Here is the award:

With this award, you are supposed to divulge seven unknown facts about yourself and then pass the award on to seven more stylish bloggers.
Here we go:
1. My favorite dessert is bananas smothered in peanut butter.
2. I called my neighbor the wrong name for two years and he never corrected me.
3. I hate snow.
4. I collect Marilyn Monroe wine.
5. I don't think James Franco is cute anymore.
6. My biggest fear in life is ending up alone. It's slowly coming true.
7. I only have two real friends and they both live four hours away from me in opposite directions.
The following seven bloggers (in no particular order) I am passing this award on to:
1. Cactus and Cucumber
2. The Black Label
3. Amber's Mouthwash
4. Fashion.MakeUp.Lifestyle
5. The Fabulous Life of Not-So-Rich and Infamous
6. Glam Kitten's Litter Box
7. Absofuckinglutely
Congrats on the award girl!!!
I am same with #3 and #6 ....
And a BIG Thank YOU for passing the award over to me! Have a wonderful weekend
♥ from ©
Mmmm bananas and peanut butter...
♥ Leia
Warm congratulations on the award, dear lady. I loved reading and learning more about You. Pass the banana and peanut butter, please;-)
congrats on your awards. i'm going to check out those marilyn monroe wines!
Thanks for the award!! And congrats too! You totally deserve it..the neighbor comment was just hilarious!
The Black Label
congrats to you.
i loved to read it.
And a great blog.
Xx Liefs
Congrats on the award dear. I didn't know there was such a thing as Marilyn Monroe wine?? That sounds cool. I hear about the friends being so far away. My best friend lives 5 hours from me in Albany NY. It sucks. Slowly coming true???? I hope everything is okay Jen! *Hugs* =)
I'm thrilled you liked the award! Love all those interesting tidbits about you, and your last comment on my blog. Actually, ALL your comments are heartwarming, but it does sound like we have a lot in common, and that we'd get along in real life. You know, none of my ""real life" friends enjoy old / French / old french movies.. Haha. (My favourite is Girl on the Bridge, so far. Can't wait to venture into even older ones..) I agree with you about James Franco as well. What happened??
I don't think you'll have anything to worry about growing old alone. You sound like an amazing woman! :) Cheers.
funny thing about your neighbor! and oh, james franco isnt so appealing as he was beore. congrats on the award!
just cause he f&^%ed up the oscars?
Aahahaha the James Franco thing made me laugh, I used to love him too but now not so much!
Thank you so much!!
And, I love your answers! haha
And, correction, you have THREE (3) real friends, thankyouverymuch.
Congrats on the award! haha Marilyn Monroe wine! I didn't know there was such a thing. Wow, your neighbor must be totally mellow and easy-going. Either that or he secretly hates you. Aww i'm sorry your friends live so far away. But you always have blogger friends, and they are the same distance no matter what!
I never really saw the appeal of James Franco!
Wow at number 2!! How did you find out you were calling him a wrong name? Did he eventually correct you? And I had no idea there was such a thing as Marilyn Monroe wine!
congrats!!!! loved reading your facts! it happens to me sometimes, calling someone wrongly!! Banana and peanut butter - love it!
jos xx
Great answers! Marilyn Monroe wine? Wow. xxx
congrats for the award!!! :D
have a nice weekend! :)
Congrats on the award! I have a fear of ending up alone too! I keep trying to be more social and go out more etc... so fingers crossed it wont happen :)
Love, vanilla
Congratulations on the award, number 2 is so funny.
I'm on the borderline with James Franco now - sometimes he looks hot & other times not so much lol
Than you so much for awarding me!!! I appreciate this! :)
Congrats on the award. Franco had his moment but that's passed now.
Congrats on the award! Of all people, you definitely deserve it the most.
But I'm biased because I love you so much.
And, of course, thank you for passing it along to me! :)
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
MMMMM. Peanut butter. Congratulations, doll!
xo Josie
Congratulations on the award! I've never heard of Marilyn Monroe wine, but definitely have to investigate further :)
Congratz on the award! Well deserved.
Congrats on the award!! What made you change your mind about Mr. Franco? I'm pretty sure a similar thing happened with me, it was sometime after he did the whole "I'm a professor" thing that I was like ehhhh, next please.
Congrats girl.. so well deserved.
you are fabulous
lee x
Congrats on your extremely deserved award, Jennifer! Banana and peanut butter sounds amazing & I always love reading more about you. So crazy that your neighbor never corrected you!! Marilyn Monroe wines sound fantastic by the way...
Congrats on the award!
Congrats on the award!
I am definitely craving a banana smothered in peanut butter now...
I called my neighbor Sarah for a year and she called me Elizabeth. We didn't realize we were calling each other by the wrong name until we ran into each other after a few glasses of wine and the truth came out. My name is Alicia and it turns out her name is Amber... At least neither of us were close.
Bananas and peanut butter or bananas and Nutella. YUM!
Honey didn't you you had giving me this award..Just came by your blog to check out your latest posts and found it..Thank you so much for giving me such stylish award and of course "CONGRATULATION" on you getting it too.
<3 Marina
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