lindsay Lohan.

Remember this girl?

Let's face it, Lilo has been a fuck up for a very long time. But several years ago, her life seemed so promising.

She was beautiful. She was a great comedic and dramatic actress. She looked cute, no matter what hair color she chose for the week: red, blonde, or black.

But after years of being tabloid trash for her illegal shenanigans and sloppy drunken behavior, she has become an ugly version of herself.

Remember the rotten teeth incident? How does someone not understand the importance of brushing?!

And I'm sure you've all seen these recent photos:

She attended a charity gala last week looking haggard and washed out. She even tried to charm a businessman into buying her a $20,000 watch as a present, and he not only said no, he laughed at her. (The former charming, gorgeous Lindsay from several years ago probably would have gotten the watch from a number of guys, without even having to ask).

Why do starlets like Lindsay waste their beauty, fame, and talent? I simply cannot comprehend it.

These girls are given all the ingredients to a fabulous life and they throw it away.

What do you think?


  1. She doesn't even look like the same person. Don't know how she got is all so wrong!

    ♡ from ©

  2. It really is sad how much she has deteriorated. "Mean Girls" was a hit, a gold mine of a movie, but it seems that after it came out, Lindsay Lohan's live started to go downhill. Now, I'm afraid she's going to end up like Anna Nicole Smith or something. I hope she gets back on track, but I'm not holding my breath.

  3. Thanks for the sweet remarks on my blog. You made my day!

  4. I actually havent seen those recent pics till them and I am horrified. She looks totally different..

  5. Lindsay was one of my favorite actresses! It's so sad that she started using drugs and alcohol :(


  6. Oh my wow! i totally used to love this girl. Mean Girls is my jam. I really can't believe this is what she's become. those photos at the end pretty much scared the crap out of me. but i really, really, really do hope that she'll turn it all around and be better than ever in like the next 3 years.

  7. She was so good in Mean Girls! I even have that DVD, I think. I think her demise began when she got gross skinny. Ever since, she's never recovered. I feel bad for her. That most recent picture of her looks like this one lunch lady at my high school.

    Mabel Time

  8. She does look horrendous and act like a complete idiot now. A real shame.


  9. Is that really her in the last few pictures? It looks like someone a generation older. I hate snarking on people's looks...but she has not been kind to herself. Makes me sad.

  10. Yes, seriously, what is wrong with that kid? Well, her parents for once thing. These two have not been great role models to say the least. Funny you should write this story as you and I were marveling over cute Emma Watson and her career on FB this morning! There is a whole world/ocean separating these two... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  11. omg once she was sooo beautiful!! poor girl -.-

  12. She looks a lot like her mom now, which she should have tried to avoid I think... by eating right and healthy and keeping the weight on. She looked so beautiful with some meat on her and those freckles, not all cracked out. :( I miss the old LoHo.

  13. have never seen her talent really - guess she looks better than Whitney

  14. It is so sad! I think she was actually a pretty decent actress. It is too bad her personal life got in the way.

  15. Lindsay Lohan is my pet peeve. I love her in "The Parent Trap" and, natch, "Mean Girls..." But that's about it.
    xo Josie

  16. It really is crazy that the girl from Mean Girls & the girl from the Parent Trap is her. She was promising...It's sad that she became so trashy.

  17. I think her story is so so sad. She was so beautiful and talented. I think that honestly she was probably under a lot of pressure and just...cracked.

  18. I was just watching Life Size on youtube yesterday and she looked SOOO CUTEEE. WTF indeed! I literally got a SHOCK when I saw those pictures.

    Belly B

  19. so sad. she could have become such a long lived a positive light

  20. OMG, I totally agree with you so much about this and what a timely post considering the sad passing of Whitney Houston. Watching Lindsay follow the same path is such a waste. They should enjoy their fabulous lives, but yet they don't and Lindsey is looking so bad in her most recent shot with the super blond hair.

    Great post and PS I think you could still make it for sure if you want to :)

  21. True, she was an adorable girl and very good actress. Now she is a waste of space.

  22. It's so awful. I saw those recent pictures and couldn't believe it was her. She definitely doesn't look 2 years older than me anymore. Celebrities good do so much good with their fame (charity work etc) so it's such a shame that they throw it away. Did you see the recent picture of Macaulay Culkin as well?

  23. She used to be stunning, this doesn't even look like her anymore. There are people who are given everything - good looks, talent and so on. I feel a bit angry and disappointed when they ruin they chance for a fabulous life, because some of us will never have that chance.

