Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's Play with Barbie!

The other week, I had so much fun with those Barbie posts, I decided to go hang out with my old dolls.

I spent an hour in my parents' attic reacquainting myself with my former friends.

Let me introduce you to them:

This is Barbie, of course. When I first met Barbie, she was a flight attendant. But she has since lost her plane, making her job quite useless in Jennyland. So, for the past 20 years, she has mostly spent her time shopping with her besties and marrying her boyfriend over and over again.

These are Barbie's close friends, riding in front of her Dream House in their vintage 1989 pink convertible. Hope, on the left, was a hip-hop musician from NYC when we first met in 1991. Bridget, on the right, was a cheerleader when we met the same year.

This is Barbie's cousin, Malibu. When we first met in 1989, Malibu was an aspiring swimsuit model. But these days, she's a fashion blogger.

Do you like her outfit shot?

And here is Barbie's best friend, Jasmine. Isn't she gorgeous with her long shiny hair?! When we first met in 1993, Jasmine was a spoiled Arabian princess. She still acts like one.

Last but not least, here is Barbie with her boyfriend, Ken. He was a lifeguard when we met in 1990, and even though he has since retired from the career, he still spends most of his time lounging around the pool.

Holy slutballs! I turn my back for one minute and Jasmine is already letting Ken whisper sweet nothings in her ear! How could she do this to her best friend?!

And when Barbie catches them in the act, Jasmine still can't keep the smirk off her face. That dirty bitch! This friendship is OVER.

Without hesitation, Barbie kicks Jasmine to the ground and stomps on her, barefoot. That's what happens when you're a backstabbing, boyfriend-stealing hoe-bag!

Jasmine is so wrought with guilt, she seeks comfort in the arms of a priest, who is more than willing to oblige.


(Have a great weekend!)


  1. This is hilarious! I love the blogger and smackdown photos the most.

  2. Oh mon Dieu. Were you slightly tipsy when you wrote this or did you just get all wrapped up in your "moment" with Barbie and her friends? :-) Tres drole. You made me laugh this morning as I am about to fly home in a few hours (all details are on le Blog, of course.) When the transatlantic flight becomes too unbearingly long and airplane food too unbearingly bad, I will remember this story and smile. Merci Jenny. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Too funny! My favorite barbie growing up was my ballerina one that my brother bought for me. I wish I still had it.
    Love the hair shot :)

  4. bwahaha that is so hilarious!! :D :D
    My dear Jenny, how do such awesome posts come to your head?? :D

  5. haha this made me laugh

  6. AAAHHH!! Jen, this is *perfect*!!! This had me laughing so freaking hard. I love how you arranged these dolls. Oh man..please do more posts like this, these are amazing!!


  7. Omg I cant stop laughing hehehehe I love it! xox

  8. Hysterical post, darling!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend, too!


  9. Ha! This is great. Love that after all that, they still wear those perfect smiles. You'd never know!

  10. I can NOT believe Ken cheated on Barbie. What a jerk.
    This is actually definitely my favourite post ever!!! I'm going to re-find my Barbies and see if they have issues like this as well.
    Someone needs to turn this into a reality show.

  11. oh my goodness ken is such an ass!!! hahahahahaha i love this pose deary!!!! :) and its so fun to see you having so much fun with your old childhood toys!! :) hahahahaha this post made me laugh so much hahahaha! and i just loved the the pictures! :) amazing job my dear! your blog is always so interesting

    wishing you the best,

  12. it! This was like Barbie-world Jerry Springer!

    Actually, in that case Barbie would have to be carrying Ken's baby only, a in-show paternity test would reveal that it was NOT Ken's...much to his relief. Then the show would end in a slap fight between Barbie and Jasmine with Ken looking on in a weird mixture of horror and enjoyment...

    Wow...that was fun...maybe I should get some Barbies...

  13. ugh i so wish i was still in contact with my former barbie friends..........jely!

  14. Ha ha... That was very funny. I was never allowed to have a house or car etc for mine. Later my barbies got all gothed up & decapitated or hanged... My mum just didn't understand.

  15. Jennifer, you are Fabulous in every way possible. The internet bows to your genius.

  16. lol...this is the cutest and funiest post i have read in a while....all the memories of me playing with my barbies just came alive....thanks jen..loved ur post :)

  17. Hahaha, this post was so cute! :) I loved reading this. There's a new post up on my blog and I'd love to hear what you think of it, so feel free to stop by!
    xoxo, Veena
    Twitter: @VeenaMcCoole

  18. For some reason, maybe that my mother was a historian, all our adventures with our barbies were set in the past, and all our barbies were Disney princesses. My barbies travelled in a basket carried by Pegasus, except for Mulan, who preferred her horse. And Megara was the leader (I had Hercules too, but he didn't look too clever). As we had the same dolls, they all had twins, but it was easy to tell them apart. I combed their hair too much :-(

  19. Hahahaha! Is it wrong that I seriously want to visit your parents attic and play with Barbies with you? I'm not even joking - it would be the best time EVER!

    P.S. I totally still have my old Jasmine doll, as well! :)

  20. Hi Jennifer! We nominated you for the Blogger Appreciation Award, check it out! :)

  21. haha i played till age of 12 xD

  22. haha! I loved reading this ... aww, I think my Barbies went on an indefinite holiday. Ohhh, the memories of playing! That's so nice that your parents still kept your Barbies! :) xx

  23. This is just another reason why you and I are so similar; we both just rediscovered our barbie collections.

  24. haha- if you and I had played with barbies when I was little I might not have thought they were so boring- can this become a regular feature?

  25. I grew up in a farm where kiddo's play on the fields or streets. But i have at least two barbies sitting on my bed, not being played with lol.

  26. ahahahah...loved it!! Your a riot, loved this :))) xx

  27. Barbie is on the blog and hilarity ensues. Thanks for sharing your Barbie playing habits with us. It's nice to see that you still have all these toys. Mine are all gone.

    Love the black and white of Jasmine and looks so sweet, even if she is a boyfriend stealer.

  28. LMFAOOOO Jennifer! I knew it was going to end in some kind of drama. I applaud you for keeping all of your dolls AND the accessories! I think I gave all of my stuff away. Jasmine is BAD BAD and so is KEN! hahaha Great post!

  29. LOL! I have that Jasmine doll. She came with two different outfits.

    This is my new bloggy :) I don't have the google friend connect's not available for new blogs :( But you can follow me through bloglovin'. I'm excited to comment on your posts now! Hope you're doing great, Jen. Have a lovely Monday!

    xo Azu

  30. hahahaaha. you actually did really good arranging them. It fits the captions perfectly!

  31. hahaha awesome post! Hilarious. I must say, I do love me some Barbie fashions. Following you :)

    Couture Caddy

  32. LOL too funny!! I'm pretty sure I had the exact same barbies, and my sister had Jasmine... figures right?


  33. haha this is too cute and funny at the same time! so original!

