But what about the 00's? What will we remember fondly (or not so fondly) from that decade (2000 to 2009)?
Here is my list:
Harry Potter Mania

We read each book twice. We dressed up for the midnight premieres of the films. We were a world obsessed for most of the decade.
We wore what?!

Hipster fashion was all the rage. Remember skinny jeans, fake vintage tees, and fake nerd glasses? Yes, your children will torture you about it.

In 50 years, films set in the 00's are probably going to show us all wearing these plastic beasts.


The popular girls in high school actually wore sweatsuits in public.
Reality TV Takeover

A singing competition became the most talked-about television show in history.

We started to become obsessed with non-famous rich people.
Text speak
("OMG" "WTF" "LOL")
Digital Communities

We saw the birth of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter.
The iDecade

iPods became the most coveted Christmas item. iTunes overtook CDs. iPhones killed cell phones. It was an Apple domination.
Rise of the Vampires

We started out the decade desperate to be wizards and ended the decade hungry to be vampires. Movies, books, and television shows started to revolve around this mythical creature. It had most high school Twihards asking, "Harry who?"
So what do you think? Is this a good summary of pop culture from the 00's? Are we going to look back on this stuff fondly or with a cringe?
Definitely the Twilight Mania, the digital communities, & the Uggs!!! The 00's! lol. That sounds so funny! =P I think someone should bring back the Tamagotchi or the Nano Pets for the teens! hehe!
Melanie's Randomness
Ohh the uggs! Love them still! But the crocs, are and always will be, WRONG!
I love what you said about the hills, you couldn't be more right! And the velor tracksuits....What were we THINKING?!
Awesome post, it gave me a good giggle!
Girl about Town XxX
I think I am very old....
I like to much your blog to! I follow you :-)
you nailed it! that's completely this generation in a nutshell :D
don't forget autotune (blech). 80s had hair bands, 70s soul, 60s motown/pop, 90s grunge, 00s autotune lol
I'm glad I never wore crocs. But I may or may not own a pair of Uggs. Hey, I'm from Buffalo, NY. What did you expect?
Social media is huuuuuge. Myspace/facebook/twitter. Huge.
I second Shannon! you nailed it! Although I regret to include Justin Bieber to the list too lol
<3 Belly B
This is a very good summary. On a related note, I just sunk into a deep depression.
I can't tell if its been a bad decade, or if I've just grown into one of those grumpy old people who complains about what kids these days are wearing/doing. ...and I'm only in my early 30s. Imagine how the vampires must feel ;).
ps. I can't help but be a little disappointed in you. Next time you're at the shoji, I demand men's room photos!!!
Great Post!!! You really brought me back to some growing up memories!
I say this list just about sums it up!
What about the rise of the Disney Channel Superstar? Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez. I guess you could just call it TV bands because there is Big Time Rush and Victoria Justice from Nickelodeon. Instant superstar, just add water :)
Most of it is cringeworthy, but not Harry Potter!
The best list ever!!! I can safely say I safely bypassed the reality show and hipster mania!!!
♡ from © tanvii.com
That's a good list... I'm gonna miss Harry Potter, there's nothing to wait for after the last part :(
Quintessential 2000s. Great list, Jen! Oh, Juicy, reality TV, and Uggs. Kill me now.
xo Josie
Hmm, I suppose the 80s was so garish that one can isolate prevailing trends.
The 90s had the Aniston haircut, flannel and grunge.
The Naughties, here in Europe, had no real trends. The few times I came over to your country in the last decade it was pretty much the same. Not a great period to mine inspiration from.
Harry Potter - ugh.
Uggs - ugh.
Text speak -- LOVE IT.
I used to say, "LOL" all the time.
I hate myself for that.
Now, I just say, "LMFAO" -- but that's because of the band, LMFAO. Not because I'm an idiot.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I agree! You definitely nailed it! Great post of future nostagia, I am so glad to be part of the "Harry Potter generation".
Though the awful thinigs about the 00s were definitely Uggs, velour tracksuits, OTT fake tan & hair extensions.
OMG- The crocs! I hate those things!!
OMG- The crocs! I hate those things!!
Wow..this list should be like I dunno certified or something haha por put in a time capsule for future generations to witness haha...I will def miss Harry Potter (I declare myself an absolute fan)...I won´t miss crocs..AT ALL! haha
The Black Label
This list is great fun to read and spot on too. Twilight and Harry Potter have taken over an entire generation. And reality TV has become worse not better-Scary Spice anyone?
Awwwwww I am feeling nostalgic for the 00s now, darling!
Fabulous compilation!
Some of the things I'll look back on fondly, like Harry Potter, others I will cringe at, such as Twilight!
Great timeline! Nice post!
Great list - but here's the problem - I think I'm stuck in the 00s. Really.
Definitely Harry Potter for me...I grew up with the books and just watching how these actors grew up together was fascinating! And the Hills..I'm not ashamed to say I was obssessed with it for a while. Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left :-) xoxoxoo
