I kind of adore Kate Middleton.
For some reason in the past few days, I've been hit with Royal Wedding Fever.
Which is weird because I haven't been interested in the British royal family for a very long time.
When I was 12, I developed a huge crush on Prince William. I had a poster of him in my room and a handmade scrapbook with photos of him which I had lovingly cut out and pasted. Then, his mother passed away and soon every single teenage girl in the world fell in love with him. It was Prince William mania! His dreamy schoolboy face was splashed all over the news and tabloids.
So, naturally, I lost interest. Plus, Titanic was released in theaters and I quickly moved on to Leonardo DiCaprio.
Years later, when I was a freshman in college, I saw the following photo of Will's new girlfriend in People Magazine. I'm not gonna lie, I thought Kate was a floozy.

But after a while it became apparent that that girl was really this girl.

Pretty, but not gorgeous. Kind of boring. Well-educated.
What I love is that Kate is from working class roots. Although she grew up with millionaire parents, her ancestors are made up of miners and carpenters. Her family is literally a rags to riches story with a fairytale ending.
She is symbol to young girls all over the world. Any girl can be a princess. All things are possible.
It broke my heart to read that it took a long time for Kate to become accepted into her new boyfriend's social circles. When they would attend his aristocratic friends' parties, she endured cruel taunts and snide jokes about her working class roots.
Hopefully, once she is a princess, she won't have to face such ignorant maliciousness ever again.
She seems like a respectable, nice girl. I can't recall ever hearing a wild story about her.
Plus, the girl knows how to wear a hat. What's not to love about her?!

She has such elegant style. This photo below shows my favorite of all Kate Middleton's outfits so far.

This wedding makes me feel happy. I think the world needs this royal wedding mania right now.
After all, the world has been filled with depressing news lately, from the Japanese disaster to the Egypt/Libya political fiascoes.
We need a fairytale wedding to brighten our spirits.

