A lot of you have been asking how I am lately and honestly, I have been avoiding the question because things still aren't looking up and I hate to complain.
My laptop is still broke, I am sick AGAIN, and I am no closer to having a job now than I was a few months ago.
That being said, there are a couple happy things to report. My boyfriend recently found out that a surgery he desperately needs, but cannot afford, may be paid for by a non-profit organization in the area, which specializes in helping US residents without health insurance. This is a huge deal, so it has made him quite happy and therefore, me happy.
Also, last night I took a sewing class at a fabric shop and finally learned how to sew!
I'm not going to lie. It was very difficult and for a majority of the time, I did not know what I was doing. My 80-year-old teacher, however, kept insisting I was doing "marvelous." I'm not sure if she was just humoring me or if I was accidentally doing everything correctly.
Somehow, I ended up making this pillowcase. The teacher was so thrilled, she displayed it for the rest of the class as an example. Yay!

A couple days ago, the adorable Rachel over at
The Redhead Fashionista tagged all her readers to do an Eight Things Tag, should they so desire.
Of course, I had to do it.

Eight TV shows I like to watch:
1) America's Next Top Model
2) Beverly Hills, 90210
3) The Office
4) Arrested Development
5) Saturday Night Live
6) The Simpsons
7) Desperate Housewives
8) The Tudors

Eight favorite places to eat and drink:
1) Chipotle
2) Olive Garden
3) McCormick & Schmick
4) Indian restaurant
5) Middle Eastern restaurant
6) Steak & Shake
7) Starbucks
8) Sushi restaurant

Eight things I look forward to:
1) Seeing Lady Gaga in concert in August
2) Summer
3) Losing weight
4) Visiting my bff/sister Jenn this summer
5) Getting a job (a.k.a. having money to spend on clothes)
6) Rian getting his surgery!!
7) Winning the lottery (this is my year, I can feel it!)
8) Learning how to sew something more complicated than a pillowcase

Eight things that happened yesterday:
1) I went out to lunch with Rian
2) I learned how to sew
3) I watched America's Next Top Model
4) I cleaned my apartment
5) I read blogs
6) I went to the library
7) I chatted with my parents for an hour
8) I went for a walk

Eight things I like about winter:
1) Christmas
2) Wearing my fabulous coats
3) Hot cocoa
4) Snow days (when I was a kid)
5) My birthday
6) Roasting marshmallows in the fire place
7) buying new winter clothes
8) Snuggling on the sofa with a good book during a snowstorm

Eight things on my wish list:
1) a new laptop
2) an iphone
3) a new apartment
4) a magic weight loss pill
5) a cool new job
6) glasses that actually look cute on me
7) green contacts (just because)
8) sapphire earrings (to match my ring and necklace)

Eight things I'm passionate about:
1) journalism
2) blogging (even though I've been a terrible blogger lately)
3) fashion
4) friends
5) family
6) history
7) ethnic food
8) traveling

Eight words or phrases I use often:
1) I know, right?
2) Holy crap
3) What a douchebag
4) Um, okay
5) Jesus
6) That's insane
7) Just sayin'
8) Lame

Eight things I've learned from the past:
1) Don't procrastinate.
2) Social networking sites should not be used as weapons.
3) Drive carefully.
4) Always check the expiration date of the milk.
5) When the "check engine" light turns on in your car, check it.
6) Have a savings account for emergencies.
7) Never get too comfortable in your job.
8) Cherish the important people in your life. Nobody lasts forever.

Eight places I would love to visit/see:
1) France
2) England
3) Ireland
4) India
5) Sweden
6) Italy
7) Alaska
8) Hawaii

Eight things I currently want/need:
1) I need a job.
2) I need my health back.
3) I want to lose 20 pounds.
4) I want to go shopping.
5) I need a new car.
6) I want to hang out with my best friend this weekend.
7) I need to have a healthier lifestyle.
8) I want to go on a fabulous vacation.
I tag all my readers to participate in this tag! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!