Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Got gaydar?

Believe it or not, there was actually a time when gay men were forced to hide their sexuality and flamboyancy from the entire world. It wasn't as accepted as it is today. (Although we still have a reeeeally long ways to go, let's be real).

Some men hid it rather well. Others...well, let's just say it was blindingly obvious, but the world was too naive to put two and two together.

I'm showcasing a few of those men in a feature I'm calling, "You really didn't know HE was gay?!".

George Michael

Teenage girls were obsessed with George Michael in the 1980s. Like, they literally swooned at his concerts. They dreamed of marrying him. They wanted to rip his clothes off and jump him.

...and that was AFTER this video came out. I cannot fathom how teenage girls saw this music video and still didn't realize George Michael was the biggest sun-tanned gaylien pop music ever produced.

This music video is not just George Michael telling people he's gay, he is basically screaming it from the rooftops. He's begging you to know the truth.

And yet millions of unsuspecting love-struck girls still wanted to sit on his face and thought he'd like it.


Liberace's sexuality did not cross the minds of wholesome 1950s audiences. It never even occurred to them that Liberace was gay. They thought he was just...theatrical.

The Midwestern musician was obsessed with high fashion, his physical appearance, and putting on the most spectacular show on earth. For nearly 20 years, he was the highest paid entertainer in Hollywood. He was a diva.

Although to be fair to his confused fans, Liberace did try to dispel the homosexuality rumor for years, even going so far as to publicly count all the ways he thought women were so fabulous. But the media had its suspicions.

In the end, the now-deceased superstar was officially outed by Betty White last year. During an interview, the actress admitted not only had Liberace been the biggest queen in the world, but she had often been his "beard" to distract the media from finding out the truth.

Rock Hudson

Let's see what we have here: a super hot rich successful gym nut who has a heart of gold, a designer wardrobe, and oozes with sexy charm? Yeah, if Rock Hudson met an average woman today, she would already be suspicious.

But Rock was an actor. A good actor. Even one of his closest friends and co-stars, Doris Day, claimed she had no idea he was gay. His bff Elizabeth Taylor, however, wasn't left in the dark. His true heart was shielded by numerous publicity shots of him out on the town with gorgeous young starlets. Ironically, the public assumed he was quite the womanizer.

In a desperate attempt to preserve his wholesome masculine image, Universal Studios hastily arranged his marriage to a young secretary, terrified newspapers would reveal his elaborate hidden gay lifestyle.

In an odd turn of events, it was the Daily Mirror which revealed his true nature. In 1985, the tabloid revealed proof that Rock had been arrested before he was famous, at 27-years-old, for having sex with a man in a London bath house. What's even more shocking is that the tabloid was all ready to produce the story when it happened in 1952, but decided not to publish it. The Daily Mirror literally saved Rock Hudson's career before it even started.

I doubt the publication would show the same respect today, right?

I adore all three of these men and while it pains me they had to hide who they were to the public, it does amuse me that most people genuinely did not realize these guys were gay. I mean, really.

Anyway, I'm proud to live in a world that seems to be heading in the right direction, despite attempts from ignorant people who are trying to stop the inevitable: equality.

Everyone in this world deserves respect, despite their ethnicity, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

I'll get off my soapbox now.


  1. I loved Wham back in the day & you did think he was gay already, but to be fair to everyone it was the 80's which was the biggest box of confusion ever! Men we ultra feminine because it was the style, they wore half tank tops and jeans tighter than I don't know what and they weren't gay. So, he could blend in quite well. But, at some point it did become bleeding obvious. I liked the other one of Wham anyways :))) I think its a good thing that people are more acceptable to their being those who are gay, it's been too long coming and I agree there is still long ways to go. But, the progress is good. It shouldn't matter, it won't change them and how they treat others. I hate the because someone's gay they are obviously going to hit on me or do bad things to children, which is disgusting. Gay people have tastes and preferences just like straight people. And they are not like those evil people who do bad things to children, I boil up when I hear those ignorant things. I have many gay friends and they are very accepting. I wish more were like that. But, I did love that George came out as gay, shut those annoying fan girls right up, Ha! x

  2. I loved George back in the Eighties. Back then even "normal" working class guys wore eye liner, high heels and acted camp, that was the fashion. I also fancied the pants of Boy George, who lived in my town when I was a teen and most of us girls that followed him around had no idea about him being gay either. x

  3. Hard to believe people didn't realize these men were guy, huh? It seems so obvious, especially now! But I completely agree... Everyone deserves respect and it's good to see we are heading in a direction that realizes that. Hopefully things will be equal one day!

