Despite my illness and hectic schedule, it has been a great week so far.
Kerrie adopted a purebred miniature poodle. She named her Babette. (Babs for short.)

Babs is an absolute doll and seriously the cutest puppy I have ever seen in my life. She is also extremely well-behaved.

Babs comes from a long line of award-winning show dogs. But she's not a snob at all. It's funny, but even though she's just a baby, you can already see her personality shine. Babs is very dainty and lady-like. She is not messy and she's strangely polite for a dog. But she has her moments of mischief, such as trying to devour Kerrie's Jimmy Choo heels or intimidating dogs twice her size at the park. She's fabulous. In other words, she takes after her mother.

This week, Kerrie and I took Babs to the park for a walk and photo shoot.

It was also a chance for me to show off my new 1960s coat I recently bought from a vintage boutique.

It was a lovely day.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Is 2011 treating you right so far?
Great photos!
Congrats Kerrie! That doggie is darling ;) I'm sorry your were feeling under the weather and glad your back on track. By the way...that coat is fabulous on you XOXO
Aaawe! the 3 of you are all adorable!! And congrats to Kerrie for her adorable new child!
Babs is sooo cute! I love poodles, they are such good doggies! Love your coat too!
awwh how adorable! she is so cute (just like your jackets!)
What a little doll! And you two look so cute with her.
xo Josie
Are you feeling better now?! Babs is gorgeous. As are you two girls. I LOVE your new coat!
Hope you're feeling better.
Awww, Babes looks so pretty. She sounds really fun as well. I've always wanted a little dog.
And love the 60's vibe from your coat. It looks great.
Now you know I love poodles and she is adorable, so ladylike and chic.
Love you in that coat, Jen. Hope you're feeling loads better now. xxx
Sounds like a wonderful week Jennifer! I am obsessed with dogs and Babs is absolutely beautiful!! What a perfect little child. Also you look EXTREMELY glamourous in your new coat and those sunglasses!!!
What a cutie! Congrats to Kerrie!
Ah.... adorable.
I like this.
Glad you're feeling better Jennifer! :)
Aww, they really match don't they? And he is sooo adorable! :)
Fab - looks like you are enjoying 2011!
So cute! By that I'm referring to the dog, and your coat! Congratulations to Kerrie. 2011 is going amazing for me, I hope it is for you too! xo
Babs is gorgeous!!
It must be funny to play with her!!
Awww what a cute pup!
And you girls both look lovely...
That coat is wonderful!
Babs is SO cute :)
Love, Vanilla
Aw, congrats to Kerrie on becoming a mom :-)! That dog is really cute...and I'm not always a dog person, either!
I love that you thought of me when you got the new tights! I'm glad someone listens to my endless tights rants...hahaha!
Thanks especially though for the sweet comment on Friday, it really meant alot to me...I'm glad you took time to consider what I wrote. Honestly that's all I could ask for...and since you brought it current s/o does know. Not always easy, but better than the alternative!
...and you actually had me considering the thought of writing a book someday. You have to stop putting these thoughts in my head! hahaha
I hope your feeling better and having a great weekend! Sorry for the excessively long comment :)
Yayay for the arrival of Babette! I hope this means that the two of you will be buying Kerrie something fabulous for Mother's Day!! :P
Congratulations to your pooch and fabulous jacket! xo style, she wrote
heeey you're very pretty :)
love your blog !!
Happy birthday! I know, I know. I'm late.
oh and
cutest puppy!!!
Be sure to enter my "Buttons & Bows Giveaway" HERE
♥ ♥
xoxo Summer.
I'm so glad you posted these pictures, because I saw them on Facebook but I couldn't comment on them. Your coat is sweet!
Aw! That sounds like so much fun. That dog is so so cute! Poodles are adorable. And your coat is AMAZING! You look great in it! :)
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
What a cute doggie!!
I love your coat.
Hope you're feeling better really soon!
B xx
ah that dog is so cute!
Enter my £50 giveaway!
Jennifer, thank you for your always-wonderful comments. I truly love them and appreciate the tme you take to read my blog. I hope you'll have a wonderful year.
May all of your dreams come true
-The Trendy Fashionista
what a cute little dog!!! congrats to her!!! glad you're feeling much better!
LOVE YOUR COAT!!!!!! SO glam!
and Babs is flipping adorable! I gre up with a miniture poodle named Nicky =) They're so fun! Hooray for Kerrie's new fur baby!
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
oOH! And I just gave you the stylish blogger award on my post <3 I'd love to hear 7 more random things about ya! =)
Hope this weekend is rocking your socks!
Congrats ur doggies is soo cute! Sorry to hear you were sick, hope you feel better soon! xxx
That is a cute doggy! :) Love the photos!
What a little cutie! Lovely jacket you have on!
Realy great post.. thanks for sharing..
what a gorgeous little poodle! Babs sounds like the perfect name for her :) Your new coat is fab too.
thanks for stopping by!
sorry you've been sick - i need to get my butt in gear and start applying for jobs!! i love that last pic of you and your friend, you both are just glowing, literally and look glowing! cute doggie too.
aww Congrats to Kerrie!! Babs is adorable!! I love the pics! =)
Melanie's Randomness
Ohh I really hope your feeling better too sweetie!
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