When I first started blogging in the middle of August this year, I had so many high hopes for my blog.....not that it's still not there...but I am sure the fellow bloggers can really connect with me on that aspect.You feel this euphoria if even "one" visitor comes to your blog and for those first few weeks life simply revolves around "your blog".
When Jennifer asked me to do a guest post in her blog I was left wondering what would I write about????? I am a "beauty" blogger and both our blogs don't have anything in common.But I decided that I gotta whip up one article not related to beauty but something that me and others around me can identify with.
My blog is just one and half months old and its still in the "breast feeding" stage and I think I can wean it off maybe within six months???????(hopefully I will have 100 followers LOL). I started my blog as a fun place to unwind and connect with other bloggers and readers alike in this virtual world and share my views on beauty, fashion etc. For all the shallowness that you might encounter in my blog ('coz its all beauty) I am a Doctor by profession......and I think personally, I do a lot of FOTD'S and stuff 'coz I can never do that in real life as my profession demands a certain level of decency and decorum. (Just imagine your lady surgeon coming into the room with Kim Kardashian get up, false eyelashes 'n all...not a pretty sight huh??)
On those first few days I would jump from blog to blog introducing myself and my blog (that contained only 2 entries at that time)and ask people to follow me. Little did I know that its not that easy. I had no problems in adding any number of people to my reading list as I personally love going through their blog content and commenting ....sadly others are not like that. I did make a couple of people my followers in the mean time.....some big "hot shot" bloggers who felt really bad for me, with me constantly visiting their blog and dropping comments.....but slowly we did become friends and if you guys do visit my blog (by the way please do) you can see in the comment section certain bloggers constantly commenting and now I have created a rapport with them.
But hey......some blogs when you visit the first time itself you get intimidated.......hey don't you ever tell me that you have never felt that!!!!! Its like stepping into some designer blog lane and even almost all their followers also will be having "designer blogs". But I was not to be deterred...being the "persistent" one I knocked on their doors....left comments....followed them and what did I get? Well......some actually did follow me back (hmmmmm i must have followed 20 and 2 responded) and some others left me comments.
That left me wondering....why are these people not interested in budding bloggers?????? Don't tell me that you guys were not one yourselves. But hey there are some others who achieve rock star status almost immediately....like within 2-3 weeks and start doing give aways!!!! Well.......the green eyed monster in me does rear its head from time to time....but I calm myself by saying constantly "slow and steady wins the race" (whatever!!!!)
For tracking my readers and also to see from which all parts of the world I am getting an audience (for my own self gratification ....well I gotta at least be happy with seeing people coming in, even if they are not purchasing (following) readership to my blog right?) I set up "live traffic feeds", "visitors" widget and what not???? By the way its still there....So if you guys are visiting.... do understand that I am watching YOU!!!!! Oopsssss I sound like a stalker there! Anyway with all my new cool gadgets and stuff (by the way I changed & rechanged my blogger layout too) to lure people into my blog. Hook or by crook I wanted people!!! (gawd!!! I am getting all serial killerish in here!!!)
Anyway.....I am sure that this is something that almost any new blogger undergoes or does to make him/herself visible to others. So, I am no exception......right??? (Plz do agree with me otherwise I have to have a talk with my therapist! :D) But to be honest all the woes aside.....I am happy with the handful of readers that I have who interact with me and leave me beautiful messages. I always make a point to reply to each one of them 'coz I love getting replies when I comment on other blogs.
If and when I become a "hot shot" blogger.......well......I guess I will have to do a guest post about "HOW TO FEND OFF PESKY NEW BLOGGERS!!!" (Jennifer leave a post space for me). Now that would be amazing! But hey I had a fun time writing this post, thanks to Jennifer for giving me a chance to write on her blog and all you guys who are reading this post of mine...I know all the new bloggers will be able to identify with me....but the senior bloggers do take some time out to go to the "Baby Blogs" and do give your two cents and be a follower if you can. Believe me, it makes their day. Ciao.
This was a great post, Anju! Thank you so much for writing one for my blog!
I can definitely relate to you because when I first started my blog almost two years ago, it was so exciting to meet other bloggers and see them commenting! The best part about blogging is making those connections and I really feel like I have made some lifelong friends through my blog.
I have no doubt that before you know it, you will have 100 followers! ;) xoxo
i love budding bloggers. this was a lot of fun to read. thanks for writing it Anju!
and thanks jen for doing guests posts on your great blog!
Fab guest post!
I love helping out budding bloggers!
How true every word is!! Thanks jennifer that actualy brought up so many things we have been able to read here!!
Thanks Anju!!
wow...I thought I was the odd one going and checking my blog visitors like every 5 minutes..lol...good post..:)
ah i really enjoyed this post. will check out her blog too x
Enter my Halloween giveaway:
Amazing post.
And Jennifer m'dear, I could probably hook you up with some marmite x
What a fabulous guest post, Anju! My blog - Cafe Fashionista - will be two years old in January 2011. It seems like only yesterday that I was just starting out!! :P
I'm already loving this idea for guest blogging! Her post was great! :)
Yes! E-mail me (adaisychaindream@googlemail.com)
This guest post is great!!!I hope you're having a fantastic weekend so far Jennifer. Thank you so much for all of your comments! They always make my day :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
There are so many ways to "follow" a blog. When we first started, I thought that if you didn't have a huge GFC count than that meant you weren't being read. SO not true. Some people subscribe to your feed, some people get it via email, some people use bloglovin', some people merely type in the URL. Try not to get caught up in the numbers. I know it's hard not to! Looking at your traffic stats is a much better gage of who's reading you!
own, amazing... make friends... yes?
Aw! Semi welcome to the blogosphere!
I know that I kind of started my blog off with really high expectations - but it's ultimately about blogging for yourself! If you hope to get all this fame and what not, them you lose sight of what your blog's about.
I'd rather be buddies with my readers than leave one word comments on their posts because I don't have time for them! :)
What a fantastic idea to have a guest blogger series!
Great post Anju!!
@everyone:-thanks for all the positive comment guys.nice to know tat u all liked the post :)
sweet words and interesting to hear!
Great guest post :) I agree, I remember when I first started and just wanted people to check out my page - actually I still feel that way haha.
You're a lovely writer and (baby) blogger, Jen! Nice work! :)
Nice Article Anju - & Jennifer so sweet of you to post it.
I understand what you mean Anju. I started by Blog over two years ago. Back then there weren't as many indian beauty bloggers too as there are today, so friends were even harder to find.
But I have learnt a lot about human nature in the last 2 years, and my only advice is - Stay true to your vision, and do it for a honest purpose. Everything else falls in place :)
I would like to exchange links with your site jenniferfabulous.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
Thank you for taking time to write on my blog.
I love this post, I hope we can make blogger buddies in the future. I have saved you on my following list :)
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