Anyway, my weekend did have a couple highlights. I had a Girls Night In with Kerrie (even though she was sick) and had lunch with Meredith at my favorite pizza place. Yay!
And my parents finally got a new lovebird! She is only seven weeks old, which makes her a baby. She's a lot different than Lily (our former lovebird who passed away a few weeks ago). This bird is named Daisy and she is a polite little lady. She doesn't bite (she wouldn't DREAM of it) and she is very quiet. She also likes to snuggle with people (something Lily would never be caught doing). Daisy is also very picky with her food. Lily ate everything we fed her, but Daisy is kind of a food snob. She only likes certain breads and wants nothing to do with fatty foods like potato chips. She also likes being petted, which delights my parents. If we ever tried to pet Lily, she would have made our hands bleed.

She is also a rare form of lovebird. Her father was a masked lovebird and her mother was like Lily. The combination made for a lovely shade, didn't it?
We're all very happy with her and excited to get to know her even better in time.
More happy news: Jane St. Clair over at Little Violet Dress gave me this fabulous award.

Jane is one of my favorite bloggers and every time I read her blog, I truly feel like I have just seen her in "real life." She has this great, casual way of writing that is like a conversation and has a personality that just jumps off the screen.
I am going to pass this award on to the following five inspirational blogs:
Fashion Layne
Tayler is fabulous and posts the most breathtaking images and quotes. I don't know how many times I have written a reminder to myself to look back at one of her posts, because of a look I want to emulate from one of her crazy fashion photos.
Fashion Chalet
Erika is a gorgeous, stunning woman. Every day she posts photos of herself that belong in a fashion magazine. Her sense of style is flawless and if I ever saw her closet, it would probably make me faint. Lol. She is definitely a HUGE inspiration for me, as a fashionista and as a blogger.
There are no Downsides in ROJ
This is not a fashion blog. It is the blog of a girl who simply loves to run. She is my friend Julie, who I have known since high school and who I haven't seen since our freshman year of college back in Ohio. She is a marathon runner and a damn good one at that. She is also the sweetest person. Every time I read her blog, I get more and more motivated to do something better with my life.
Couture Carrie
I love this blog so much, I don't even know where to begin. Lol. Every day, Carrie posts the most amazing fashion photos that reveal current styles, trends, or just fun themes. This is another fashion blog where I keep certain posts in my favorites list, to go back for inspiration. Oh, and she has the most AMAZING giveaways!
Iva Messy
This blog is hilarious and awesome and so much fun! Iva posts the most interesting facts and some of the strangest photos I have ever seen online. She also makes these sweet video blogs for her readers, which are fabulous. Her sense of humor, her thought-provoking questions, and her creativity inspire me every time I read her blog.
I must ccheck out those blogs! Love fashion chalet :D
I loved this sentence..
This bird is named Daisy and she is a polite little lady. =) how addddddorable!! <3
And thank you for your award, I started my blog for my own personal fun. I never, in my wildest dreams, envisioned making so many great friends this way. Every reader is an individual, and you all make me so happy. Thanks for being such a wonderful YOU, Jennifer!!! <3
Awww Daisy!
We need to finish the second season of Ab Fab!
Sorry about the pay cut :(
Triple suck.
So sorry about the pay cut dear, I'm sure things will work out...going through a similar situation and luckily I've been able to get by!
Lily is so lovely! Her coloring is gorgeous!
Congrats on your award, so very well deserved.
OMG darling thank you SO much for your kind words and for passing on this lovely award ~ I can't wait to post it on my blog!
Congrats on receiving it - very well-deserved :)
And that bird is too cute!
Aw, the lovebird is so cute! We have a cockatiel and he is EVIL and he hates me... jealous of your nice pet! Sucks about your job, too - you've got all your readers behind you in tough times!
So happy for you and your award. Sorry the pay check sucks. xo
AWWWWWAAAA Daisy is so adorable!
