Thursday, March 1, 2012

Space Age Real Estate

Some of you may not know I am a Space Age enthusiast.

When I'm not busy being fabulous out on the town, I enjoy sitting at home, listening to Les Baxter's Safari, with a martini in one hand and hookah in the other.

In other words, I'm kind of a bad ass.

So, it should be no surprise that when I become rich and famous, the first thing I'm going to do is get my hands on some John Lautner real estate.

He is an architect who created some of the most glamorous and modern homes in American history. His bold, innovative designs earned him a star-studded fan base and devoted cult following.

Here are some of his gems:

The Sheats Goldstein Residence in Beverly Hills

Designed in the early 1960s, this 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom glass palace embodies the sexy, bold aesthetic of the Space Age. It is featured in movies, such as the Big Lebowski and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. It is also a sought-after destination for fashion shoots.

The Wolff House in Hollywood

This four bedroom, three bath home is a live-in tree house, built in 1961. It is currently owned by actor Vincent Gallo.

The Chemosphere in West Hollywood

If this house seems familiar to you, it might mean you recognize it from the retro cartoon, The Jetsons. The structure inspired the Jetson space home. This octagonal house, loving referred to as a "flying saucer" by locals, is also a very well-known Los Angeles landmark.

The Elrod Residence in Palm Springs

This Space Age bachelor pad was immortalized in the 1971 James Bond film, Diamonds Are Forever. The dome-shaped mansion, which features a maids quarters, was recently on the market for $14 million.

The Arango in Acapulco

This Mexican masterpiece from 1973 is considered the pinnacle of Lautner's career. At 25,000 square feet, it features a moat and spectacular views of the beach.

Which house do you think I should buy?


  1. These houses are so incredibly amazing. I was browsing through Christie's (the Art dealership) selection of real estate, and omg...We're talking CASTLES!! I found one in Ireland that I want. ;)

    I hate to ask this,but that "Jefferson" house...I swear they filmed part of The Hills in there...right?

  2. WOW!! I love that the chemosphere looks like the Jetson's home! You are a badass. I almost went to the florida institute of technology because I could watch the shuttles go off in the backyard every so often...Space Exploration is so cool!

  3. I LOVE those first two beautiful! It would be the weirdest/coolest thing in the world to actually live in one of those homes!

  4. Wow...these houses are amazing!!! I can't choose a favorite,each and every one is so unique and spectacular!!
    Lovely post :)

  5. House-gasm! I love the Goldstein house is such a work of art...damn I wish my house looked this good haha now I feel I live in a life would never be the same xD

    The Black Label

  6. omg. so beyond amazing. thanks for sharing, hun. if you get a sec, I'd love to hear what you think of my latest. xo

  7. Wow! I'd go for the Mexican one myself but would be happy to live in any of them. Very James Bond circa 1967. x

  8. The awesomeness of these houses is too much for me! Love the Chemosphere.

  9. Um, one of each please??

    I didn't think I would dig space age realty, but a few of those homes took my breath away.

    You mean my 1946 4 bedroom colonial isn't the greatest in space age appeal? ;) Hahahahaha.

  10. I've always wanted to live in a treehouse. At least for a vacation. And when I say "treehouse," I mean, posh and sophisticated structure up in a tree. Not like, some wood planks and glue.

  11. Admittedly way too hip for me. I'm lame. It's okay.
    xo Josie

  12. “When I'm not busy being fabulous out on the town, I enjoy sitting at home, listening to Les Baxter's Safari, with a martini in one hand and hookah in the other.”

    You lie!

    BTW – Christina Aguilera now owns the Chemosphere. I had lunch there yesterday. She sends her regards and says she’s a big fan.

  13. So cool! There's nothing like that in Finland!

  14. Wow these are amazing!

    It's hard deciding, but I think you should go for the Wolff house. But that's only if you invite me to move in.

    If not, you should probably consider the Aranco...cause I'm going to try to break in, so you'll want to be as far away as possible...

  15. wow!

  16. I say you buy Gallo's tree house and invite me over! I love it!

  17. Gorgeous houses!! I absolutely love the first one in Beverly Hills!!

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  18. Wow...Those are pretty incredible...I can see you and your martinis in any one of them! :)

  19. Awesoem blog! I only recently started reading it and in a furious need to catch up I've already read through 2009 and 2010. Your blog is so great, I made a post about it:

    haha. Awesome houses, by the way. I could get used to living in the lap of luxury.

  20. Wow, these houses are incredible! I'm just in awe looking at these photos. I can't even choose a favorite!

  21. Seriously you need to buy atleast two of them. That way if you get bored of one you can spend the weekend in the other!!

  22. I think that you don't need to buy any of these houses. You need to find an architect who works in this style, so that he can create something Jennifer Fabulous.
