Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shit I found on Pinterest

Like every other 20-something-year-old girl, I love to curl up with a warm cup of herbal tea and frequent the inspiration website, Pinterest.

It is a magical place where fashionistas ogle clothes they will never wear. Single girls plan their wedding decorations. And people save recipes they will never make.

Is it heaven? Perhaps. But sometimes, it can seem like hell.

Once in a while, during my pinning, I will come across things that I never want to see again.

I've decided to share them with you.


Are you fucking kidding me? Some foodies take things way too far.

I found this image on some girl's hair inspiration board. News flash: this upside down hair basket doesn't even look good on the MODEL. And she's HOT.

Almost every girl I know pins cute little sayings. One of my friends actually pinned this one today. Needless to say, I was horrified. I hope she knows she can do better.

Fact 94: THIS ISN'T TRUE!!!!

Like ohmygod, that is SUCH a cute wedding photo idea!

If you pinned the one before, you're probably going to pin this one too.

I love the moms on Pinterest who get so over-excited about everything that they lose all common sense. This was repinned more than 1,000 times.

I have a thinspiration board because I want to lose 10 pounds this year. I came across another thinspiration board that had this awful photo pinned with the caption "perfect body!". Ummmm...

Some girl pinned this one today, with the caption "This is SO me and Dave!". There is a story behind that statement I need to know. (Or maybe not).

Aaaaand baby shower ideas! Wouldn't you love to serve these cake pops to your friends??? Maybe, if you're having ROSEMARY'S BABY.

Anyway, that's just a handful of crap I came across on pinterest over the past week.

Are you on Pinterest? Do you ever come across crazy pins?


  1. I cannot, cannot fucking stand people who have boards of shit they don't have. Like children. Or a fiance - when they have a goddamn board about weddings. I want to kill myself.

  2. Omg!! I have a pin interest but i have not come across these horrors!! The perfect body?!?!! Wtf?? That hair?!?!

    Oh dear...thanks for the laugh at all of this! =)

  3. not surprised at all you found that photo in a "thinspiration" board - that's actually a term that pro-anorexia websites use. It's ridiculous and disgusting.

    anyway, other than that, this was pretty freaking hilarious.

  4. Haha I´ve never surfed pinterest but I shall after this..some wierd shit going on haha

    The Black Label

  5. I'm admittedly a Pinterest addict. I tend to, uh, pin food. Almost exclusively. It's a sickness.
    xo Josie

  6. I saw some cool stuff on Pinterest sometime back. Thats what they call a perfect body?? Seriously? Am happy being chubby (and healthy!!)

  7. hehe i actually can't even work twitter. so there is no way i can handle this pintrest thing. i am not a multitasker. give me one thing, and i am all set. i don't even own a phone at the moment. and i am freaking happy!

  8. I tried it for a while but forgot my password and haven't been back for months.
    Those quotes are ace but that hair is dreadful and that poor skinny girl just makes me feel sad. x

  9. I actually quite like the spaghetti and sausage idea! ha ha :)

    Love, Vanilla

  10. Ha! I've seen that spaghetti hotdog pin before. I don't think it's being pinned by actual foodies though. I hope. Yes, pinterest is filled with utter garbage. And yet it's the best way I know to lose an entire hour of my life.

  11. This has made me laugh and slightly get a little worried about (WO)man kind !

    There is no accounting for taste and not everybody has it !

    That sausage, and thin body one are crazy - actually all of them pretty much are !


  12. Thanks for your comment!! Great blog and post!

  13. so funny post! love it!


  14. Yeah, those hot dog and noodle things are repulsive...

  15. LOL that is true, i never answer anyone when I'm playing video games... even my dad

  16. LOL these are all beyond ridiculous..esp the first one. i've seen that rePinned SO MANY TIMES...why? haha

  17. Oh dear.

    "The perfect body"??? I've seen this photo before. I'm past the part of finding the "body" disturbing. I'm just finding the ppl who fall for that photo disturbing. It's not even real! It's photoshop'd - and not even well. I can see all the blur lines, I can see all the "photo fill". Silly people. What I want to know is who is the sick head who made this photo?

    Thinspiration:pro ana sites. Stay away!!

    The Rosemary's baby caption was quite funny though.

  18. i love that basket braid! i want to learn how to do that

  19. Thanks so much for sharing these! jajajaa the pasta dish can I say this...DISGUSTING! but the babies with pumpkin butts made me laugh though! have a great day!

  20. 'The perfect body' ? Are you serious ? She looks like a twig !

  21. Bad pins are definitely more fun to see. I am NOT a fan of the cute/'romantic' sayings, so always roll my eyes when I see them pinned.

  22. I saw that first pic and sent it round to my mates, seriously, how very wrong???!!!
    That thinspo pic is just demented, did you leave a comment?
    Pinterest is bloody addictive stuff though... I just joined...oh and here I am:

    More badass stuff there!

  23. i saw that one with the hotdogs and spaghetti and it freaked me out! i hadn't seen the thinspiration woman you are talking about, but that freaks me out as well... ecspecially since other people would want to look like that?

  24. I'm just going to go ahead and throw this out there. Painting multiple baby's asses to make them look like pumpkins: borderline child abuse. Really. It's not like you can even ask the kid if he/she is cool with this because, you know, they're infants. But hey...I'm sure they'll look back on it during their adolescence and laugh....or not.

    Sorry for the mini-rant.

    Personally, I'm not on pintrest. But, knowing me, I'm sure I'll adopt it as soon as everyone has moved on to something cooler...

  25. Wow?! I cannot believe a bride and groom would pose like and that skinny model is horrifying!! You are right - there are some crazy weird pins out there. Clever idea to do a fun post like this on it. ;) I stay far away from those pins...but like you I have to pause and say - are you kidding me?!

  26. All of the butts disturbed me. The baby butts actually disturbed me more than the bride/groom butts. I didn't think that was possible.
    The perfect body one creeped me out. That girl is GROSS. I saw a girl who looked almost that thin in the gym the other day. I'm not sure what she does there, but she certainly can't lift any weights -- She would die.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  27. That you found all this in just one week is a bit disturbing-is there that much crap on the site?

  28. Ok, you definitely need to do more posts like this one. This is ridiculously hilarious! Ok, the suasage thing is gross, but...pretty innovative I must admit. And what the heck, those baby pops are creepy...

  29. I love you and hate you, all at the same time. Gah.

  30. I find weird shit on Pinterest all.the.time. But nothing as interesting as you found!

    The hot dog thing? It's like a car accident. I can't look away!

  31. Hahaahahahah!!!! This is perfect because I have a love hate with Pinterest. I can't deal with the imaginary world behind it. I had to take a break from looking up fashion related fantasies and started looking up exotic birds. Weird, I know. But Let me just tell you, it was much more entertaining. The picture of couple kissing upside down KILLS ME!

  32. LMAO i've seen a lot of lame pins too. Especially the wedding boards.

  33. That anorexic model is pretty horrific looking. All the bones jutting out which merely looked like a made up skeleton.

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