Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blogger Meet-Up

It is not often when I run into a blogger from my neck of the woods.

So, imagine my surprise when I discovered my friend Tara, from Musings of a Notorious Daydreamer, lives only 45 minutes away from me!

We had been blog friends for a while before we made the connection.

Of course when we put two and two together, the next logical step was to meet in person.

So, over the weekend, we met up for drinks and art.

I was delighted to discover Tara is just as sweet and intelligent in person, as she is through her writing. We got along famously right from the start!

After drinks and dinner, we went to a couple art galleries.

We also came across some really creepy performance art.

These strange people were smashing bread against the window and then serving it to patrons. I was handed one, and politely declined to eat it. I was horrified to see that others around me were nibbling on their slices. Ew!

After we hit the galleries, Tara and I walked over to meet up with a couple of my friends.

The night kind of took a wild turn from there. We went to a couple more bars and met up with some hot guys. There may or may not have been a male stripper involved. Ha!

Anyway, I was so pleased Tara got along with my besties! I'm super excited because Tara and I are already planning more fun things to do in the future! Yay!


  1. JEALOUS. I totally wish that I lived a bit closer so I could have crashed your party. It sounds like you guys had a great time. Male strippers make everything better.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Aww! You're very sweet for posting this. I had such a wonderful time and I'm so glad we met through our blogs! I'm looking forward to more fun times like this in the future!

  3. Aww it looks like you had a great time. I did a module on performance art at university and to say it's odd is an understatement!

  4. How fantastic - I have met up with few fellow bloggers. It goes without saying you are top of the meet up list, tho...

  5. That's so awesome that you guys got to meet up! You guys are two of my favorites :)

  6. So cool! Oh I so wish I could meet you in person...who knows life is unexpected aint it?

    The Black Label

  7. Performance art can be so stupid!!! lol. Sounds like a cool night. Also, your hair is G O R G E O U S!!!

    Mabel Time

  8. How nice. Meetups are great fun.

  9. Looks like a fun "blogger date." I think that bloggers tend to think alike!

  10. Oh how cool is that! OMG! I hope we get to do that one day! So glad you got to connect and make a new friend-its so rare and precious these days :) xox

  11. This is SO fun! Blog buddies are the best.
    xo Josie

  12. I love hanging with other bloggers. It's so much fun! Tara sounds amazing. Glad you had a good day.

  13. Hey
    I know, right?
    Saying thanks will certainly not simply be sufficient
    This sort of clever work and coverage! Keep up the good works
    Thank you!

  14. Awww, that sounds like quite a fun night. Except for the creepy performance art. I have always had contentions with art for art's sake.

    Mumbai bloggers are a slightly sedate lot. I used to have a really outgoing bloggers group a couple of years ago, but things have gone a bit quiet of late. Am glad you could find that connect with another blogger.

  15. Awww, that sounds like quite a fun night. Except for the creepy performance art. I have always had contentions with art for art's sake.

    Mumbai bloggers are a slightly sedate lot. I used to have a really outgoing bloggers group a couple of years ago, but things have gone a bit quiet of late. Am glad you could find that connect with another blogger.

  16. hi beautiful, i found your blog. i think that is georgous.

    i'm following you since now :)

    follow me too if you want

    with love.

  17. How fab to meet another blogger. I love the look of the art and your hair looks amazing. x

  18. Yeah, i'm kinda with Bonnie, jealous! Looks like you had a blast! Think that was a good call on not eating the bread.. yuck!

  19. If I ever come to NY, I hope we get a chance to meet too! (I'll be the FAR LESS FASHIONABLE one)

  20. So much fun doing blogger meet ups. Love these photos! :)

  21. Awesome! Looks like a ton of fun.

    The bread throwing thing kind of freaked me out tho. O.o

  22. It sounds like you had such a fabulous time. I've always wanted to meet up with another blogger in real life. Hopefully that will be me and you one day. Now I'm going to check out Tara's blog.

  23. Wow, looks like such a fun time and I must say, your HAIR looks spectacular! Shiny and gorgeous!


  24. This sounds like so much fun. It must be nice meeting other people you've formed blogging-relationships with.

    ...and I don't blame you for passing on the bread...I wouldn't have eaten that either!

  25. I met a fellow blogger few months back and it's the best feeling in the world, like you are sisters and connected all this time.
    Ur blog is amazing, i should follow u.

  26. That is a very weird ritual!!
    Tagged you and passed on an award. Check it here-

  27. would love to have such great hair
    x the cookies

  28. oh my goodness!!! i laughed straight out when you were talking about the interpretive artists or whatever with the slices of bread smushed against the window...oh god and people were actually nibbling on the slices, words can't even describe the level of disgustingness...anywho great post and thanks for your comment, i think they're pretty darn hot too, and they've got talent to boot
    xoxo stephi

  29. Thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog! :)
    I am now following you!
    Follow back if you like my blog
