Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur.
I have vivid memories of mailing letters. Snail mail was a major part of my life before I became "sassyangel@hotmail.com" when I was 14. (Yes, that was my first e-mail. No, I don't use it anymore).

When I was a little girl, I used to help my mom decorate letters to her sisters. Sometimes she would let me draw flowers or balloons on the envelopes. She always allowed me to sprinkle her favorite perfume on the pages. I was enthralled by this process, when I was four-years-old. Creating something beautiful and watching it disappear into a box seemed like magic.

A few years later, I started writing letters of my own, to cousins and long-distance friends. Since I was an ugly duckling who wasn't very popular as a child, my letters were mostly sarcastic, with random short stories and dry observations included. My friends and relatives loved my sense of humor and encouraged me to continue writing. I did.

And then e-mail took over, all of the sudden. I remember my dad asked me to come over to the computer after we got internet so he could show me how to use the Alta Vista search engine and create my first hotmail account through MSN.
And that was the beginning of the end.

Now, after all these years, I wish I could go back in time.
Letters were so personal, so much more real. You could sleep with a love letter under your pillow. You could store letters from friends in a special box. Reading them, clutching them in your hands, brought back memories from a forgotten past.
Why can't we have that again?

I want to lovingly craft a memory which someone will cherish forever. I want to tell them news they won't hear on Facebook or in a text.
I want to sprinkle Chanel No. 5 on a rose-colored envelope and watch it disappear into a mailbox, not caring how it got there, only knowing that it would.

That would be nice.
I miss letters too. I envy the olden days of romantic love letters. It must have been so cool to be waiting all day to come home to see if there was something in the box from a passionate love. A text is so instant. Le sigh... =)
Great post!! =)
i love first picture in which a snail is bringing a letter ,.....
yeah, i totally get what you're saying. i love letters so much and I miss everything about them. however i'm lucky because i have had a pen friend for a very long time - we only stay in touch with letters and it's so nice!
this post was such an inspiration! thanks for sharing!
jos xx
If you email me your address, I'll send you a real old-school letter. To sweeten the deal, I usually draw really lame cartoons in my letters.
I miss snail mail too. Freshman year in college, my boyfriend and I would write letters to each other every single day. (We went to school in different cities.) It sucked as a mode of communication, but they were definitely amazing to read.
And my first email was CutieSlam@aol.com. Oh boy.
Oh, I am incredibly serious about my snail mail. Most days, its my favorite part of the day :)
So what's stopping you from sending snail mail again? Yes, it doesn't happen as frequently anymore, but who's to say you can't start it up in your own network of friends/family. Do it :) Sounds like you sent some fun letters back in the day!
I love letters -- and still write them. There's just something so romantic about it, and getting mail is freaking fun.
xo Josie
I love snail mail. It's more personal than sending an e-mail or a text message.
I LOVE snail mail, too! And still send letters, sometimes.
Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had embarrassing e-mail addresses. My first one - I was 10 I think - was lilac_moonshine@hotmail.com... and I'm pretty sure I was dreamy_lily@hotmail.com after that till I was about 14 or 15. Cringe!
♥ Leia
I completely agree with you. Bring back the good'ol days! xx
I used to write letters too and a few pen pals... Even though I enjoyed it, somehow, I don't really miss it. But, I guess you can always just write a letter and randomly send it to one of your friends? Just imagine their surprise - this is sure to put a smile on anyone's face!
I also miss letters too! I used to write letters on Forever Friends writing paper and cool postcards/notelets that I'd pick up around the globe.
Now, whenever i see gorgeous illustrated cards/postcards, i just send them to my mates, coz I love 'em!
You? An ugly duckling? Never in a month of Sundays Ms. Fabulous. I won't hear of it!
Ok. So it is very easy. Step 1: Go to the nicest stationery store in your town and pick the most beautiful paper you can find. Step 2: Do NOT leave the store until you have also picked a fah-bu-lous fountain pen with your favorite ink color (mine is blue.) Step 3: Go home. Make room on that desk of yours and lay out paper and fountain pen. Step 4: Start writing and don't forget to spray that envelope with Chanel #5 before you mail it!
See, that was easy, wasn't it? Good luck. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
That snail is so cute, I miss letter writing at times. Was pretty good about it before I massively emailed.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
You should write me a letter. I love mail, but I never get it anymore -- except for bills. And those suck.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
You should still send snail mail! I love getting it and think that anybody would feel super special to get mail from you! I know I would!
Oh, and I'll def be your friend! Do I really have to send in a resume though? I'm pretty tired of resumes right now! haha
I love snail mail too! Miss those days : )Happy Tuesday babe Xx
You know, I was feeling this way this past weekend. While I love my blog and the experiences it has brought me, I sometimes wish for the pre-internet days. Did you know I can't actually remember how I functioned without social networking sites?? Isn't that SAD?!
sometimes I really just want to completely disconnect, write pretty letters (I used to have a wax stamping kit, and I would dust my letters with loose eyeshadow and spritz them with perfume), and just let go of all of this...
But I can never seem to stay away for too long, which saddens and scares me.
Wonderful post Jennifer.
I love getting letters...although most of mine are from the bank!
Hehe at your first email address (Mine was missfituk...I regret that!)
I agree! I miss writing long and meaningful letters, instead of just short emails/facebook status. They were so much more fun and personal.
I have great memories of letters sent and received too. I still write to my Mum sometimes but my handwriting is so awful now!
I miss letters too by the convenience and real time distribution of email will always give it an advantage. But I do remember once having a Pen pal in Pennsylvania and seeing her pictures and progression through the years (she was no longer the girl next door!) but I guess there is Facebook for that now too! Important communications should still take place over snail mail!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
I agree Jennifer!!! Why are we all so lazy now? Why can't we take the time to do anything personal anymore? I so miss letters...
I love letters, I agree it's a dying art. I force myself to send out Holiday letters--a real one, not just a picture card--detailing the year. Sometimes it's the only way I keep in touch with lost friends and family.
You know what, I still write letters ... and you know what? Everyone replies in email! But I still continue to write, 'coz I do it for myself ... I am a dying breed! :P
So give me your address and I will write you letters too!
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but the waiting, jennifer. it's the hardest part.
this is such a beautiful post. I too miss writing letters. I am not a big social network or gadget friendly person, I did learn a lot b'coz I wanted to blog......but its true, snail mail really does bring back memories.
I miss writing and receiving letters. It was always so exciting to receive a letter. Awe!
I do miss old-fashioned mail...though am addicted to email as I hate talking on the phone
Aaaaah Snail Mail. The last time I wrote a letter was 8 years ago to my best friend. I receive letters occasionally but I really should start writing more.
I hear you!! I miss doing that too....I most def. would go back to writing letters, if only someone cared to reply :(
I miss snail mail too, it's a fun process.:D
***** Marie *****
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