Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. Belding!!!!!!

Fuck yeaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

Dennis Haskins, who played Mr. Belding on Saved By The Bell, randomly made a special appearance late last night at a Mexican restaurant here in town. Of course, Rian and I raced over there immediately, as we grew up with the show.

I was really excited that we caught up with my friend Monica & her buddies at the event. Children of the 90s unite!! Hehe!

Monica even got Mr. Belding to sign her Bayside High t-shirt, which I thought was the coolest thing ever! He seemed more than happy to oblige. I think the television icon was flattered by all the attention he was receiving from pretty young women!

Oh, and in case you don't recognize Mr. Belding because he has, erm, gotten a little older in the past 20 years, here is a pic of him with the cast of Saved By The Bell.

Overall, it was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. Before we saw Mr. Belding, Rian and I went out to dinner and played a few rounds of bowling. It had been a very long time since we'd had a real date! :)

Anyways, I thought I would resume with my 10 Days of Blogging project, which I kind of pushed aside due to my recent guest posts. For more information, you can read about it here.

Day 2: Nine Things About Yourself That Most People Don't Know

1. In addition to having my photo taken with Mr. Belding, I also have my photo taken with Marion Ross, who played Mrs. Cunningham on Happy Days. I met her at a seafood restaurant in my town four years ago.

2. I have spent most of my life wishing that I had auburn hair. (Which unfortunately would just look ridiculous against my tan skin, otherwise I would have totally dyed it by now).

3. I am not as smart as I think I am.

4. A few years ago, when I was a newspaper reporter, I wrote a story about an unidentified man who was caught robbing houses in a nearby town. I found out two weeks later, the man was my ex-boyfriend. He went to jail for six months for it. Needless to say, I was horrified.

5. The only two guys I dated in high school turned out to be gay.

6. I have never fantasized about my future wedding(s), not even as a little girl. Weddings, in fact, have always bored me.

7. Sometimes my road rage can be a bit frightening.

8. I have a really hard time remembering what life was like before I got facebook six years ago.

9. I am now addicted to frozen yogurt, which is a good thing because it's healthier than my previous addiction, cupcakes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! xoxo


JUST ME said...

Yo, Mr. Belding is OLD.

He's the one who should be staying away from those cupcakes...

I dated a gay guy in *college*. Unknowingly, of course.

btd. said...

Wow, that is so cool you got to meet him, I used to love Saved By The Bell! Now I want to go watch it. Lol.
I just did my Day Two. Lol. Wow, that really sucks for the criminal to be your ex. That is creepy. 0_o

Couture Carrie said...

So fun, darling!
Can't believe #5!



Oh My God, that is so cool you met'Mr. Belding'!! I loved that show so much. :)SArahD

paislea said...

hahahha. that's so rad! i'm jealous!

Venus Loves Virgo said...

OMG! awesome. I was addicted to that show lol! XOXO

Madeline Weber said...

YOU ARE SO LUCKY. saved by the bell is my favorite show still! hahaah

sorry about the ex though...


Liv said...

Hhhmm... looks like Mr. Belding's had a lil' nip/tuck...

Awesome post, despite the fact that I won't be able to get the Saved by the Bell theme song out of my head for the rest of the night! Happy weekend!

Kellie said...

Haha, that's awesome! I loved that show back in the day!! :D
And I'm also addicted to frozen yogurt, it's delicious. And there's a fro-yo place just down the block from my it's a bit of a problem.

Blicious said...

how funny! he is always at a bar near my house. lol


MariahSmile said...

SBTB is my fave show of all time!!! I am totally jealous of you! If you would have been with MPG I probably would have screamed and gone to look for you! haha I also admit that I wish I was born with red hair, but I'm afraid it would not look good on me, even though I am very pale.

Josie said...

SO jealous of your Mr. Belding encounter! And I also am hardcore addicted to frozen yogurt -- it's ridiculous.
xo Josie

ching said...

whoa, i liked SBTB when i was a kid and i can hardly recognize mr belding. :D

Anonymous said...

I used to watch Save by the bell religiously everytime it was on TV. The show made so many reruns where I was lucky you got to meet Mr.Belding!!! :)

Hope you have a great weekend too. :)

Tanvi said...

I hadn't seen the show .. but good for you! :) You looks super cute in the pictures!!! Also, Yes to Yogurt! I am addicted too!!!