I wish the new couple the best of luck in the future. Since they have already been dating for ten years, I have high hopes the marriage will last.
I'll be watching the wedding early Friday morning. Will you?
I'm gonna watch the weddings too! I love royals, especially the British ones :) I'm not sure what is the thing that makes interested in, but I just love royals!
Ps. I have my secret plan to be the queen of Liechtenstein :D I came up with it when I found out that the future king and I are both 16 this year. Girl can always dream.
I love this post! I am soo watching the wedding on Friday. I am so excited!! I love her too. She appears very classy and deserving. I'm surprised to hear she wasn't initially accepted due to her working class roots, are you kidding me!! That makes me like Prince William even more for looking past such ignorant mindsets. I can't wait to see her dress!
I loved that story about your mother and Marilyn Manson's grandmother. How wonderful!!
I love her story too! Can't believe they've been dating for 10 whole years 0.0
Can't wait for the wedding!
I ADORE her. I think she's so pretty and I love that she's normal.
xo Josie
I hate to admit it, but I will watch the wedding. I love royale weddings - so many dresses to watch. Both beautiful and - well, less beautiful ;)
And as you write - we need this happy event. There are so many sad news - now it's the tornados in the US :(
So enjoy the love people :D
I shan't be watching the royal wedding - more important things to do. I have no connection with the royals. Life goes on. xx
YES, the world needs a fairytale wedding and our spirits need to be brightened because there is just too much crap happening in the world at this very moment.
And yes, of course, I'll be watching the whole thing on Friday.
Absolutly watching- so exciting!!
I'll watch it too! It's like my guilty pleasure..even though i had a crush on Harry :P
I'm so excited, and am off to London later to soak up some of the atmosphere. Everyone over here is becoming obsessed!
i'm so excited for tomorrow. i'm just picking out my outfit for tomorrow now, we're having a garden party with lots of pimms and cupcakes and british food! cannot wait! i think it's such a lovely story, and shows what a down to earth, grounded person william is, as well as how in love they are. it's such an exciting, history making event. x
I have royal wedding fever as well. I really like Kate as well. Her hat collection is so impressive and she is so elegant, with really pretty style.
I can't wait to see what she;ll be wearing tomorrow.
I don't really care much about the royals...but there's just something about a royal wedding! I love Kate. I think her smile lights up the world.
I think you US folks are a lot more into it all than us Brits. I'm not in the slightest bit interested but happy for an excuse to meet friends and go drinking.
Enjoy watching the wedding but don't believe the hype, Kate's a posh, upper middle-class girl who had a priviledged up-bringing, attended an elite, fee paying school and attended one of the best universities in the UK. xxx
She's got great hats but I'm not really watching the live telecast. Maybe the replay. :)
I like her too! She seems quite pleasant and down to earth .. though I wouldn't wake up to see the wedding I am sure there will be re runs all weekend! :)
♡ from © tanvii.com
I have no cable, so I won't be watching. But I figure if I go shopping on Friday, all of the TV's in the electronics departments will be airing it on repeat, so I'll catch it somehow. I cannot wait to see her dress! :)
I was in love with Prince William too!! A long time ago....
But I think that Kate is beautiful and definitely princess material! I can wait to see how she looks Saturday!!
Yes, I will!
Ooh I adore this woman. And, I'm so excited that she's getting to marry a PRINCE!! Are you kidding?! Every little girls dream. I shall live vicariously through her.
I love her style, and she seems humble and not caught up in everything which is refreshing.
And I'm not sleeping tonight! Haha. I'm going to watch these events from beginning to end!
PS My Skype fest is today!!
I do not have Royal Wedding fever.
I actually find the couple to be quite boring.
I mean, if anyone deserves to be a princess, it is me.
I think I have TOO much personality for the royal family, though. They seem to like things dull.
However, I love her princess/fairytale story. It's awesome to see a working girl have her happily ever after ending. You don't see that enough.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Hell no, I won't. I absolutely cannot stand the royal family. Mostly because I know way too much history about them.
OH man its gonna be a crazy royal day! At first i wasn't jealous then i realized shes gonna be a freakin Princess...who doesn't want that!?!
Hot Pink Day
I can't wait to watch the royal wedding! When I first heard about Kate dating William, I thought she was so lovely but I didn't think they would date that long and she will marry him! I'm not really surprised though..she seems very genuine and kind and I love her smile! xoxxoo
thanks for sharing her story...i wasn't interested in her at all, until now. and love will even more for not allowing his friends to sway him.
Kate can definitely rock a hat...no argument there!
I don't know...maybe I will watch it.
Maybe I'll fix up some fish and chips and settle back in front of the TV with a pint. This actually doesn't sound bad at all!
Nice Kate post. I'm not hot with Royal fever and am not getting up so early to watch the wedding. You posted a lot of fun info on her,thanks. I just don't get why they wear those funny hats? LOL! XOXO
She is so simple and cute! She have the it girl material ;) love her!
xoxo F.
She is fabulous!
Love those hats!
I literally almost peed my pants when I saw your first comment on my post. I didn't look at the name at first, and I was all, "WHAT THE HELL???? BITCH, I'LL CUT YOU," until I saw that it was you. Then commenced the peeing.
I should do a totally rando' vlog sometime and just talk about nothing. I'm a highly entertaining person. It would be fun.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I am NOT going to watch the wedding! Surprisingly enough, I'm actually not at all interested in the wedding. These are random people whom I'd never heard about before, I don't want to suddenly become interested in them just because they're prince and princess. But I never knew Kate was from working-class roots! This post has woken me up to what a lovely girl she probably is. I'm still not getting up at 4 in the morning though.
