Saturday, March 17, 2012

Teen Witch (gotta love the 80s)

I grew up wishing I had gone to high school during the 1980s. The decade seemed like a magical place for a teenage girl. Especially the late 80s. It was a Debbie Gibson world, filled with hot pink nail polish, fluffy crimped hair wrapped around pastel blue scrunchies, and cute boys hanging out at the mall.

Everything I love about the late 1980s can be found in one horribly cheesy, absolutely ridiculous movie: Teen Witch.

It is so bad. So, so bad. And yet I can't get enough.

Teen Witch, which came out in theaters in 1989, revolves around a teenage girl, Louise, who, despite being a geeky straight-A student, leads a pretty charmed life. She has a best friend who adores her. She is attractive. She lives in a big two-story house with her equally dorky, yet loving parents.

But how can life be perfect when the captain of your high school's football team doesn't even know you exist?!

Clearly, this was the end of the world for teenage girls during the 1980s. Louise, played by Robyn Lively, is madly in love with Brad, who is a dead-ringer for a 27-year-old Tom Cruise. But, unfortunately, sexy Brad is dating a bitchy blonde cheerleader with a better perm.

Luckily, Louise accidentally discovers she's a witch. The next logical step, of course, is for Louise to use her magic to make herself the most popular girl in school.

Will Brad fall in love with her now?!? I'm not going to leave any spoilers here. You'll just have to find out for yourself.

Despite its delicious cliches and adorably predictable plot, this movie has some cringe-worthy moments.

There is rapping. Horrible 1980s rapping. Warning: This might be the most uncomfortable video you will ever encounter on my blog.

There is a horny midget.

There is an excruciatingly random musical number, entitled "I Like Boys" sung by perky cheerleaders wearing leotards in a girls locker room.

Well, you get the picture.

Viewing this movie is like stuffing a bagful of Skittles into your mouth.

Anyway, imagine my shock when I discovered that the main character, Louise, was actually played by Blake Lively's older sister! Huh.

The two actresses are actually super close, despite the 15-year difference.

How cool is that?


  1. I LOVE Teen Witch! I haven't seen it in years, and it was a little before my time, but I remember watching it on TV a few times and loving it. I'll have to watch it again soon. And I didn't know that Robin Lively was Blake Lively's older sister! That's pretty cool. You're right...the movie is terribly cheesy, but for some reason it SEEMS like a great film, haha.

  2. That is so funny- I was just reading a Blake Lively article the other day and realized her brother plays one of the main characters one season on the L word, and it mentioned her sister but I didn't make the connection until you said that. This looks like one of those classic 80s movies I'd have loved had I seen it (Like Girls just wanna have fun or troop beverly hills :) )

  3. oh wow, that's cool! i didn't know blake's sister was also an actress. ;)

    <3, Mimi
    Fashion To Figure Giveaway

  4. i didnt even know blake lively had an older sister! i admit, i've never seen this movie before..but i want to see it now haha

  5. You've got to love those cheesy 80s hairstyles. Always associate the 80s with movies like The Breakfast Club and Footloose - nice post.

  6. As soon as you posted her name I went to IMDB to see if there was any relation to Blake. haha. I think the movie is cute in an outdated way, although I've never seen it all the way through in 1 sitting. I always seem to catch it on TV at random places.

  7. I only vaguely remember this film. It sounds like the perfect 80s movie, though, complete with a musical number.

  8. Lol, I wish my locker room was that exciting. I could do without the dancing on the lockers though...

  9. Ugh-you hurt my heart when you called this movie bad-its one of my favorites-but I get what you mean. It oozed of 80's cheesiness like all the other 80's movies did. Blake Lively in my book isnt the famous sibling but Robin Lively. Robin's brother Eric is also an actor-he was in "Night of the Creeps" one of my fave 80's horror movies. And the characters of Brad and Randa actually got married after this film was made and they are still married! I think thats sooo cool! Oh and the younger brother in the film is the real life younger brother of Jason Patric (Lost Boys). Yes I am a fountain of useless information-esp about the 80's hehehe PS I remember wishing badly I would get a charmed necklace and become the most popular girl in school-alas that did not happen heheheh Great post!

  10. I can't believe I never saw this. It looks like a great movie!

  11. Haha, I think it read it once on PerezHilton - I couldn't believe it myself either. I haven't seen Teen Witch in such a long time, I don't even remember much - I think I might just rewatch it again!

  12. I LOVE this show. With a passion. Of course, I wasn't even alive when it was on... I wish I'd been a teen in the 90s; I think I would have been really good at it.
    xo Josie

  13. 80s movies are so awesome and cheesy! It is funny that she is Blake Lively's sister (hmm and will Blake Lively regret any acting gigs years later"?)

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  14. ha ha ha..I too feel that beeing a teen in the 80s (In US) would have been so much fun!! And I learned something new today - that Blake Lively's sister is an actress too! Thanks for the laughs! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Let's Twitter Together
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  15. Who knew that Blake had an older sister!?

    Thanks for stopping by - totally agree, there's just something about Chanel perfumes isn't there...

  16. I remember those, loved them! great post! x

  17. This was on the other day in my house! I saw parts of it, including the equal parts enjoyable and horrific "Top That" scene.

    Sadly, I cannot vouch one way or the other about high school in the 1980s. I was a freshman in 1991...just missed it.

    Damn, I'm old.

  18. OMG, I had no idea that was Blake Lively's sister! LOL Who doesn't like a bit of fromage from time to time eh?

  19. I should see this!
    I wonder where am i and what am i doing to let this movie past by me duh!

  20. i had no clue!!! thanks for the information! :) that show was great.

  21. I love cheesy 90s movies and TV show-- Buffy was my idol.

  22. Ohhh we could be besties. I love this movie too. Haven't seen it in FOREVER though. And I had no idea they were related. That is fun!

  23. I love the oldy movies! Makes me want to watch it this weekend! Hmm to think about it they do resemble each other!


  24. Wow ! I didn't know that they were sisters - thanks for pointing that out !!


  25. I've never ever heard of Teen Witch. Now I'm intrigued! I'm sure the hubs will rather die than watch it with me but hey, I've watched enough thrillers with him so the man will have to suffer. I didn't even know that Blake Lively has an older sister.

  26. Great post, I've never watched this before but it looks interesting!

    Stumbled upon your blog and wanted to leave you a sweet comment, please check out my blog when you have time, thanks!

  27. I definitely want to see this now. mainly just to see what a movie from the 80s is like and it sounds really funny too. I didn't even know that Blake Lively had an older sister, I didn't know anything about her family before today so that's really interesting too.

  28. HAHA wow!!! Too funny...and so cute! I'll have to see if I can find this on Netflix.


  29. I remember that movie!!! It's been a while since I watched it, didn't know she always also Blake's sister

  30. i was born in 1979 and i'm a total 80s baby. i love most things 80s especially the music and the movies.

  31. I loved Sabrina - The Teenage Witch :)

  32. I'm gonna be the most popular giiiiiiirlll!!!

    LOVED that movie. I have a feeling you're a couple years older than me because I caught it on disney channel. Also I was also obsessed with Leo D, but after Titanic. AAHH! I can so relate to a lot of what you write. :)

  33. I'm gonna be the most popular giiiiiiirlll!!!

    LOVED that movie. I have a feeling you're a couple years older than me because I caught it on disney channel. Also I was also obsessed with Leo D, but after Titanic. AAHH! I can so relate to a lot of what you write. :)
