Kerrie and I went camping over the weekend.
We had been planning the trip since June. Kerrie reserved a two-story luxury cabin nestled in a lakeside resort two hours away. We were looking forward to frolicking at the lake shore, roasting marshmallows by the fire, while also enjoying private restrooms, indoor plumbing & electricity, and snuggling at night in a toasty cabin that had a bear skin rug.
We were so excited, we weren't even upset that Rian insisted on tagging along to baby-sit us, because he didn't think it was safe for two 20-something-year-old girls to be out in the woods alone all weekend.
We were so excited, we danced all the way to the cabin.

Unfortunately not everything in life turns out as planned.
When we got to the resort, fifteen minutes before the main office was going to close, we discovered that the bastards decided to close EARLY. Everyone was gone. There was nobody there to give us the key to our cabin. We called every number for the resort we could, but everyone had gone home early for the weekend.
We were so fucked.
We could not believe that not only had they closed early, but they did so knowing we were supposed to arrive that afternoon for our key. It was disgraceful.
Determined not to let the lazy assholes at the resort ruin our camping trip, we decided to do the one thing we swore we would NEVER do: primitive camping. It was tragic. After all, we were supposed to be fucking GLAMPING it all weekend, not actually doing any real camping that involved sleeping bags or building a fire with sticks. But we didn't have a choice.
So we began to drink and make a plan of action.
Fortunately, Kerrie had an admirer who was willing to drive out and lend us sleeping bags and a tent. We were thrilled by his kindness and our good mood returned.
So we chilled by the lake and threw rocks and took photos of our awesomeness.

When it was past evening, Kerrie and I started to get worried because her friend hadn't arrived yet. We then learned the poor guy's car had broken down and he was stranded in the middle of nowhere! Horrified, we hopped in our car and drove 20 minutes away to help him out. After getting lost in the pitch black countryside, we eventually caught up with him at midnight.
When we returned to the lake, Kerrie and I went off in search of a restroom where we could wash up. To our dismay, the only restroom was almost a mile away from our camping area and it looked like something straight out of a horror film.
Kerrie pretended to take a shower, because there was no water.

I put on my flannel.

Once Rian got the tent set up, the night actually turned out to be fun. We cooked hot dogs over the fire and roasted marshmallows. The sky was lit up with a thousand stars and looked incredible...

But as the night progressed, we longed more and more for the cozy cabin that we weren't going to sleep in that night. It was forty degrees and we didn't bring enough blankets or warm pajamas with us. The sharp gusty wind bit into our faces and kept us shivering all night. I seriously thought I was going to freeze to death, I was so cold in the little tent. And there were bugs. Holy hell, were there bugs. I can't even describe about the bug incidents yet, I'm still so freaking traumatized.
Kerrie and I were incredibly upset our fabulous glamping trip had been so viciously thwarted.

The next morning we both woke up completely sick with colds. We both still have them. We surrendered to the weather and our harsh living conditions and started packing at sunrise. We vowed to come back in the spring and we are going to see if the resort will give us a free cabin rental for our trouble.
But you know what, we were together and that's all that mattered. Kerrie and I had fun, despite the weather, and made some memories that will last forever.
And one day we will laugh about this trip...maybe.

