Something has been bothering me these past few months, which I felt the need to discuss here: animal neglect.
I go walking two or three times a day. One of my usual routes passes a cat shelter. The store has big open windows with cages in perfect view, allowing passersby the opportunity to stop and admire the felines. Often, I will see people in the shop, playing with the kittens or adopting a cat.
But there is one cat in particular who does not receive this attention.

He is a giant fat tabby with black and brown speckled fur. He is always sitting in the same spot, hunched over, looking incredibly uncomfortable in his tiny cage.
There is a sign on his cage that says:
"When my owners got divorced, neither one of them wanted to keep me. I'm a loving cat who is looking for a good home."
This cat has been at the shelter for THREE MONTHS.
And every time I pass the store, I see children holding kittens or older couples cradling the smaller cats. I have never seen one person even look at this cat. Apparently he's too big, too old, and too boring. It breaks my heart.

First, I completely despise the owners who got divorced and then tossed him aside like an unwanted piece of furniture. This couple should have been fighting over who got to KEEP the cat. Not the other way around. Why the hell even bother getting a cat to begin with if you're not going to love it and take responsibility for it? I'm sickened by the entire situation.
People have no business getting a pet if they are not going to take care of it and love it. There should be a law against it.
Second, I'm so tired of looking in that damn cat shelter and seeing people swoon over the kittens.
If you're going to a cat shelter, look at the older cats. They need love just as much as kittens do. Plus, there is a really good chance they are already litter-trained.

Third, I desperately wish I was not allergic to cats. I can't even be in the same room as a cat without getting an asthma attack. Allergy pills don't work for me either. It sucks. Because if I was not allergic to cats, I would have adopted the fat tabby three months ago.
And fourth, I spend a majority of my time thinking about that poor cat locked up in that tiny cage. The cat shelter owners do not let the cats out for exercise. It is my worst nightmare to imagine that poor thing cooped up in two feet of space every second of the day for three months. It actually makes me quite sick to think about it.

