Friday, June 8, 2012

The Barbie Sartorialist

I swear this is not turning into a Barbie blog (okay, it might be) but I have encountered a new obsession.

During my research last week, I stumbled upon a website that has stolen my pink, fabulous, Barbie-sex doll drenched heart.

It is called Tiny Frock Shop.

This online boutique offers vintage designer clothing for Barbie, the ultimate fashion icon.

This delicious site is run by Pamela Thompson, the former Head Fashion Designer at Betsey Johnson and current designer for Anna Sui. She's been recently coined the "Sartorialist of Barbie" and her resale Barbie clothing and accessories website has been making headlines all over the world.

The shop features manufactured and handmade Barbie clothes and accessories from the 1940's and up.

The most fabulous part about the site is that all the dolls featured in high fashion editorials on Tiny Frock Shop have their own model profiles. They are so fun to read and insanely adorable! I spent my entire morning engrossed in each one.

Plus, the website has a blog with behind-the-scenes footage of the fashion photo shoots. It's so cute I wanna pass out. Seriously. I'm on the floor, hyperventilating, right now.

Did you know about this website?!?


  1. I had NO idea about this website. And I'm glad I didn't or I would have taken my parents to the cleaners! I used to be obsessed with Barbie.

  2. Oh this is the outfits on barbie...she is one chic chic lady.

    The Black Label

  3. OMGASH Jen!!! This is SO CUTE!!! I love this - only you. Only you would find something this fabulous online!!!

    I am off to go explore the site.


  4. i loved this post my dear!! :) i had no clue they had vintage clothing for barbie hahahahaha i wish the had some 1920s clothes hahahaha!! :) great post my dear! :) and i hope to see you around my chat sometime, it would be great to see you and chat with you since we have been blogger buddies for so long! :)

    hugs and best wishes,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  5. How do you find these awesome websites,Jenny?? I am loving this Barbie series. Off to checkout the store :D

  6. I had no idea this existed! They are quite something though. Will go and have a look too :) Hope you have a marvelous weekend doll :) x

  7. I have never before heard of this website; but I now have a craving to purchase all of these looks for my old Barbie dolls (which I still own)! :P

  8. I love it! Those outfits must have been handsewn and hand-knitted, for the homemade ones. I've made doll clothes before, but nothing so fancy and beautiful!

  9. Wow, had no idea such a site existed! I guess it means Barbie will have whatever wardrobe she wishes - even couture!
    Hope you're well cupcake!

  10. OMG. What a store! I've been browsing it and it looks incredible. I'm loving all your Barbie posts. So much so, that I have a slightly Barbie inspired outfit planned to go up on monday.

  11. Is it wrong that I want alllllll of these?!?

    Awesome post, darling!


  12. That is just amazing! Such a fun site -- had no idea about it before!

  13. OMG I have to check out this website. It looks seriously amazing!!
    I would love for you to visit my blog sometime!!

  14. so cute ! my seven year old has my barbies now and he is very much desiring the panda outfit ! hee hee le xox

  15. I wish they had websites like this when I was a kid!! Its weird how when we were young you'd go to the store to pick out a new outfit for your Barbie or trade with a friend. Now, there's whole websites and kids have computers and stuff too. This is such a cool idea!

  16. I had no idea about this website until this post. The Barbie fashions look very haute couture.

  17. So amazing!! I love all of these outfits, especially the 1st!


  18. so so sooo pretty. love all of them. really fascinating :)


  19. haha I've never seen this but it fascinates me what is all out there!

  20. I had no idea this website existed. Everything looks amazing, and I especially love the details!

  21. That's officially hardcore. I always loved Barbie clothes.
    xo Josie

  22. This is so cool. Their outfits are amazing. It's interesting all this talk about Barbies. Today my dad was moving some boxes around and we came across my Barbie collection. I was surprised to see it still existed and was so intact. It got me thinking that I still kind of like them actually. Obviously for different reasons to when I was a kid. But now I'm into fashion I like them for their outfits and the fun that could come from dressing them in clothes like you just posted.

  23. Wow. This website is amazing. It's really no different than a clothing website...except for who the clothing is for. I kind of came to realize this was a big deal when I went on ebay looking for hosiery and there were so many different kinds of pantyhose for barbies on sale...I was amazed.

    The outfits really can serve as a sort of style snapshots for the different era depending on where they're from. I really kind of like that aspect about them.

  24. Those look like my mom's barbies!

  25. Wow! These pictures are amazing, and they certainly don't make barbies like they used to!

  26. Love Barbie fashion, I went to their event awhile back and fell in love all over again!

    Couture Caddy

  27. Oh WOW! Girl! They make some fab fashions for Barbie. Better than Mattel EVER did! HAHAHAHA I would've loved having these growing up. Very haute couture!!! Thanks for sharing!
