I have been a horrible blogger lately and for that, I'm sorry.
My life has recently become incredibly stressful. I can't even bring myself to talk about it.
On a happier note, I finally had a much-needed girls night out on Saturday.

It was nice to get away, but even partying all night can't get rid of the problems.
That's life, right?
Love you lots. Please bear with me while I spend some time getting my life together...xoxo.
Hi beautiful! Sorry to hear about all the stress in your life but I hope it will be all over soon. You and your friends are so beautiful! xx
hope everything is ok Jennifer!!! :)
Omigoosh. I know, right. I love you.
Jen, there's nothing more I'd love than if you'd drop me a quick e-mail to talk. I miss that.
You're obviously going through some tough things (I think I know what one big source of that stress is) so if I don't hear from you I completely understand. Just know I love you and I'm thinking of you. Always.
Miss you, but I'm always here. :)
If you can forget your problems temporarily that is good too! I hope you get it all together soon :)
Glad that you decided to spend time with your girlfriends... hang in there... everything will be alright soon. Read the book "The Secret"... maybe it'll help, it does for me. xoxo
No worries hunny. You know we love you and wish you only the best and totally understand if you're "absent". I have been too. You know you can write to me. If not, I understand. I'll be here ....
Hello there! I'm sorry to hear about life being stressful lately. I hope it only goes up from here :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I appreciate it soo much!
yay, girls night!!!! life really can throw you a curve ball and you are right, you can't party them away... you have to really work them out. i've been dealing with my own private demons and just know that your blogger family is always here for you. love.
We are here for you when you come back.
Chocolate covered peanuts always help me....
i hate that things keep being so awful for you. i send you good vibes everytime i think of you which is actually quite often!
Oh, dear girl, I very much hope that you're doing okay. Please know that we're still here too, okay? Lots of love.
xxoo Josie
thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
that cute picture of you guys makes me wanna go out with my girls too!
have a great weekend dear <3
hope everything is ok :))
yudia aiiu
yes i had a great week end thinks about you how are you
you guys looks good
I hope things get a whole lot better for you soon Jennifer! That is such a beautiful photo of you and your friends, and I'm glad you had a good night with them.
Wishing you better days!
I am sorry to hear you are so stressed. But a night out with the girls can always give you hope, even though the problem doesn't go away. Everything will, somehow, get better. :) I loves you!
sorry things are still horrible for you xxx
awww! dont feel sad...it would be okey im sure :)
Glad to see you around! Girls nights are usually a pretty good treatment for whatever blues you have. I hope you had a great time!
Hope everything's ok! A girls night is always helpful to feel better :)
So glad you had a fun girls night out, darling! Love that pic!
ah i hope the stresses go away soon!
High street + Couture =
There is nothing more fun than be with the girls!
I hope you the best sweetie,
kisses and hugs,
No problem girly we'll still be here!
Take care of yourself:-)
Hope things get better for you darling!
That picture is super cute!
I hope you're ok and are able to things back on the right track! Hugs
Take care!! lots of hugs!!! everything will be all right - just believe that:-)
Hey you. Lovely picture! Wanted to send some love you way
aw girl. take all the time you need and i wish you the best of luck.
girls nights out are SO NECESSARY
Hang in there Jen, I hope you can work through this shitty time.
Take care of you!!! :)
Seems like you've had fun! ;-)
This too shall soon pass...xo
So sorry to hear that things have been stressful for you. I hope everything gets better soon! Just think positive and spend time with your friends!
I miss you and I hope you are ok. I'm thinking about you. Its good to see you had a fun night out. I know it can't solve problems but its good to distract yourself and forget for a while and you deserve some fun.
yeah, life sucks sometimes, but all we need to do is to move on to a brighter tomorrow :]
Hold on girl, everthing is gonna be alright! :]
you have a great blog!
love it
Hope things get better for you soon :) At least you had a good escape with your girls for awhile!
Hope you're doing okay! I'm certainly feeling a bit buried myself these days...
Great photo...I hope the girls night out provided you with some much-needed stress relief!
It's always good to hang out with friends! Such a stressbuster! Hope you sort everything out in your life! :)
I hope all the stress winds down soon! Girls night outs always help, you guys look great!
Sorry bout your stress.. I hope you feel better.. You look so pretty in the picture
I'm so glad you had a fabulous much needed girls night. Hang in there, love!
Hang in there love and glad you could get away and enjoy it all with your friends! Just keep looking up and hope for the best. XO.
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