Harry Potter will definitely be one that is remember and relived many times over! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. To answer your question I am not a professional photographer but I do love photography a lot! Following!
Geez, when you stack it all up like this it's actually a tad depressing...
xoxo ~ Courtney
LOL.... I think I will look back at why I got myself that pair of UGG. : ) x
this about sums it up! haha. i kinda didn't think of the 00's being over... i cannot believe it. time flies!!
i love this tribute to the 00s! :) i was born in the 90s and i do remember those smiley face shirts and hanson, of course! but i think i am more attached to the 00s -- harry potter (sniff!), and yeah reality tv. ;)
p.s. come and join my Perricone giveaway! :)
<3, Mimi
Great post! i'm following! follow back?
I always think about what my kids will make fun of me for. Personally, it will be that I attempted to wear Jncos in middle school. I can handle the flack for Uggs because at least celebrities wore those.
I do think the '00s had a lot to offer, I'm getting curious about what the "10s" will be like! Your recap is pretty good!
nice post, love the colorfull of Crocs :)
Great post Jennifer!!
I think that' I'll remeber the I phone era among all the other thinks!
Great post. I totally love Twilight (and the rest of the vampire madness !) , and Harry Potter's one of my favorites too x
haha! so true!
the crocs and twilight mania is gonna make us wish we were born in a different era..
although i must say that Apple is still gonna make some awesome stuff even 50 yrs from now, and then we all will be having vintage iPhones and iPads ;)
Oh I love this post...
Harry Potter and Twilight would definitely be on my list of 00's fab things ♥
cool post. the things to remember would be digital communities, rise of vampires practically everywhere and not just the twilight series! and those track suits...they are just eeeeeeekkkkk
I feel very old all of a sudden. I was born in the 60s... a young woman in the 80s... Became a mom in 2000... My favorite in your list is Harry the Wizard Boy. My friends and I always, always dress to go to the HP movie premieres (you are never too old to make an a... of yourself I guess ;-) The only reason I will be missing the big party on Thursday is because I will be flying back from Spain! Thanks for the great post. Veronique aka French Girl in Seattle
ahhh, this post summarizes everything just right! I def see myself in all the things you mentioned except Harry Potter books/movies..can you believe I never read them! I really love the uggs, the sophisticated technology...and oh, the much appreciated vampires!
jos xx
How funny! I would add Lord of the Rings to that!
Omg this is hilarious! I was born about the same time and I can totally relate babe! :)
Awesome post!!! I fell a bit bad for people growing up in the 00s. Where is the organi, original programming, style and pop culture influences. It seems like they got the short end of the stick, except of course for Harry Potter lol
nice list! I can totally relate. I really hate crocs. But that is just my opinion. I will NEVER be caught dead wearing them! :)
Ah, nostalgie!
The evolution of different eras and their qirks. lol;-)
I'm so curious how the last movie of harry potter is going to be :)
I am cringing just reading this! Thankfully I didn't participate in some of the more awful trends, but I think my kids will still laugh at me when they see my pictures!
♥ Leia
Haha, I love this list. Definitely still a Harry Potter fan & can't believe the last one is coming out soon. But hopefully we'll never see Uggs or crocs again lol.
One thing I never want to remember is Crocs - please save me! :P
I love this post. I was one of those devoted Debbie Gibson fans, went to many of her concerts .... the kids of today have very interesting things to remember but the UGGs are so true I wonder how they will look back and remember them, maybe the same way that I look back and I remember my 'ALF Forelock' full of hairspray and the rest of the hair tight on a pony tail.
Jennifer you nailed it!!! Seriously. I started reading this post thinking "yes, and iPhones...yes and Apple" and then I saw it. You covered it all I think! It's so funny and I'm really glad that I opted out of the hipster trend. :) Oh yeah, and that I never wore sweatpants in public. haha I feel like I need to save this list and always refer to the Jennifer Fabulous list for years to come. Brava my friend.
this is so perfect and so true. i love harry potter, vampires (true blood only), hipster fashion, social media, and of course, was a big fan of The Hills! my future children, i'm sure, will find all of this to be stupid! :)
Also, please vote for me in the Style a Shape Contest if you haven't already - click this link and hit the 'Like' button for my look!
Thank you!
Amazing summary. Very insightful. I think you have pretty much nailed it.
very cool post! I like Harry POtter :D haha
Being obessesed with non rich people is right. There is this reality TV culture that just took over.
like! :)
Great recap!!!! I used to hate crocs, but once I tried them on, I fell in love!!
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