Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Ode to Outfit Posts

I'm sorry I have been MIA for the past several days.

Not only have I been swamped with work, but I need to take a short break from the researched posts I've been doing lately. It seems every time I get a free minute to blog, I stare at my list of blogspiration and ideas I've jotted down in my journal, and quite frankly, I'm too exhausted to work on any of them. That shit takes time!

I even thought of conjuring up a quick outfit post for you guys, but I'm currently wearing pink sweatpants and a powder blue Portland souvenir t-shirt. Somehow I don't think that outfit would stack up against the jaw-dropping fierceness of Da Paura, the colorful, playful style of Amber's Mouthwash, or the effortless bohemian chic of Vintage Vixen.

(And don't even get me started on the uncontrollable swag of Glam Kitten's Litterbox, the Indian glamour of Leia's Delights, the cheerful fabulousness of Oh to be a Muse, the affordable fashion at Dina's Days, and the enviable ensembles at Tanvii.)

Speaking of fashion blogs and outfit posts, am I the only girl here who could care less about the glossy, high-fashion, over-rated ad rags that are bragged about in all the magazines? I think you know which blogs I'm talking about.

I don't find inspiration from rich model wanna-be's who have 500 pairs of Prada pumps and a closet filled with couture. That's boring. If I wanted to see the latest designer dress, I'd just skim through the pages of Elle to see a real model wearing it better.

When I go to fashion blogs, I'd rather see this:

My inspiration comes from the girls who boast unique style, which embodies their personality and lifestyle.

I have found myself becoming a more critical thrift store junkie by keeping up with Ashley at Milk Teeths. I have literally scoured Forever 21 for similar modern-Audrey inspired dresses I've seen on Imogen over at Tia Cherie. My Converse sneakers have seen the light of day again thanks to Sherin at Hi Fashion.

These are all just a handful of the girls who inspire me. These are the fashion bloggers who make me excited to get dolled up for a girls night out or a romantic date with my man.

They are also my friends.

Which fashion bloggers inspire you?


  1. Oh to be a muse! Awesome style so happy and colorful and chic...just my kind of style!

    The Black Label

  2. I agree with you. Fashion blogs are best by blogger who shop every day clothes and make them look amazing. Love Tanvi's sense of style. She awesome. Will definitely check out the other bloggers too.
    Happy Blogging,
    Fashionopolis By Amena
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  3. Thank you Jenny! <3 Such a pleasant surprise.

    Also, I didn't know so many of the girls mentioned here. Will have something to do this weekend!


    ∞ © ∞

  4. The normal ones! I love Liz from Sequins & Stripes, Audrey from A Lovely Escape and Sheena from Shanele!

  5. Completely agree. These are all very inspirational fashion bloggers.

    It amazes me how effortlessly some people can seem so put together.

    I've been thinking about doing my own daily outfit posts. I'm sure readers will just be bowled over by my weekly rotation of khakis and polos that wear to work. Very inspirational :D.

  6. Ahhh! You are officially rocking my socks right now, Jen Fab! Thank you so much for including me in your list of fave bloggers and friends!

    I feel the same way you feel. When people find out that I blog about fashion they always ask me if I read "such and such" blog (someone with a million followers, a gazillion comments, and a bajillion features). And I'm like, no, not at all. I don't get inspiration from those girls. I get inspiration from a good handful of the ladies you spotlighted.

    P.s. I interviewed for a job a while back that asked me to name 2 blogs (not my own) that I love and why. Just letting you know that the two blogs I included were Tanvi's and I Know, Right. <3

  7. It's nice to see these ladies on here, they've such unique style! :-) I am inspired by many eclectic bloggers.

  8. Love these gals and their looks!
    The colorful skinnies are so great!


  9. It's much funnier to see how people fix clothes together. Clothes which I could also buy. It's depressing too see only expensive high fashion in a blog and know that I will never have money to dress like that :D

  10. You are incredibly cute and very funny Jenny. I rhymed. Not on purpose. But I did. I apologize.

    I agree with you on all counts. I too, am not impressed by bloggers who have monies to spend on shiz that I do not care about.

    Following you my love!


  11. Seriously Jen, you had me in stitches with your comment! Please, I bet you look fantastic if you went with shorter hair!!

    I love these gals you have mentioned here. There are so many different bloggers who are such inspiration - most of whom have commented here - like Madison, Tanvi... then there's Veronica of BitterSweetColours - seriously amazing, the Greek girls from, Vahni of GritandGlamour, Shareen of VintageMavens, Carlina of Allergic to Vanilla, The Style Confessions... the list goes on - all of whom are on my blog roll!

    Yes - shampoo for long hair - actually this one might suit you, wasn't convinced with the conditioner but that might be because of the state my hairs in right now! Hence the chop!

  12. Yay! Thank you for the mention. I love doing, and seeing, outfit posts. Other bloggers dress so well, so I'm always inspired. I miss your outfit pics. Hope to have them back soon!!