I'm sort of starting to love her too - she's so cute!
xoxo ~ Courtney
nice to catch up with your blog. Work distractions mean I am well behind in reading blogs but this post is fab-tastic. I would say William has lost his looks a bit in recent years - it's probably good that he's married into the noveau rich because at least they have their heads screwed on whereas the aristocarcy are somewhat in-bred.
we wait...
I will be glued to the tv scree. Kate is gorgeous-so natural. :)SarahD
Ahh! I am so excited as well- I just adore Kate! Doesn't she seem like she could be your best friend? There is this earthiness to her that is so appealing.
I am so glad you posted all of those hats! It such a treat to look at them all. Like ice cream.
Thanks for stopping by my little blog- I am so happy to discover yours :)
Yes, I'll be watching for sure. But.. I dunno.. I'm not really that into her. I'm excited to see the dress!
yesiree! set my alarm for 5:30 am :) i cant wait to watch!!
Oooh I've got Royal Wedding Fever as well! For me, I never really was into Prince William ever, until I got older. (It was DiCaprio since Romeo + Juliet.)
I'm mostly excited to see the wedding dress! Love this post, I hadn't seen a lot of those Kate Middleton hat pictures :)
It's been hard to ignore royal wedding mania, but I think you're right about the world needing something silly to be excited about right now.
I also agree about her ability to rock all sorts of fancy hats. It makes me want to buy a hat and I look stupid as hell in hats!
i definitely love her hats, but i won't be watching the wedding at 2am...maybe i'll see it some time later.
is it me or does her body language in that lost shot look uncomfortable?
Well, in Finland May Day is a holiday, but we celebrate in the eve. In schools, students use to dress up different ways, there are fairies, nurses, pilots and everything like that! Tradition is to eat donuts (our donuts are little different from yours). And there are balloons everywhere as a decoration.
We love May Day, that's when we now summer is coming!
YESSS to this post! I too have been (as of yesterday) bitten with the wedding bug and i've been googling her like crazy. She seems legit and I agree, this wedding is a nice distraction from all the turmoil that's been going on around the world lately. I'm excited to watch the wedding and read about what was served and who did the flowers and boring stuff like that ;)
seriously.......she is the "cinderella" and yup am happy for her.....I just wish that she has the sort of marriage and a hubby that lasts "FOREVER"
she's definitely the best-looking member of the english royal family in recent memory.
I woke up early today just to watch it! :)
I am not much of a hat person but damn the Duchess makes me want to buy hats. I think she and a few other of the princesses are proof that you can cross the social-economic line in the sand and it will be OKAY!
And did you see the tiara!
they do look cute together. wishing them the best.
I love Kate! She is such an amazing woman and an inspiration. She is not afraid to do things in her own way and that shows respect. Especially since tabloids are writing about her every move, what she wears, what she says and she makes it all look so easy. William is a lucky man. I was actually in central London today during the wedding, it was amazing!
Great choice William!
What a nice post! Love all the photos and those HATS! I need one... just for fun.
I was up to watch and it was lovely! I really do wish them the best.
Have a great wknd girl!
Kate is amazing! She will be a great Queen one day! She looked stunning in her wedding dress.
I'm so happy for both of them!
Heart her too! I know this isn't a big deal but how did she go from Kate to Catherine? Haha why not Katherine? Hahahaha she becomes a princess and she has to change her given name?
I love how the media keeps say she's a commoner like shes a pauper or something. I mean her parents are freakin weathly after all Kate and William did meet at meet at private school! Heh
As for that photo of her in the see through beach outfit we all have outfits we'd rather forget we wore in college haha. I don't thinks gorgeous but I do think she's very elegant and regal looking.
How cute are they!!!
J my dear, I don't think Kate grew up with millionaire parents. I haven't done extensive research into this but I'm pretty sure her parents were airline stewards for British Airways! That makes them working class too!
I do hope she and William have a lovely life together. I mean, she can't complain... she is a princess now, after all! :)
She looked so gorgeous in AMcQueen dress?
Sarah did such an amazing job
lee x
I think it's totally the best royal wedding coverage post I've read. The wholewedding mania was killign me, it was too much for someone who could care less, but your post is actually beautifully written and it has a heart. I thought I'd just take a look but I ended up readign it till the end. Thank you!
I didn´t watch the wedding :)
I love Kate, she's so pretty :)
I think she's grown into a beautiful woman! I really loved the dress she wore!
Missing Amsie Blog
Cute post;-)
I think it’s rather misleading to assume that Kate Middleton’s “working-class” roots still have bearing. If you follow her genealogy far back enough I think you’ll also find that her ancestors dwelled in caves and possibly used to walk around on all fours. She’s a girl of privilege who has never had a proper job in her life. She’s simply just moved from upper-class into aristocracy. Her brother-in-law Harry is a spoilt fascist who has worn swastikas to parties and called Asian people “pakis” (a very offence racist term here in the UK). The royal family have no space in modern Britain.
I thought she looked gorgeous!!! I'm totally jealous of her dress and all the trimmings! =)
I am in love with the outfit she is wearing in the second last picture you posted. The blue coat is gorgeous. I wasn't planning to watch the wedding but I saw most of it in the end.
i watched a piece of wedding,she was so pretty!and i'm really glad,she always seems to be polite and nice girl,with impeccably elegant style...i think she's perfect for the prince!:)
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