So, yeah. This really bothers me.
I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I'm not even sure if there is anything I can do about it.
I just really wish I could take him home with me.
He deserves better.
oooh beautiful cat!! :D
That´s so sad poor cat...maybe one of your friends could be willing to take it home or something...its such a horrible situation, animals shouldn´t be left in those conditions that´s just not right
The Black Label
Aww poor kitty. Such gorgeous pics though... what about asking if a friend would like to keep it?
Awww.... Im a cat lover and I feel sad reading this. If only I lived nearby!!
Definitely, Maybe
Awww, the poor kitty! I wish I was there: I would adopt her in a heartbeat. I can't believe the owners would be so awful!! If I got divorced and we had a cat: I would fight to keep it.
can't you can get allergy shots now?
What a cutie. I would take him in a second!
This post again proves how similar you and I are. I have actually been thinking about animal neglect a lot lately too, much more than I ever have in the past. It makes me so angry to think about how animals are often perceieved and treated. I hate it when they are seen as having a lower form of existence. The way I see it is that animals are in an often defenceless position and humans should take care of them. I think that animals can't help their situation often and in reality they are often nicer than people so they deserve better. I have formed fabulous bonds with my two cats, they have been everything to me so it breaks my heart to see anything bad happy to a kitty. This particular cat you posted is beautiful. So much like my cat Puss that died two years ago. The resemblence is remarkable. What gorgeous eyes too. I just hate it when people are so selfish and dump an animal like this. I know some people who bought a kitten a few months ago and now want to put it up for adoption. It has totally diminished my opinion of these people. I hate it how people often get animals because they look cute and small and then ditch them later because they can't deal with looking after them or get tired of them. It is just crazy. Anyway, this is a fantastic post I totally agree with everything you have written.
He does deserve better, poor thing's already traumatised from loosing his home. Older cats are brilliant, loving and great company. Mine rock! xxx
We skip the kitten Kaveran all the time and go straight to the well behaved litter boxed train oldies. both of our girlies came out of the adult cat cages
Oh god, I couldn't agree more on all your counts. We have two cats (both rescued) and I love them as if they were my own. I also think older cats can be great to bring in. No training required! I really hope that fatty cat finds a good home. It's not his fault his parents divorced!
ah poor tabby - a very sad and moving post
I agree with andres corella.
those things make me so sad:(
what a touching post!
he's a very cute little guy!
i love the photos.
enjoy your weekend!
betty xx
yeah people need to commit to their pets if they are going to get one! I hate it when they just toss them to the side, i mean their destiny lies in their owners, its not like they got to choose whom to be with... just sad
aw that is so sad! i had animal abuse and its awful to think that poor cat doesnt have room to stretch and play. i completely agree with everything you have said. is there none of your friends that want a cat?
Look what you did! I was on my way over here, still laughing to myself about your comment...until I saw your post:(.
That is such a sad story. I really don't understand how the cat ended up there as a result of a divorce. I have two cats and I'd literally need to be dead before it ended up in a cage like that. Cats develop such a bond with their owners, I really can't grasp what kind of person can just drop a cat off one day and never go back for it. I'd be devastated...
That is so sad. I agree, Jennifer. It's despicable that the owners abandoned him after divorcing. Appalling. So sorry you are allergic. I'm fortunate I'm not, as the cat's lounging next to me on my bed right now. He's older and was given back by the former family. Thank goodness my housemate is kind-hearted and not allergic.
I'm admittedly not a huge cat person, but this is so sad. I hate to see an animal ignored.
xo Josie
Ms. Fabulous, you’re a modern day Ghandi in a skirt... and they say Americans lack compassion!
i wish you could take him home.
i recently adopted two adult rescue kitties. apparently that is a rarity. they are both 6-7 years old and i love them to death!
the kittens always go fast. the old ones don't have much of a chance. it breaks my heart.
and keeping a cat in a cage is just awful. it breaks my heart to think how long mine were stored like that and how many others have been subjected to the same treatment.
sucks that you are allergic, otherwise you should have taken the cat. and i don't see why people decide to get pets only to abandon them later. it's just cruel.
Awww, that's so sad. :( I really hope he finds a home soon. It's terrible that no one ever looks at the older cats in shelters, they're always so sweet.
Oh no beautiful cat. Wish I was closer would totally adopt her and take care of her! This makes me so sad.. :(
<3 Marina
This shows even more what a caring and generous person you are to think so dearly about this poor, unwanted cat. If I could (and if my Mother didn't have cat allergies) I would fly to that cat shelter and pick up the darling little tabby. I totally agree with your opinion on the divorced couple--like why get a cat if you can't take care of it? That's totally cruel and even immature of them to not even be able to take care of it. Hopefully a new owner as kind-hearted as you will come along...but until then maybe you could talk to the care-takers at the shelter about giving the cats more exercise?
really worried about the cat after reading your post....i think its really sad that people choose to be so callous towards their pets!!..and just toss them aside divorce or no divorce!!
Aww what a poor cat, this is so sad. I hope someone will adopt it soon, someone who has the same thoughts as you! It deserves a better life.
Aww! I wish my husband weren't allergic to cats. We visited my sister in law and they have a poor, neglected cat (I think the kids get all of the attention and the cat none!)
Some day in a world with more time and less allergies!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
One day I'd love a cat or three. At the moment my mum is asthmatic, so I've never had a pet, but when I move out, I'd want a cat from a shelter and I'd adopt an older cat too.
He's very cute, it must be sad to see him be in the shelter for so long. Shame on his old owners.
My brother in law is allergic to cats but he has one and always picks it up. They keep the cat very clean, I don't know if that's why it doesn't bother him. So maybe you could find a way of keeping one too?
Bhav x
Poor , cute kitty! :(
Jonna xx
this post had my eyes watering up :(
this makes me want to tear up :( if I lived there I would go and get that poor baby!
aww that's so sad :( im also allergic to animal furs and it really bugs me when i cant get close to those cute animals.. i hope someone will adopt him soon!!
As a rescue kitty owner, that just breaks my heart!
As a pet owner, this boils my blood and breaks my heart at the same time. People get pets the same way the buy clothes or shoes, apparently thinking they can just pass them on to someone else when they get bored with them. Same thing with people who move in with their significant other, who happens to live in a no-pet building. Hell will freeze over before I choose a guy over my dog!!!
I hope this kitty finds a home. Almost wishing I could take him myself now...
Aww! That's so sad! I really hope someone adopts the cat one day. :(
I used to have cats when I was little, but my mom hated that they tore the furniture up. And one we had actually ripped my ear open. So, because of that she's very anti-cats. But that cat deserves a loving home and I hope he gets one someday!
Your post made me tear up. Honestly. I am the BIGGEST cat lover ever. I want to take this cat home!! Why did I have to live so far away? WHY has no one taken him home?? And WHY is he not aloud out to at least stretch his legs?!
Do you have any friends who would take him?
This poor cat...
The sad story is, is that there are many others like him.
Oh, and I COMPLETELY agree with "M". I myself own a cat, and a guinea pig, and dammit, I would never EVER give up my Eloise for ANYONE.
That is so sad. We have a cat, and I could never put him away in a place like that.. Who would do such a thing..
Thank you for the sweet comment. I appreciate it:)
So sad. Now I'm also going to spend the majority of my time thinking about the fat tabby. It breaks my heart when an animal is mistreated or unloved. Where do you live? Maybe we could all work together to find this cat a home?
That is so sad. I always feel awful seeing pets at pet stores stuck in those small cages, not getting enough exercise or attention. And it's extra sad that no one seems interested in that one cat :( I hope it gets adopted soon - have you asked all your friends if maybe they'd want to adopt it?
This is so sad :( animal cruelty really breaks my heart. I watched food inc yesterday and just couldn't believe how badly animals are treated :(
♥ Leia
this made me so sad!! I wish I could adopt him! :(
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