  24. They are truly their own worst enemy. They have it all, and they give it away for wild partying. It's sad to see celebrities go downhill so quickly. Even harder to see the way they age themselves by decades via their behavior. :/

  25. She looks completely different, like she's aged thirty years overnight. Fame does terrible things to some people. x

  26. Gosh, she looks like someone's mddle-aged mum in those pictures.

    I think the big question is how can an industry exploit young talent and not try and guide their careers in a more responsible way? I also think H'wood has a tendancy to use and spit out female talent in a more cruel way than with male actors. I also think the parents of child-stars are exploitative people.

  27. i wish she can get back to her old self :(

  28. Oh my! She looks so different -- it's terrible that she went down the wrong path but I do hope she gets her life together.

  29. I recall how gorgeous she looked earlier and now -not so much. Sad really.

  30. How do you make a shit salad out of cookies and milk? Ask Lindsay.

    I stopped rooting for her years ago. Her lies are enough to keep me away. Good for you for putting this ho on blast. She used to be my favorite fire crotch :(


    Hope you're having a good weekend! :)


  31. I agree with you wholeheartedly. She was so amazing in The Parent Trap and she really is a talented actress. Such a shame to see potential waste itself. Check out this other LiLo piece I found!!

  32. holy c-rap! i didn't even recognize her in those last photos.

    what a shame. she really did have the whole package.

  33. She scares me. I can't even look at her without cringing.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  34. I feel gutted for her... She had soooo much talent and so much going for her during those Mean girls years -I mean look at Rachel McAdams... eek talk about career meltdown. It's just sad to see this girl ruin her life, but she's not young anymore, she's a grown up. Who's to blame? Mother, manager, lifestyle, people??? Hmmm, She could have had it all. I'm looking at those last images and thinking Holy Merde! - she looks like she's gone 40yrs old or something.

    I hope that whilst she is still young, there are people in her life that won't take advantage and teach her some morals, starting with wear underwear when you're out for Gawds sake!

  35. I feel gutted for her... She had soooo much talent and so much going for her during those Mean girls years -I mean look at Rachel McAdams... eek talk about career meltdown. It's just sad to see this girl ruin her life, but she's not young anymore, she's a grown up. Who's to blame? Mother, manager, lifestyle, people??? Hmmm, She could have had it all. I'm looking at those last images and thinking Holy Merde! - she looks like she's gone 40yrs old or something.

    I hope that whilst she is still young, there are people in her life that won't take advantage and teach her some morals, starting with wear underwear when you're out for Gawds sake!

  36. She looks so cute in the first photo, but the other ones... D:

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Wow. I had honestly forgotten how beautiful she was.

    I think its as simple as some people can't handle getting too rich too early in life. I get it, in a way. If I woke up one morning and money was suddenly no object, I'd probably react by partying...a lot. I think its very easy for your life to spiral out of control when you're in that state.

    It's got to be weird for her if she were to stop and think about how the entire world is witnessing her life train-wreck. I don't know if she's beyond hope, but hopefully she manages to pull herself together. She just doesn't seem to even want to yet, though...

  39. Okay so I honestly thought that the last pics were of her mother not her. OMG what the hell happened to her?? She looks 50?!?!?!?!?! Geez....

  40. You are so right, I agree 100% and I always have. It doesn't make sense. Lindsay Lohan is just tragic. I cannot believe how it all happened. In Mean Girls she was so gorgeous. Her hair was incredibly stunning. I also liked her with the dark hair. She was one of my favourite celebrities. I just don't see why she would have done all of this.

  41. wtf is right- what happened to her face???


  43. Gosh such tragedy how she went downhill. She doesn't even look the same anymore and looks like a totally different person.
    Hollywood starlets so many of them going on the wrong path...geezz.

    <3 Marina

  44. Yeah, she used to be on her A-game and now she's getting rough looking and I wish she'd get some help before it's too late. I don't know how she doesn't see what the world sees.

  45. Wow... she she's 50! I used to love her. I even had her cd... But, I don't know what happened, and why she just can't get it together. She will end up like Whitney Houston if she can't get it together: young, beautiful, and killed by her demons.

  46. Yeah it is heartbreaking, she doesn't resemble her old self at all.

  47. Great post. Lilo is the biggest idiot in the planet. She's ruined her gorgeous self so much its a shame. The same happened with Britney. And the worst is when they get their act together they just look like a very bad version of themselves...
