Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Fabulous Weekend

I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was fabulous, of course.

Kerrie and I had a girls night in, with wine in a can and gourmet chocolates. We're classy bitches!

Interesting fact: For the past four years, Kerrie and I have noticed that we ALWAYS match every time we see each other (a.k.a. every single day). We do not do this on purpose. It's like we have fashion ESP or something. We're usually wearing the same colors, have the same handbag, wearing the same shoes, or even wearing the exact same outfit. This weekend, it was the same cardigan. She came over and we both burst out laughing when we saw each other.

We also did a little shopping. Here we are at Urban Outfitters. Do you like our new hats?

On Sunday, my parents took me to the zoo. It was very exciting and I had a lovely time gawking at all the animals and annoying them with my animal noise impressions.

(This llama got all up in my grill).

What did you do this weekend?


Venus Loves Virgo said...

Those knit hats are so adorable! It sounds like you and your friend are well connected :) Wine in a can sounds fun, hey if Julia Roberts could drink boxed wine at her own wedding then why not the rest of us!

Venus Loves Virgo said...

Those knit hats are so adorable! It sounds like you and your friend are well connected :) Wine in a can sounds fun, hey if Julia Roberts could drink boxed wine at her own wedding then why not the rest of us!

Melanie's Randomness said...

It's funny me & my friend Danielle when we hung out always wore the light & dark version of the same color. Talk about ying & yang huh? hehe. Wine in a can? You guys are hilarious! I love the zoo!! How fun!! Oooo that lil guy is cute!!

MariahSmile said...

I have never had wine in a can but that doesn't mean I wouldn't try it! This weekend I went early Christmas shopping with my boy!

Tights Lover said...

Sounds like a great weekend...of course how can you beat wine in a can??

Is there a better store than Urban Outfitters? Its scary how long I get lost in that store sometimes. Of course, I love the hats!

I haven't been to the zoo in forever...unless you count the road race I was in recently that went through a zoo for some reason. Sadly, I didn't have time to stop and annoy the animals that time...hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, it's so funny that you an Kerrie always end up wearing matching outfit!!!

Oh, and those knit hats are just adorable!!!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Wine in a can!?? HA that's awesome. Glad you had a nice weekend- mine was good too!

Kellie said...

Ahahaha, I've never seen wine in a can before! I kind of want to try that. I mean, hey, it's easier to carry around than a hugeass bottle, right?!

Christopher said...

it comes in a can now too? take that box

taylor said...

cute post!
Always enjoy reading your blog! : )


JUST ME said...

I REALLY want to find that wine in a can.

My weekend consisted of sealing my drafty old house's windows with ghetto plastic wrap sealant.

Glad you had a yummy weekend, mama!

btd. said...

That's so cool to have Fashion ESP with your best friend! And those hats are so cute! I see them everywhere where I live. :)
Yay zoo! You know I've never been to the zoo? 0_o *Gansta Llama!* xD

Shannon said...

wine in a can and gourmet chocolates? sounds like heaven to me!

Josie said...

I don't know if I've ever been to a zoo. Is that wrong of me? Probably. And love those hats!
xo Josie

Nikosmommy said...

Champagne in a can. YES welcome to the club sista! Classy bitches unite!

Tanvi said...

You guys are super cute! I do like your Hat! :)

Alicia said...

1. Wine in a can is obviously classier, and more convenient I might add, than boxed wine. Good selection.

2. I accidentally match my husband a lot. I think it's because he gets ready faster than me and I see what color he is wearing and subconsciously I pick the same color... Not as cute as matching your best friend though. Nor as socially acceptable...

3. I was bit by a llama once when I went to a petting zoo. Those assholes are always up in grills and I hate them.

ching said...

wine in a can??? COOL!

Unknown said...

Ha ha that is hilarious that you match, must hang out all the time:-) It's good to be that close to someone.

Sounds and looks like a fun weekend! And how was the wine in a can???

Chicago Chic said...

Hi Jennifer!! It's so good to be visiting again, I have missed you and blogland! Thank you for the sweet welcome back, you and your best friend just really make me smile. I love seeing your strong friendship and all the fun you have together, and how funny that you always match. You two look ADORABLE in that photo!!


o said...

You and Kerrie have the best adventures!:) I saw these hats at UO. They're adorable!! Love the llama pic!

style-haus said...

love the pic of you and your friend wearing matching outfits. that does tend to happen among friends that are close. :) adorable pic of the llama!

Vix said...

So it's not just me that turns up to meet a friend wearing the same colour or type of outfit? I reckon when you spend ages together you just pick up a vibe.
Love those pics of Kerrie and yourself and the animals are so cute. Wine in a can rocks, it's our festival drink of choice! xxx

Anonymous said...

so happy you're doing well!! :)

A BRIT GREEK said...

You guys are too cute - matchy matchy outfits??? Love it! Oh and so classy too! The knitted hats are yumtastic!

Sherin said...

Hehe, my friend and I always seem to have the same bags when we go out.

The zoo looks like fun: I love the llama, hehe.

Sara Louise said...

You too are adorable! I miss having a best friend close by. And wine in a can... classy ladies!! :-)

little luxury list said...

That is so funny and crazy that you always match unknowingly!

Btw, sorry about the post lateness. I was really racking my brain for a fun, somewhat informative post and was stuck. I might have a good idea now though!

FashionJazz said...

Love your hats, you guys obviuously have a good connection, which is special! : )

Leia said...

You girls always have so much fun! How amazing that you have fashion ESP, love it :)


Haute World said...

Ha, I love the llama! So cute that you two show up in the same outfits! My best friend and I used to be like that, but our styles have now evolved in different directions. I must say, I'm intrigued by the wine in cans...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do like the hats!

noone said...

lol about you two alwals matching, great minds think alike! and omg I was going to get that raccoon hat from urban outfitters this weekend!

daisychain said...

Cute photos, wine in a can is the shit.

And so is the amazing package that arrived today...THANK YOU! xx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

There is no shame in drinking Sofia. I love that shiz. Perfect for girl's night in!

BenchesnChandeliers said...

i always love wine nights with my girls.

Tiffany Kadani said...

Cute hats!