Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Restaurant Reviews

This might come as a shock to you, but I'm quite the jet-setter. One day I'm in New York City, the next I'm in Los Angeles. Sometimes all in one day.

During my recent travels, I stopped by a few restaurants that I really enjoyed. I decided to share my reviews of them, in case you ever find yourself in the area and decide to go.


The Max, Los Angeles

If you love flashy neon colors, retro designs, and all-American food, you seriously need to stop by The Max, which is over in the Pacific Palisades.

The prices are reasonable. The food is simple, but it's good. Burgers. Fries. Milkshakes.

The back story of the place is pretty quirky as well. It was opened by a magician, and sometimes he'll come to each table and perform a silly little trick and crack stupid jokes. But it's all in good fun.

The only downside is if you hit the place up after 2 p.m. it tends to get overcrowded with obnoxious teenagers from the nearby Bayside High School.

The afternoon I was there, a few of them came out of nowhere and randomly held a dance-off, which delayed my food from being served by 23 minutes. I was SO annoyed.

Here is a crappy cell phone pic I took of the scene:

Peach Pit, Beverly Hills

I have a soft spot for old-school diners, so when I stumbled upon the Peach Pit, I couldn't have been more delighted.

Again, you're looking at all-American food, but it's absolutely delicious and hot off the grill. The interior is very retro and there's even a jukebox.

My server, Brandon, was super cute and even flirted with me a little, which made me kind of uneasy later on, because I found out he was in high school (he looked 26).

Here's a crappy cell phone pic of my server and the owner:

Central Perk, New York City

Sometimes, it's just nice to get away from Starbucks. So, when I found myself in Greenwich Village one day, I decided to try out a popular local coffee shop, Central Perk.

Before I even ordered my coffee, I was already impressed. It had such a cozy, yet vibrant atmosphere. The couches were comfy. The coffee mugs were huge. The place was filled with attractive people around my own age.

I was a little taken aback by the sour-faced barista, Gunther, who took my order with undisguised sarcasm.

I was in such a good mood after leaving the place, I even tipped a pretty blonde hippie who was singing about smelly cats in front of the main entrance.

Stay tuned for my next restaurant review post, where I'll detail my visits to Shooters, Krusty Burger, and Bluth's Banana Stand.

Will you visit these places?

What are your favorite restaurants?


  1. WOW, these are all my favorites, too! If you're ever in small-town Connecticut, I highly recommend Luke's Diner. Charming without being kitschy, and the owner is hot. True story.
    xo Josie

  2. Hahaha...will be sure to check those all out in my adventures. They look marvellous ;)) x

  3. Haha, amazing!!! You know, I often frequent Central Perk on my day trips to New York...on my private jet.

  4. I prefer The Max. There's just too much drama at The Peach Pit. And you can't beat the random dance-offs. I especially enjoyed the music video they shot there that time. You know, the one with Jessie, Kelly and Lisa in their aerobics gear?

  5. I'm so friggin' naive. I started reading this and thought "Hey! Wasn't The Max from SBTB!" You crack me up, sista.

    PS: Totally watched Welcome to the Dollhouse this weekend. Thank you for the recommendation!

  6. Very funny. You had me going at first.

  7. Ha! I love this, way to go jettsetter! I had to do a doubletake ... wait is that Lisa from SBTB? lol. Have a wonderful week dear! xx

  8. lol these places sound almost too good to be true. I will definitely have to check them out next time i'm jet setting between the coasts.

    if you ever stop by the twin cities (i know it's probably fly over land to you) you should check out Mickey's

    Love Jenny XOXO

  9. You are funny! They are definitely on my to-do list if I ever get back there. I visited the Cheers Bar in Boston, does that count? x

  10. I don't make it out to LA as often. Now I have craving for fries and hamburger for lunch.

  11. Hilaaaaaaaarious post, darling!
    I need to go to the Peach Pit stat... where is my fake time machine?


  12. Haha, I was a little slow on this one at first and was like "The Max...isn't that from Saved by the Bell?" <---fool.

    Anyway, I loved reading this post and I can't wait until your review on Krusty Burger...I've heard good things. But you should definitely include Luke's Diner...that place is pretty fab. I have a lot of fond memories.

  13. Haha, I was a little slow on this one at first and was like "The Max...isn't that from Saved by the Bell?" <---fool.

    Anyway, I loved reading this post and I can't wait until your review on Krusty Burger...I've heard good things. But you should definitely include Luke's Diner...that place is pretty fab. I have a lot of fond memories.

  14. Jennifer, you almost got me girl! You are too frickin' funny! HAHAHAHA I've only been to these places through my tv. HAHAHAHA Girl, you can put someone on a mind trip! Have a great week and thank you so much for your kinds words. ((hug))

  15. Hilarious! I need to frequent diners more often!

    xo Mary Jo

  16. Ha, I loved this!

    Too bad The Max is full of people with horrible 90s style...mesh wife-beaters -- NO!

  17. Wow - see you are so Cosmopolitan - opps - I forgot you liked rabbits, well they are not totally evil I guess..

  18. haha, this is classic. Can't wait for your take on the banana stand :)

  19. Ooh, how I love this post - all of my favorite things in one...I'm a huge fan of The Max myself. But Josie's recommendation is another favorite of mine...who could resist Luke's Diner? :P

  20. I would love to go somewhere like The Max. I always have. It reminds me of Saved by the Bell or something I'd see on tv.

  21. Jennifer, you've completely nailed it again!! I personally am partial to Central Perk. It's definately one of my favorite places to hang out!

    Meet me there on Sunday for a chai latte?

  22. LOL it took me a second to catch on but I loved this! Haha

  23. I have to admit that when I first started reading this I totally fell for your sarcasm. I was like, "hey...why does everyone look like they came from the 90s?" LOL! But in my defense it was past 12am and I was extremely tired.

    This was brilliantly written. Your description of these characters was spot on. Gunther is a funny guy :) And I used to watch Saved By the Bell all the time!

    xoxo Azu

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