Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to the Dollhouse

"You think you're hot shit, but really you're just cold diarrhea."

Sometimes I wish more than anything that I could teach a class on pop culture. I feel this desperate need to educate young adults on the books they should read, television shows they should watch, movies they should see, and celebrities they should know about.

Especially when I encounter gob smacking moments, such as discovering that the guy working in the CD department at Best Buy has never heard of Elton John or the teenage follower who confessed on my blog she prefers not to watch movies that were made before 2000.

Today, I'm going to educate you on a film that I truly believe every person should have on their "to watch" list: Welcome to the Dollhouse.

Director Todd Solondz basically shoved his hands into the grimy bloody intestines of the 1990s adolescence experience and made you smell it.

It's the most frustrating as fuck movie to watch, and yet it will tug at your heartstrings for the rest of your life.

The 1995 movie revolves around Dawn Wiener, an ugly duckling suffocating through seventh grade. She is bullied mercilessly by her classmates. Her parents favor her pretty little sister. The guy she's in love with barely knows she exists.

Not only will the plot rip apart your heart, but the film is littered with profanity-laced verbal gems that will have your head reeling.

Even if you aren't an unattractive white middle-class 12-year-old from New Jersey, you know one thing for sure when you're watching this film: You are Dawn Wiener.

It is a film that not only defines a generation, but projects the reality of adolescence.

In other words, you don't have to be a 90's kid to feel like bawling your eyes out when Dawn is denied a slice of chocolate cake at the dinner table.

In honor of Welcome to the Dollhouse, I let the middle school part of me create a little collage:

Welcome to the Dollhouse

What do you think?

Have you seen Welcome to the Dollhouse?


  1. Oh, so THIS is the movie that launched Heather Matarazzo's career. No movies made before 2000?! NO! I love those classics of the 20th century.

  2. I JUST emailed my husband and said "we have to watch this this weekend". That's how much I trust you.

    (And maybe also b/c I was a 90's teenager!)

  3. Haha...I totally loved this movie way back when!! It's will have you cracking up at some of the things they say, but it is quite close to real life!! Anyone not seen any movies before 2000 just hasn't lived life!! :)

  4. I haven't seen this - I remember in 7th grade wanting to watch it on VHS, but then grabbing House of Cards instead.

    So many of the screen shots looks familiar though, and I'm starting to wonder if I *have* seen it.

    I will check for it on Netflix!

  5. YES! I loved this movie. Now I want to watch it again. Totally remember picking this up on VHS at Blockbuster. Feels like yesterday!

  6. If you taught a class about pop culture, I would be there errryyyydayyyy. And I would get an A.

  7. I dont know if I get an extra cool point but I saw this film in the theater in the village. I remember shaking my head and asking myself my people liked it. It may be bc although I spent most of my teens in the 90s, I spent my childhood in the 80s. That may have been the reason I didnt feel connected to the film but it doesnt mean I wont give it another chance one day when its on netflix. Actually I would like to see it again. I have a close friend that is your age and she and I differ on decades as well-shes a 90s girl and I didnt like much of the 90s minus "Highlander" and "Xena" LOL I sometimes wish I was a teenager and college student in the 80s bc for the 90s were drab...the music, the fashion...ugh enough of my rambles heheh Loved your post!! xox

  8. This movie looks amazing! Oh and I know what you mean. I'm horrified by teens today that know nothing of generations before them and don't care to.

  9. NEED to watch this! Looks so good. Also that first quote: awesome. I can't wait to say that to people.

  10. I've loved this movie ever since I first saw it. Bought it and have been enjoying it every few years... it's good stuff.

  11. I have never seen it. haha I suck. Maybe I will watch it on Hulu? No it is not...hmmm.

  12. I love movies like this. I'm definitely watching! Please come to my college and teach these people! :)

  13. I never heard of this movie before, but guess what my dear friend, you got me curious :) and now I'm gonna watch sometime really soon !

  14. i haven't seen it, but now i want to! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Spirit Ink Tattoos Giveaway
    Too Much Soul Giveaway

  15. I've never seen it! But I clearly, clearly need to.
    xo Josie

  16. It sounds interesting, though the profanities wouldn't impress me (if you spend some time in Spain, you'll know why). Probably, the only similar things I've watched are Daria and Napoleon Dynamite, I grew up in the 90s but my father watched tv with me and my sister so, except in the mornings, it was all westerns and the A-Team :-)

  17. Love this movie!
    Poor weiner dog!


  18. Ahh those awkward middle school years...don't miss them at all! I haven't seen the movie but for some reason started thinking about "Valley of the Dolls" (so different but very interesting too!)

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  19. hey jennifer! i haven't seen this movie, so i will definitely check it out. i can't believe that best buy employee!!! omg'd that's sad! a lot of people nowadays work at places and do NOT know their job. so sad! girl, you are kicks. about to read the other posts i missed. have a great weekend!

  20. I want this movie! I just watched the trailer for it on youtube after I read your post. OMG! The fashion is amazing. Wish I had the balls to dress like her when I was growing up.

    There was actually a class in my junior college that revolved around pop culture and the influence it has on society. It was an english class and I looooved it. The teacher was super cool, but it wasn't what you'd expect. He was very critical of those Paris Hilton types.

    Ok, now for something more serious. In response to your comment...she actually ended up committing suicide. I didn't want to add that part to my post for obvious reasons. Plus, I didn't want that to open up a flood of guilt on my part. That was what hurt the most, was that she ended her own life. But thanks for asking...and don't feel bad for that question :)

    And thank you so much for all of your comments! Especially the one about my art. It means a lot to hear something like that from one of my favorite bloggers :) I still have tons more art to add.

    Have a great Friday & weekend!



  21. Love it! He was an undergrad film student when I was in film school--we all rushed out to see this when it came out. Ha, it's been awhile since I've seen it! I hope you do teach a class on pop culture, that would be so great!
    xo Mary Jo

  22. Further proof that we are BFF soulmates...'Welcome to the Dollhouse' is one of my favorite films. I happened upon it on accident years ago and became obsessed. It's absolutely incredible!! :)

  23. I will watch it tonight on Netflix thanks to your reconmendation! Have a great week!

  24. I will dig this in, thanks for sharing.
    Im an ugling duckling myself lol.

  25. This movie is incredibly moving in many ways. You should also take alook at, or if you've already seen it, review "Muriel's Wedding."

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