Well, I'm back!
It was a whirlwind weekend, filled with fabulousness. It all went by so fast, it still doesn't seem real...
In all honesty, Jenn was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen in my life. She was so gorgeous. I spent the entire weekend just mesmerized, staring at her, because I have never seen someone so pretty before in real life. She was glowing. It is a memory I will never forget.
Our schedule was pretty packed, with rehearsals, photos, limo rides, the ceremony, and the reception. It was fun because I got along very well with the rest of the bridal party. I knew some of them, already, from high school, but others were new to me. Jenn had a few friends show up from her grad school days in Milwaukee. They were adorable, which doesn't surprise me because Jenn only surrounds herself with awesomeness.
It was simply a wonderful weekend.
Here are some photos!

(Jenn and her new hubby, Rick. Isn't he a hottie?!)

(Jenn made these gorgeous green bracelets for us bridesmaids to wear with our dresses. It was SO sweet. Jenn's hand is obviously the one with the diamond bracelet.)

(Jenn in her stunning gown)

(I sat in the back of the limo with Jenn & Rick because I'm awesome.)

(A few of the bridesmaids with Jenn at the reception. Do you see me?)
I only have one story to share:
I had a few (or many more) glasses of wine at Jenn's wedding reception. By the end of the night, I only have memories in flashes. I do remember Jenn's sweet friend Julie guiding me to my parents' hotel suite. The last thing I recall is my father opening the door. Then it all goes black. Well, on Sunday morning, I woke up in bed, still wearing my bridesmaid dress (covered in vomit). I noticed that there were dozens of pillows scattered all over the floor. I went to the bathroom and realized it was flooded. I went over to my dad, who was reading the newspaper on the couch, and asked cheerfully, "Hey, what happened here last night?" My dad looked up in surprise and asked, "You mean you don't remember?" My smile stayed frozen on my face as my dad told me what I had done.
Apparently after Jenn's friend had dropped me off, I started skipping down the hotel hallway singing "Tick Tock" by Kesha. My parents chased me back into the hotel suite, where I started running in circles, laughing hysterically. Much to their dismay, I started throwing pillows at them. I then stumbled into the bathroom and threw up everywhere (the sink, the floor, the bathtub, etc.). My dad, horrified, yelled at me "Stop throwing up everywhere!" and I apparently responded, "Don't worry, I'm going to clean it up, I promise." My dad came back to the bathroom, five minutes later, to find I was using an ice bucket to gather water from the tub. I started pouring the water all over the bathroom floor. He screamed at me to stop, but I reassured him that everything was fine, I was just cleaning up my mess. Then, I passed out on the floor, clutching the ice bucket. My parents had to drag me to bed, where I woke up the next morning.
My dad, shockingly, wasn't mad. He laughed while telling me the story and said his only regret was that he didn't get photos.
And to quote Jenn's reaction, it was an awesome end to an awesome day. Haha!
How was your weekend?