That shit would keep me entertained for hours.
Well, I haven't grown up much.
Here is a fashion fairytale. Enjoy.
Once upon a time...

There were two best friends. The brunette was named Hope and the blonde was named Sunny.

They did everything together, especially shopping!

Sunny always brought her little doggy!
Hope took photos! Yay!

Aren't they having so much fun?

Sunny enjoyed learning new things and being sociable. She wanted to have a million friends!

She also enjoyed looking in the mirror a lot and admiring her looks.

Hope was a waitress in a really cool diner. She loved her job!

She didn't care much about her looks or her social life anymore, because she was so wrapped up in her steady boyfriend.
But people are never who they seem.

Insecure about her looks, Sunny sought the attention of every guy who was nice to her. There was not a douchebag or sleazeball in sight who didn't have her phone number. She texted them all!

Hope was a judgemental bitch who thought she was always right. She was a spoiled princess from a wealthy family and expected everyone to bow down to her. And she totally didn't approve of Sunny's outlandish behavior.
That made Sunny mad.

So she snapped her fingers and had one of her henchmen strangle Hope! Oh no!

After the deed was done, Sunny panicked. She didn't want to go to jail. She was too pretty for jail! So, in order to dispose of the body, she chopped Hope up into tiny little pieces. She put her into a food processor and added milk, chocolate, and ice. She turned Hope into a milkshake!

Sunny drank Hope when she thought no one was watching.
But what she didn't know is that Hope always got the last word.
Hope had suspected Sunny was going to kill her. So, she had actually sipped poison before Sunny's henchman had found her!
By eating Hope, Sunny had ingested the poison as well!

Sunny's lifeless body was found by her henchman. He had always been in love with her, despite her wild ways. He was devastated.
Well, I hope you're having a better week than Hope and Sunny!
Holy shit balls! Did this really happen or are you screwing with me? Because if you are, that was fantastic. You should write a book, Jenn!
LOL! I love that. The story was so innocent at first and then it took a turn for the worst. Moral of the story? Hot bitches are not always what they seem ;)
You should do a story like this more often! It was fun to read :)
Ha! You should post more of these!!
OH my goodness!!! I love this horror and twisted story so much that I read it 3 times!! and I hope we all have a better week than those two poor bitches!!! LOL.
<3 Marina
Love these shots! :D
Haha, wow - this was definitely refreshing!
What a creative mind you have - great story. Love the twists in it - I thought it was going to a G rated fairy tale, haha.
i love this!!!!
Jen, you kill me sometimes, honestly. This was HYSTERICAL and fit so perfectly with the photos -- though I obviously never would have thought of it. Adoring the story and this highly fashionable spread!
xo Josie
I enjoyed this. Kinda made my day =)
OMG - this is disturbing and brilliant all in one, and probably cathartic I would have thought.
I love these pictures. Fabulous Post!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I would love to have you as a follower on the Style~ Spotlighted. Please don't be a stranger and I hope to hear from you soon ;)
Look for me on Twitter :)
Meanwhile, Stay FABulous
The Other Coco Chanel
Very Coll!
now on my blog, every week it´s gonna have a draw of corset! Go there and participate!
I´ll be waiting for you!
LOL .. you came up with that? Crazy ass ending ... kinda creepy and kinda funny! I 'hope' your week is going good so far! :)
♡ from ©
Thanks so much for the comment on my Music Monday post :) Glad you enjoyed the song....and thanks for the complement on my blog title!
These images are wonderful, and you did an amazing job narrating it! Super entertaining :)
haha- I love this, and now I have the urge to go buy a bunch of scarves...
thank you for giving comments on blog :)
ow, the story of Hope and Sunny is very interesting!!! and the pictures are super cool!
sweet and sugars,
the black and white photos awesome <3
Ha ha ha you are awesome!! LOVED that and you dear! ;) Hope your day was sunny girl, he he he.
Very creative indeed. hahha.
I see you are a brilliant story teller;-)
hahaha.i love this story!!!
You really should write a book, you have the most incredible stories. x
Very interesting story, haha! Kinda creepy, but still good and creative!
Btw if you can, follow my twitter too! (Viva_La_Breee)
xoxo, Bree
totally love this kind of pics!!
cute blog! i'm following you by google friends box hope you'll do the same ONLY if' you'll like mine!
sweet italian kisses
Syriously in Fashion
Syriously Facebook Page
Wow, what a fun idea, I must try this sometime! You are so creative!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
I want a poodle skirt.
Crazy creative, darling!
Love the pics, too!
GUESS ad campaigns are my absolute favorite; AND...I absolutely love you for this fashion fairytale. More, more, more! :)
I love your article. Very criative!
thank you for sharing these! this is AMAZING!
Adorable and freaky.
You could probably sell this to Fox.
Wow - pure awesome!
xoxo ~ Courtney
So funny!
I just about peed my pants.
Is it wrong that I identify with Hope? She is one smart bitch.
They need to make this shit into a movie.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Seriously chuckling away at the commentary girl! Ha ha!
Love this... yeah and Barbie did do a good job of entertaining early childhood years! What would we do without Barbie?
Amazing!! Best story ever. I'm defintely doing this with the next editorial I see.
haha what a story!!! you should post more of these!!
jos xx
Hilarious as shizzz! LOVES IT!
Where do you get your inspiration from ;) XOXO
You have some imagination. I did not that see that end coming!
Great story and love the images!
oh my wow. that was some story! :O
p.s. hope and sunny kinda remind me of blair and serena. haha. ;)
<3, Mimi
wow! that's some story! you have an interesting imagination! By the way thank you for visiting my blog! follow each other? :)
love these b/w pictures!! :D
now, thats my kind of story,, looks like u are still the same lil girl after all...
when i was little, i had an imaginary friend, he and i used to eat ants and chop us grasshoppers.. he still visits me once in a while ;) we would love to hear more stories from you Jen :)
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