I want a lovebird now.
no you totally did not 'screw' yourself over at all! you are doing what you love and following you heart and dreams! that is so fabulous, always! Daisy is lovely! Congratulations on your award! and OMG!! thank you so much for your seriously kind words! So beautiful, thank you! I will wear it with pride on my blog thank you thank you thank you! I hope you have a great Monday!
ahhh You seriously made my day!
I posted it instantly after i read it :)
so sorry about the pay cut.
Congratulations on your award! I so adore your parent's new love bird, Daisy and I'm not a bird person at all. She so gorgeous and sounds very sweet.
I'm so sorry about your pay cut. Life is not easy during this economic downturn.
She is so pretty... I just want to hug her through the screen!
oyyy the bird
as a HUGE animal lover, I absolutely had to comment on that :)
thanks for the comment!! and your blog is great, you can tell how much effort you put into it!!
Congratulations, J! I just love your blog.
Sorry about the pay cut...things will look up. I promise. You could always right a book. I would certainly shell out for that! So if you ever do, make sure to mention my name in there somewhere. LOL, only kidding. Seriously, though I love your writing. Get on it, girly.
So glad to meet Daisy. She sounds super sweet and what a personality! Gotta love a lady who knows what she wants :)
aw that's an adorable bird!
oh wow sorry to hear about your finacial struggles ... glad at least you and your boyfriend do things you are passionate about .. although its times like these where you wish you hadnt chosen some things its always worth it ..
what a cute bird ! aww ! and congrats for the award :D
OMG! First Congratulations on your AWARD and secondly, YOU'll be JUST FINE! Believe me when YOU put the saying, "It's going to be just FINE into your mind",it'll work out!!!:)
p.s. Congratulations on your new family member DAISY, she's solely CHARMINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!
darling you've fall in love, isn't your fault and if he's your perfect guy, you'll survive ^.^
omgggg way to cute daisy
and she likes being petted, way tooooo cute, omggg cute
what a cute parrot!! I need to check out this blogs:)
i hope the money issue doesn't hurt too much. stay upbeat!
Congrats on the award, you deserve it:). I'm pleased to hear about Daisy. She looks and sounds very cute and what a lovely colour. I hope she will provide you with lots of happiness, just as Lily did.
I hope your financial situation will be OK.
Beautiful bird. <3
daisy is so beautiful!! her colouring is so pretty!! :) xx
I'm checking out all of these blogs!
omgggg I have ALWAYS wanted a bird. Your parents' is lovely :)
congrats on the award! <3
When are we going to Weston Little Missy??? Hmmm???
i'll have to check out those blogs! whatta cute bird!!
Your a journalist? I'm so jealous!
Aww, the bird is so pretty!
Congrats on the award!
I'm in love with Daisy! Could she be any cuter? I've always wanted a little lovebird, but I have cats, so...not a good idea. :)
Congratulations on the award - well-deserved, darling! :)
Awww Daisy is so adorable! And what a beautiful colour. Congratulations on the award dear :) Hope you're having a lovely day.
What a cutie bird! I want to hold her too.
See you soon.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I adore Daisy...she is so so beautiful and her colour is amazing. You have a lovely blog! Congratulations on your award!
hi lovely! sorry to hear about your paycheck :( your little baby bird sounds so cute. what a difference from lily! and i will check those blogs out. hope you have a wonderful day :) x
So sorry to hear about the paycut situation. I had a similar experience last year and I'm pretty sure you'll through this.
Daisy is so cute. Can't wait to see more of her in your future posts! ;)
wow sorry about your bad week :/
on another note, alot of those blogs are my faves- but going to check out the ones ive never heard of! x
Sorry to hear about the job and money situation :/ But I honestly think it's better to chose a career you love despited the lousy pay. I see so many disgruntled lawyers and bankers who will probably wake up 20 years from now wondering if they ever lived a real life.
What a gorgeous little bird though! She's adorable. I'm glad you guys got another one after the passing of Lily. I'm sure she'll cheer everyone up :)
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