how fun! its more like glamping! glamorous camping.
A comedy of errors! But super fun with you!
Oh dear. Well. At least you stuck it out... I would have hightailed it back to the closest hotel. And, let's be honest, life is ALWAYS fun with your bestie around!
xo Josie
Yup, I would have gone to a hotel as well. But you guys made the best of it. I'm so glad that Rian was with you to keep you guys safe!
Yeah, indeed a comedy of errors..but as they say it- Its all about the experience!! You had it and your had with your pals... :)
Glamping is the only way to go. Seriously. You're a good sport. I would have left and checked into a Hilton.
Oh you are such a brilliant writer! You had me hanging on to every word. The photographs and the scenery look amazing and just think, it couldn't possibly be any worse the next time you attempt it. xxx
Quite an adventure, darling!
Love these pics!
thank you for your comment :* i lovely to hear ! <3
if you want follow me :D
Great photos! Thanks for sharing them :) You made me laugh when you posted you had no choice but to do the primitive camping thing, LOL! I'm sorry you couldn't get into your cabin but hey maybe things turned out for the best. You guys look like you were having super fun XOXO
Aww cute! sometimes things go wrong because the other way wouldnt have been as interesting! Glad you girls are alive!hehe
thanks for the sweet comment :) love your outfits
just did a new outfit post!
thanks for the sweet comment :) love your outfits
just did a new outfit post!
Ahh, oh no! Glamping turning into actual camping can't be fun. But I guess it's definitely an experience that you guys willlaugh about for ever!
looks like lots lots of fun!! Now I want vacations too :(
HOW FUN! Gorgeous photos of the lake... I love both of your dresses too :)
Hi Jennifer!! Thanks for your lovely comment!! Your life is amazing!! You always make so fun plans!!!
Hi Jennifer!
I am glad you and Carrie had so much fun despite all else!! :D
That first pic is gorgeous! I am so jealous cause I've been wanting to go "primitive camping" it seems like forever! Has not worked out though. Hope you get that free cabin!
Loved reading this, though I'm sorry that resort messed up like that. I can't believe how unprofessional they are! Glad you still managed to have a good time and I bet you'll definitely be laughing about this in future!
You and Kerrie are really troopers! My friends would have never stayed outside like that, really, knowing us, we'd probably try to break in our cabin... 0_o
Those pictures by the lake were amazingly wonderful! Despite your conditions, I think you guys made the best of it. It sounded like a real adventure!
I hope next time you guys actually get to enjoy it inside the cabin. Lol.
honey thank u soooo much for your sweet comment!! i would love to have u as my follower!!!
LOVE julia
Oh my gosh, craziness! But so much fun!! Can't believe the resort ppl left without giving u guys the keys! I really hope you got a free stay:) Glad everything worked out and it sounds like you had a blast anyway!:D Get well soon!
aww so cool I've never been camping,but I've been to a camp fire but we slept indoors :)
looks fun to me
oh my gosh, you should write a book or short story or screen play. this sounds like a movie. well, you both looked so super cute. and that first picture is genius.
celebrity dress up...
Awww! You two definitely had an experience that you will always remember! Sorry about the resort!
seems fun. i love camping and very nice blog
WOW! What a trip! Firstly I love the idea of glam camping and I definitely think thats the way to go. Like you said you still have the benefits of the area but I don't think I could go without some of the elements of a cabin. I can't believe that you didn't get the key and that everyone had left. Thats so unfair and they really should compensate you in some way. I think its good that you stayed there and made the most out of your trip. You two girls are so good at making things fun. I hope you are ok after your night out in the cold. I have only ever been camping like that once many years ago. Finally, I think that you and Kerrie look so beautiful together and both of your dresses are so pretty.
those are such beautiful pictures! sometimes in unplanned situations we could get more meaningful endings ;)
but yeah, primitive camping is not my favorite thing either!
bummed that your glamping trip (you guys definitely looked glam!) got ruined BUT at least it makes for an entertaining story/ fun memory eh? Also, that bathroom does look like something from a horror movie. Yikes D:
Oh my goodness!! I can't believe that they left early and didn't leave you your key... aghhh how frustrating! But at least you had good company... and it's good that Rian was there to take pictures of you two gorgeous girls :P I really really hope you're able to go back in the spring and have a proper glamourous camping trip!
♥ Leia
The pics are awesome :) looks really nuce!
/ http://angelicablick.se
Looks like so much fun!
looks so fun! great pics.xx
Last time I have gone camping was too many years ago. It look fun. BTW, you are my winner for the Elizabeth and James ring but still don't have your info yet. : )
Awesome pics!!!!!!!!!
You two are incredibly strong women. I would have said the heck with it and went to a hotel!
I can't believe the camp owners for closing early and not contacting you. Ridiculous. And don't get me started on bug horror stories when camping. When I was little, we went to Girl Scout camp and had to sleep in covered wagons. At night, so many mosquitoes came in and bit us that we looked like we had the chicken pox!
Wow. It sounds like quite an adventure. Great photos. Take care.
Haha sounded fun nonetheless! Great pictures :)
Ohh I wish I had been there!
Awesome photos!!! I love camping, it's always the highlight of my year.
xoxo ~ Courtney
really cute photos and really adorable blog!
hey sorry to hear tat ur "glamping" trip got thwarted. but I love the word "glamping" tat u used :). both u guys look absolutely fab in all the pics!!!
awesome photos!
it must be a great day for you
You will totally laugh about this later!
Boo on lazy rental people, and boo on missed plans! Sorry to hear your weekend went down that way.
Also, strong, lovely 20-something women needing babysitting? Pshaw! Next time tell that silly boy to stay home! Although, I'm sure he proved useful in the camping situation.
Ya'll are too cute. I'm kind of dying over you frolicking around in the wilderness in your lovely frocks!
Sometimes the biggest disasters turn into the most fabulous adventures! :P
Omg what a night you guys had. I love the Whole GLAMPing name it's genius! The photos look awesome I'm inspired to go GLAMPing now :-) Hope you guys get well soon!
what an adventure girls:)! thanks for your sweet comment! I hope you have a great week! and hope to see you more often on my blog;)
Wow, that is quite a story! I'm not sure I would've been able to keep my sense of humor about it as well as you did, to be honest. Great job making the most of it. I suppose drinking always helps, right?
Thnx for the sweetest comment!
ofcourse I am following you back!
you have an amazing blog!
ah thats awful! i cant belivee they closed early!
Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion
Haha, what a funny story!
Fantastic pictures!! Sounds like how camping should be, loads of fun, but with disasters thrown into the mix. I just adore your dress. :)SarahD
Ahahaha, oh my!! I'm sorry your trip majorly sucked, but at least you got a good story out of it, right? And you handled the situation MUCH better than I would have. I would've either broken into the cabin or gone to the nearest hotel!
Despite those some errors, you guys seem to have such a fun and adventurous time in those pictures, I love camping! I guess in the end, it's the experience and quality time with friends that counts, right?
Have a wonderful one, darl (:
Sanny's Head to Heart
you two are always going on wild adventures. quite entertaining.
i love the dress your friend is wearing!
your comments never fail to make me smile :)
your camping trip loook soooo fun ! the last time I camped was just *bleh* .. it was raining and all soggy :(
awe! looks like so much fun!
oh my goodness the resort better give you a free visit next time! lol if i were you i would have just left and stayed at the nearest hotel haha but the evening still turned out to be fun for you and your friends :)
Oh no! How rude! Sounds quite funny though, at least it looked like the weather stayed good!
Wish I could go camping with you! sounds like it'd be so much fun ;)
Oh my gosh - how many bad things could possibly happen in a row?! Proud of you for making the best of it, though. I'm not sure I would have stayed at all. I haven't camped for years and don't even know how to set up a tent!!
It's too bad it didn't work out like you planned, but it still seems like you had a great time!
-Shoeless Simone
What a journey! You're right you will look back at this, and despite everything you will cherish this forever. I wish all of my close girlfriends still lived close to home so we could do crazy stuff like this again. Everyone moved and left me!
sounds like good times anyway! something to look back on.
your comments never fail to make me smile :) your camping trip loook soooo fun ! the last time I camped was just *bleh* .. it was raining and all soggy :( www.GlistersAndBlisters.com
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