JoaNNa said...

that is so cool you guys!
the fact of your ex-boyfriend robbing houses shocked me!

have a great weekend ;)

Leia said...

How cool that you met him! I would never have recognised him. Also: how weird about the ex-bf robbing houses! And fro-yo is deeeelicious.


Sherin said...

Lol: that is soooo cool. I used to love that show!!
Loved your 9 things....definitely agree with the facebook one.

Vix said...

Get you hanging out with the stars! Even I remember him.
Love the facts about you, I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds weddings the most boring thing on the planet. xxx

daisychain said...

I am so utterly envious!

Federico Panarello said...

Funny Photos :-)

Oh to Be a Muse said...

oh man, mr. belding looks so different! great that you got to meet him.

and that's really weird that your ex-bf was the guy robbing houses in the story you wrote.

Cafe Fashionista said...

Ohmigosh Mr. Belding! I used to want to be Kelly Kapowski as a child. I think that, deep down, a part of me still does!! :P

Gah! I can't believe your ex-boyfriend was caught robbing houses - crazy!! :/

Amelia is... said...

Thanks for the lovely comment! How are you? x

C.Elizabeth said...

You have got such a beautiful smile and you look so happy on those photos!
"Saved by the Bell"... Oh my gosh! I was so young when this was playing... but I remember loving it!

To answer your question, my husband isn't a photographer! Though I have to agree he is quite good at it. Or maybe it's my good camera! lol

Unknown said...

number 5 is so funny!

Enter my Halloween giveaway:

Elaine said...

That's SO awesome! I loved Saved by the Bell.

CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is the weirdest coincidence about your ex! And OMG, Mr. Belding. That's awesome!

glee said...

Fabulous photos. I love the photo of you and your man. Sweet. :)

Win our $100 gift card giveaway sponsored by Shopbop! Open for everyone, US and International readers. :)

Anonymous said...

your questions and answers were so funny! Loved it!


omg that is so cool, i wish i could have met him. you look like you had lots of fun :)


o said...

WOW!! Mr. Belding!!! Oh man, good times:D You're so lucky to have met him! I also reading ur random facts:)

little luxury list said...

Wow Mr. Belding - total blast from the past. Mmm frozen yogurt, great to have healthy food addictions!

Sorry I've been behind on your blog, just got back from vacation. Do you still need guest posters?

Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun!


Audrey Allure said...

Wow, he looks so different but you're so lucky you got to meet him - LOVED Saved by the Bell.

Love frozen yogurt too :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I just stumped here and I loved your blog. It's great!! Accept me as your new follower :-)

indianmakeupways said...

hey he has changed sooooooo much. but hey u got to meet him pics. :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome
It's great when you meet someone famous, uh? Ahahaha
And by the way, you look so so pretty
nice pictures


Stylelover said...

LOL!!! great pictures!!!
youlook amazing...

Anna said...

So cool you met him, I remember that programme, always used to watch it after school.


I'm so jealous you met mr belding I watched saved by the bell religiously as a kid!


michelle_ said...

im a real froyo addict too !
i eat it almost everyday. lol . dont know if that's good or not :S

thanks for the sweet comments !

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

NOWAYNOWAYNOWAY!!! Mr. Belding?!? Dannnnggg! I would have totally gotten a picture with him too!

Also, I too have scary road rage which is funny because outside the car i'm pretty much the epitome of a "mild mannered" person--I also don't swear but once someone cuts me's a different story ;)


Jamie-Lee Burns said...

OH MY GOD. I don't think I would've recognised him if I had seen him - that's pretty sweet though. I LOVED Saved by the Bell as a kid x

Keith said...

That is so cool that you saw Mr. Belding. I've seen him in a few movies since Saved By The Bell went off.

Imogen said...

Wow you are so lucky to have met Mr Belding. It must have been amazing and very exciting. I would have found it the best thing! I was a huge fan of Saved by the Bell when I was growing up too. I must say that I cannot believe how different he looks now. The change is so dramatic. I'm pleased you had such a fun night. I also love bowling too. I haven't done that in awhile.

Oh, My Darling said...

Belding?! How wonderfully random!

Bionica said...

Mr. Belding!!!!!!!!
how cool is that????
definitely fun =)


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