  13. these ladies have amazing style! :) and their blogs are just adorable!! :) i love how you always seem to find such amazing things around the internet my dear!!! :) and thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog! :) i just made me blush!! :) i really love to hear feedback from you especially because you were the first person to ever comment on my blog! :) and that is special to me! :)

    hugs and best wishes,

  14. Love their outfits, so colorful and vibrant:))
    I'm glad ur not that into brands, were both thriftie fan:))

  15. Oooh thanks for the fashions to ogle! I already follow Amber's blog but I haven't seen the other ones!

  16. oh go on do a faux style piece on the pink pyjama pants.Yes you do write a lot of researched posts that must take ages, try writing the first load of crap that comes into your head like me. Much to ne said for 10 min stream of consciousness posts.

  17. This is such a lovely way to thank people who have been an inspiration :) Great post Jenny! I love reading Amber, Cheryl, Tanvi, Leia and Sherin (and you too of course!!). Thanks for linking the rest, will check them :)

  18. Yes I agree with you, it's something I state often.

    I don't actually look to anyone else for inspiration because I have my own style and expression and personality... I greatly admire many of the bloggers you have mentioned (Tanvi, Cheryl, Vix) for their individuality and expression of personality...but I cannot look at people who slap on thousand of dollars worth of labels and consider them stylish.
    Likewise celebrities with stylists... I do not considser them fashion or style 'icons' (over used word).

    For me anyway, the blogs I love are about the blogger not about the clothes. So even though Sea of Shoe's Jane Aldridge is drenched in labels... I love her sense of self.
    ...but what I really love is colour and bold choices! The hipster minimalist types with their greiges and snoretrals and oat/wheat/camel/caramel/sand with an exciting pop of neon in the shape of an envelope clutch and prerequisite Karen Walker bore me!

  19. i love cheryl from oh to be a muse....her style is soo inspirational...i simply love her style sense...

  20. I absolutely agree with you! I don't follow ANY of those artificial, glossy, magazine-type blogs. Blogs are supposed to be about relatability, and like you said, if I wanted high fashion I'd pick up a magazine! I like bloggers that talk to you, not just those who pose as if to say "look at how fabulous I am." I love blogs that enrich my knowledge (like yours!) and as for bloggers that inpsire me, how about, um, YOU? You've been through so much and you're still positive and purposeful ... and you're gorgeous and seriously have the most amazing shiny hair I've ever seen :P. We love you! <3

  21. OMG I loved reading this! You've seriously given me some new blogs to check out! Some of them are already on my reading list and the others I'm sure will be just as fabulous! :)


  22. You said it, lady! I love personal style blogs, and draw inspiration from some of the most stylish ladies in the blogosphere... Rachel and Cheryl are among my favorites too.

  23. You're precious!! These girls have fabulous style, I enjoy them!! xx

  24. I am aquainted with the blogs of the girls listed above. Style is so personal. It's difficult to say what is style or not.

  25. I LOVE Alicia of Cheetah is the New Black - her style is gorgey! :)

  26. thanks for the share. love finding new blogs to read. like yours ;)

  27. Lovely!!! Ehat an inspiration!! :)

    Maybe you have time to read my New Post- Similar Difference


  28. Thank you so much for the mention Jen! I literally squealed when I saw it (and while at work!)


    PS - would love to see your pj's! Haha, I've posted in my yellow smiley face pj's before!

  29. Thank you so much. I am so excited. I have never had a mention like this on anyone's blog before. I love the personalised comments for everyone you are just the sweetest. This is a great idea for a post because I agree with what you wrote. I don't care about what's in the magazines and cat walks it is definitely the other bloggers that I adore. I love Amber's dress in this post and Tanvi's bag and the pink and red together of oh to be a muse. Glam Kittens Litter BOx is the best! I have to check out the blogs I don't know from this post.

  30. Jen!!! Gahh thanks for shout out girl :) And I echo your sentiments fully about fashion/ blogger inspiration. I want to see real girls, with real wardrobes, showing real style! Not a mannequin slash wannabe model showing off their entirely PAID FOR outfit C/O brands X,Y,Z! Might as well just look through a magazine like you said ;)

  31. I know what ya mean, I'm inspired by the outfits that are relatable not the ones that are wearing dresses that cost hundreds of dollars. I'm always thinking, "Did you really pay that much for that?!"
    Work can be so draining, especially when you have to do so much research for a post. Sometimes my flashback friday posts seem so daunting because it just takes hours to research stuff.
    Thanks for sharing these bloggers though! They actually make me feel like changing out of pajamas.

  32. You know about my Cupcakes and Cashmere addiction... I love that bloggers are REAL and I can see how those real girls put things together!
    xo Josie

  33. I love the title of your true is that..outfit posts are so cool and awesome..lovely!

    following you..hope you'll do the same :)
    maybe you have time to check my new post too- summer style :)

  34. I agree Jennifer! My blog roll contains a list of UNIQUE bloggers that I love to read. I can't stand the one's that wear the expensive stuff ALL THE TIME! It's like they're trying to out do one another. I don't like competition in any form. So they can count me out!

  35. You know I hardly read fashion blogs any more because they all look like clones of each other to me. But Tanvi will always be one of my favs, simply because she is what she is. I must go check out the others you've listed.