  4. This is the first I've heard of Rock, and as a heterosexual female, it's a damn shame he didn't like my type. He is hott. (With two t's)

  5. I had no idea that Lance Bass from NSYNC was gay. When he came out, I was crushed because I had SUCH a crush on him when I was a kid.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. They do deserve respect! Anyway, George Michael and Rock Hudson are two total hotties. GM is still hot. Love love love him! The men are so lucky to have him. :)

  7. good post. I dated someone in the eighties who basically wanted to tear George Michael's clothes off. When I told her he was obviously gay she wouldn't speak to me for a week (so I said it a lot, obviously) - and then there was that strange charade of Elton John getting married to a woman for a while - I mean WTF??

  8. haha this was the best post ever hahaha its so funny how it can be so obvious but people just refuse to even see it haha :P i love the part when you said they wanted to sit on his face hahaha i almost died laughing haha! :) you are an amazing writer, keep the amazing posts coming! :) and thank you so much for your absolutely sweetest comments on my pictures, i really appreciate them with all my heart! :) again love this post! :)

    wishing you a lovely day,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  9. Omg how did people not know! I remember being a kid and knowing LOL Rock actually was in a lavendar marriage-a marriage between two gay people. Supposedly the secretary was as well. I do not believe for one second that Doris didnt know. And I totally remember when he was outed and came out with having HIV-I remember my heart hurt for him bc he looked so defeated and devasted that he had to be outed that way.

    I firmly believe that unless there is sexual abuse invovled, sex with children, animals, elderly, or disabled then I have no desire to know who they are having sex with. I do think people are fascinated with people lives not really about the sex but about the choices they make and how they live them. Aka I guess that means that people are just nosey.

    Super great post. By doing my cinema spotlights I have been learning about a lot of actors/actresses-oh my-lets just say the 30s was INTERESTING! LOL xox

  10. I dream of the day when people don't obsess about people's sexual orientations (or any other labels we can put on them)... and instead focus on who they are as people, their deeds and accomplishments. I think we're making progress but we've got a looooong way to go still.

  11. Aaahaha I've actually never seen that video clip before. How hilarious. He looks like an evil Ken doll. And Rock Hudson, spot on - on paper it does sounds rather suspicious!

  12. Teehee loved watching the video and George Michael's antics. I guess back in the day, people werent as smart as we are today. Ricky Martin did a great job at concealing his orientation though

  13. I have so many male friends who are gay, but u can never tell.

  14. I think I am in love with Rock Hudson! It's such a shame that they ever had to hide their sexuality! Everyone deserves respect no matter race, sexuality, gender etc.

  15. Nice post! And i watched your radio list, I'm listening lady gaga's bloody mary too :)

  16. "Everyone in this world deserves respect, despite their ethnicity, race, religion, or sexual orientation."

    Stay on your soapbox, Jennifer! I love reading your thoughts; and I agree wholeheartedly with you RE the above! :)

  17. So true!! I have to admit I like that Wham song, you can't be in a bad mood while listening to it or watching that video... too funny!


  18. So true, darling!
    Love this post!


    P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment :)

  19. Great post. Gay, straight, we are all the same.

  20. That wouldn't happen in the media today!

  21. Remember Clay Aiken?

    HOW did ANYONE, EVER, think that man was straight?

  22. ...Or that blonde guy from nsync? Not Justin. The guy with the spiky hair. You know who I mean.

    HE was ALWAYS gay to me. Even at 13 years old.

  23. George Michael, I knew. The other 2 - no idea. Your blog should be turned into a textbook Jenny. I learn SO MUCH from it!

  24. I adored Wham! Still love George Michael! Gay or not! HAHAHA Rock Hudson kept his secret hidden well. I would've never thought.

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