Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowels Sunday

It's that time of year again, where millions of people in the United States turn a football game into a national holiday.

We drink beer. Laugh at stupid commercials.

And the food. Oh god, the food.

Well, believe it or not, some people take Super Bowl food too freaking far. Like, they don't realize the difference between pigging out and genuinely eating like a pig, on a farm.

Here are ten horrifyingly REAL Super Bowl foods that will make you squirm.

Frank's hot sauce and chicken cake, with a blue cheese butter cream frosting. If you ever want to know what it's like to eat out of a dumpster, making this recipe is your chance.

Cheeto marshmallow treats. I'm not kidding.

Can't decide between pizza and burgers this Super Bowl Sunday?

Yes, this is a mug made out of bacon, filled with cheddar cheese. No, I don't have any explanation for it.

Hoping to cash in on the garbage-can food movement, Betty Crocker created a recipe for bacon and beer mancakes, which are basically pancakes made out of...well, yeah.

For some reason, the recipe for peanut butter and jelly chicken wings is immensely popular this time of year. And, of course, don't forget the Frank's hot sauce to go with it. Otherwise you're a pussy.

As if White Castle burgers weren't disgusting enough, the company had to create a White Castle dip recipe, which can be found on their website. (I'm not linking it. I refuse.) It calls for ten White Castle burgers, a bucket of cream cheese, a tub of mustard, and onions. Bon appetit!

Bacon inside of sausage. I'm a meat lover, but even looking at this photo makes me cringe. I feel like it needs to be poked with a stick, before consumption, just to make sure, you know, it's not still alive.

What's sad is that a person actually made this sandwich salad thing. And you know it took a reaaaaaally long time.

This 35-pound creation, titled the Big Dirty Manningwich, is a sandwich consisting of brisket, pulled pork, sloppy joe, bacon, and clam chowder. Perhaps you would like a keg of beer to help wash it down? I thought not.

What do you think of these Super Bowl food disasters? Would you make any of them?!


  1. Oh My!! That really just made my side twitch...I wouldn't try any of them...I can't. I think my heart would give out...

  2. aaaaaaand my appetite is gone.

  3. omg this makes me sick LOL. though the cupcake has me slightly intrigued...happy super bowel sunday ha!

  4. woow... a lot of food.. not sure if im hungry anymore, haha! xx

  5. Hmm cupcake yes, cheetos yes, and I've had wings with the pb & jelly and I liked 'em. But I'm kinda a silly eater. The rest though just seem like a waste of resources and shock value entertainment.

  6. Bacon and pancakes with beer??

  7. Oh my gosh! Feeling a bit ill now!

  8. I'm not going to lie... I think the Cheetos rice crispies treats sound pretty good...

    Mabel Time

  9. Wow..some damn frightening food right there!..Gotta give props to whoever did the salad sandwich skills my friend!

    The Black Label

  10. OMG, the mug bacon! i was totally going to comment saying how i could definitely eat one of these things...but then i saw them. i couldn't eat any of this sh*t, lol. :)

  11. A Bacon mug?? Seriously?? All of them make me want to go vegetarian !!

  12. If most of your [American] readers are grossed out by the photos in this post, can you imagine how French Girl in Seattle is feeling?! Absolutely disgusting. As for the whole football thing, I don't get that, so I will be busy doing other things on Sunday. Have fun, and have a green salad, dressing on the side, Jenny ;-)

  13. Oh dear!! Some of these sound INSANE!! The pizza burger thing looks horrible to eat!

  14. Ick!
    Except for the bacon and sausage thing... that looks kinda good.


  15. That mug filled with cheese is especially terrifying....

  16. Gah. Gross. It's like a competition to see who can make the most disgusting food. When did that become a point of pride? Ha!

  17. That bacon mug is a good idea. You can just eat it instead of having to wash up.

    Hmm, America, land of the brave.

  18. Ugh. Enough said.
    xo Josie

  19. I haven't watched the superbowl in ages...when I did, it was for the commercials. But , really, a bacon beer mug.

  20. I think I've lost my appetite! x

  21. Wow, some of these creations are quite elaborated... iT WAS A REALLY FUNNY POST, i LOVED THE SALAD sandwich thing :)

  22. oh gag- that pizza/burger is the worst thing I've ever seen!

  23. I think I need to run on the treadmill for an hour just after reading this post. I love you for finding these gems.

  24. OMG what a post!! Awe-some/ful!

  25. what crazy foods!
