Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just an Update

I've been really swamped with work this week.

I haven't been this busy in a while. It seems like every minute of every day, I have something to do. And my mind is racing.

I suppose that's a good thing for a freelance journalist, right? I'm lucky.

But despite being so busy, I feel like I'm really behind for my age.

I feel like everyone around me is off to greater things, and I'm kind of stuck in this transitional mud puddle.

I don't want to be a freelancer forever. And what worries me is that I don't even know what I want to do when I "grow up."

I'm not sure if there is a valid future in journalism for me anymore. When I was an employed reporter at the newspaper, I survived around five major lay-offs. I watched people twice my age be let go from the only job they knew. I saw careers being flushed down the toilet. I saw journalists my age jump off the sinking print journalism ship and swim, panicked, to the public relations island.

After being laid off two years ago, I halfheartedly applied to public relations positions. But I don't want to work in PR. And when I went to interviews, it showed.

I'm just terrified of staying in a field where a future isn't certain.

And here I am, freelancing for the newspaper, trying to keep my head above water, until I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

It's scary.


  1. I don't want to grow up, either, sometimes. It's scary! All these responsibilities and things ... Remember when the most important thing in the day was getting home to play with friends? Yeah. Those days are gone.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. i know exactly how you feel!!! i feel like ive reached a quarter life crisis, stuck in the inbetween not sure of what i want to do. i think thats the main reason i started my blog because if i can't work in fashion right now at least i can blog about it! don't worry girl a lot of people our age are feeling this! stay strong!

    xx Kelly

    PS. ill take those PR jobs haha!

  3. Hang in there. As long as you're working hard, it'll pay off. Your field has a lot of dues to be paid, which is really hard. But you are a naturally talented writer. It'll work out :)

  4. i dont think anyone knows what they want to do.

  5. Journalists aren't cut out for PR. That's one thing I've learned. Look at the different aspects of journalism that you love and pursue that. I'm obsessed with grammar, so becoming an editor for a research firm made sense. There are also lots of online pubs now (The Atlantic, Huffington Post) that you could look into as well. Don't worry, it's hard for everyone.

  6. I think the economy is making it difficult to succeed in EVERY field. But I do know that whether you continue in journalism or not, you simply MUST keep writing. You are so talented. Perhaps you will find your passion in a different medium for writing such as novels, etc.? Just keep pursuing what you love! :)


  7. I can't give you much insightful information, I'm sorry to say.

    But something I will say is that you should always do what you love.

    I know that's much easier said than done, but look at Steve Jobs (RIP): he started a tiny company in his garage and it turned into one of America's most innovative companies.

    The more you like what you're doing, the harder you'll work. The harder you work, the more benefits you get. The more benefits you get, the more you'll love what you're doing.

  8. I'm behind for my age, too. I think we're the same age. I know people my age who are making triple what I make and I HATE where I work. At least you have a really cool job!!!!

    Mabel Time

  9. What about writing a book? You are a great writer, with a unique "voice." It could be fun -and rewarding- looking into this, don't you think? Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  10. Jen, you're so smart and talented and funny. I know you'll find something great!
    xo Josie

  11. It's especially scary because your chosen field is contracting. Rapidly.

    If you look for the kind of job that used to exist but is disappearing, you'll be disappointed. The smarter thing to do is widen your search. It doesn't have to be PR. With your talent at writing, many other fields are open to you.

  12. I understand how you feel. I realized awhile ago that I don't want to be a journalist, and it was a hard realization to come to, honestly. When it's the only thing you've known/done, it's hard to give it up. But you have to do what makes you happy...I think that's most important.

  13. heck, you're living my dream, girl- so keep it up! Something will work out to ease some of the stress, but for now just keep on!

  14. i can totally understand jenny....even i m sailing in the same boat..i too feel that i m way back in career to my friends and really scared...panic..

  15. I hope all will get better. Growing up is hard, I wish I was young again and had no responsibilities. But, now I have children and work and things have to be done wether I like it or not!! You will get through it, I know it :) xx

  16. Aw, this post makes me sad. I just wish you could get paid for being fabulous, because then you'd be one of the richest people I know. :)

    Chin up, lady.

  17. Hang in there, Jennifer. If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that nobody has it together as much as it looks.

    Try to enjoy the fact that you're getting paid to do what you love, for as long as it lasts, and try not to get too wrapped up in how long it will last. I picked an industry I considered recession-proof and I don't think I've ever been able to say that I'm doing what I that's hard too.

    I'm sure it's scary, but if journalism is your passion, I say go with it. The industry will change, but it will never go away completely. And you're good enough at it that there will always be a job for you somewhere...

  18. Believe me: I'm in the exact same position! I'm writing for a few places, but don't even know if journalism is what I want to do!

  19. i can understand dear...but everybody is different and priority of everybody is different...are you happy with it...thats the main question you should ask yourself !no else matters !:)

  20. most def. i always feel like i dont know what i want to be when i grow up too and i am def grown up... lol its ok take your time and enjoy life as it comes and keep on looking around to find what it is that you enjoy doing. i'm sure something will surface.

  21. Hope it all works out for you my lovely :)

  22. Aww! I can understand! But i think it is really bad to compare with others and especially age is just a number! What you love doing and what keeps you happy matters! For some ppl money comes first and for some it all about what they love doing and still be happy!


  23. Ha! I don't think I have grown up, at.all. Nevermind...
    I hate that stage in your life when you're figuring out what you want to do... Don't panic, there's no rush as long as you're still freelancing.

    I (and everyone else who reads this blog) reckon you should write a book...

  24. Hey Jennifer. Hang in there. I know it can be frustrating, but every step in our life prepares us for something. Your situation is subject to change girl. It can happen with the blink of an eye. Do your very best everyday and always keep an eye out for other possibilities. You are a hell of a writer and have so much potential. It will all come together. I know it will. ((HUG))

  25. Hey love - great job with the freelancing and hang in there. Have you thought about getting smaller additional jobs that could turn into bigger opportunities? As you know I'm a freelancer but I have different clients to keep me afloat. I know how scary uncertainty can be though, but if you think about it a "normal" job is sometimes uncertain too just because of the economy. I'm sure you'll find your nitch (spell)? no matter what it may be and you are so talented, so don't sell yourself short. xoxo.
