So, when my best friend, Jenn, recommended The Thirteenth Tale to me, I didn't get my hopes up.
It turns out, I was pleasantly surprised after reading it.

The Thirteenth Tale, written by Diane Setterfield, is one of the most captivating and stimulating novels to be released in the past decade.
This gothic suspense novel revolves around the reclusive and magnificent best-selling British author, Vida Winter, who randomly approaches Margaret Lea, a simple book store clerk, to write her biography. Margaret slowly unfolds Miss Winter's dark secrets from her mysterious and troubled past. The truth about this author's life lurks at every corner and the shockingly strange clues collected on the journey leave the reader hungrily turning the pages for more.
It is a book that delves into the complicated world of identical twins. It looks into the psyche of identical twins and the enviable bond they share which non-twins cannot even fathom.
The novel is also an ode to British literature in general, giving shout-outs to classic literature, such as The Woman in White and Middlemarch.
If you love deliciously haunting novels and British literature, you should definitely read The Thirteenth Tale.
This novel especially increased my fascination with identical twins.

We live in a world where twins are not a big deal. After all, a lot of couples who use fertility pills have multiples.
But we also live in a world where identical twins are a rare phenomenon. They are incredibly uncommon.
I mean, not even Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are identical twins. They are fraternal.

Most twins in this world are created because two fertilized eggs are implanted on the uterus wall at the same time. Identical twins, however, are created when one egg is fertilized, but then divides.

It is a common theory, even amongst a lot of identical twins themselves, that they are bound to each other because they were supposed to be the same person.
They can finish each other's sentences. They have the same thoughts. Their instincts and mannerisms are very similar.

Oddly enough, sometimes identical twins can display opposite behavior, which, if you put the twins together, would make a well-rounded person. For example, one twin could be extremely outgoing and likable, while the other twin is quiet and a loner. Or, one twin could be really kind and generous, while the other twin is mean-spirited and cold.

While scientists cannot prove this theory, it has been a common theme among identical twins throughout history.
It reminds me of an episode of the Tyra Banks talk show I saw a few months ago, where she interviewed these identical twins who were so obsessed with being identical (same clothes, hair style, etc.) that they even admitted they wanted to be sewn together, like Siamese twins.
That steel bond, that intense craving to be the same person, was so powerful inside of these girls, it startled me.
I can't imagine what it would be like to not feel...whole. Mentally and physically.
Do you have an identical twin? If not, do you wish you had one?
nice post!it seems like an interesting choice for a book!thanks for dharing dear :)
thats such a brilliant post left me thinking alot. i always wanted to have a twin, i just think it would be awesome!
hmnn..this keeps me thinking..i think i would love to have a twin..and you are right on saying twins can be different. i had a friend and she had a twin sister. they were completely different from each other, one shy and nice and the other just opposite. i also like twin horror movies, like the asian ones. they are scary.
My mother is a twin but she isn't identical. She has lots of brothers and sisters but she and her sister are very funny together, in a way that makes me smile, she seems more comfortable around her twin than any of her other siblings. My older sister has often cracked an egg and find two yolks, we joke that this means she'll have twins!
I've never thought of identical twins as the same person, I wanna find some identical twins and check this theory out!
Bhav x
Another nice post as always and love the pictures of all the twins...hhmmm...and got me thinking do I really want a twin?...maybe not.LOL
<3 Marina
I would not want someone looking that much like me...then again i dont know how that would be. Strange stuff..all twin sets i know have their own language.
Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla
Great post. I am always looking for a good book. I just finished reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. I just found out it was fiction after I finished it, and I feel so dissapointed:p
well, my life may be wonderful now, but in a few days I'll be on my way back to grey Bergen:p
My mum is a twin, and my grandmother was a twin too! This is one of the reasons I am not overly keen on having children as it seems to be a family trend!
My mom sent me that book and I just could not get into it for the life of me - I think I need to give it another go...
xoxo ~ Courtney
I've read this book and enjoyed it a lot. She writes so well
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I wish I had a twin so we could pull awesome switcheroos and fool people about who we are. I think that would be pretty sweet.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I wanted to have a twin when I was a child. Then I have realized how complicated it might be. Lovely post!
very interesting theory. i can't imagine being so obsessed with a twin that I would want to be sewn together.
Did you know that MK&A are fraternal? Totally freaks me out -- they look SO alike! This book sounds super interesting, doll -- I'll have to check it out!
xo Josie
I sometimes wish I had a twin, because it's so cool to me. It is a goal in my life to have twins. Identical or fraternal I don't mind. I understand this is not something I have control over so it's not really a goal...but it is!
I like being a one and only! Great post, though. xo style, she wrote
Interesting post! Learn something new everyday. I wish I had a twin brother.
What a cool post. I am not a big suspense lover but might check out that novel since that sounds like a fascinating topic.
This is all too fascinating...
Great post girl. Having a twin would be cool, i'm sure there's all kinds of benefits with having an identical looking sibling!
Thanks for stopping by, hope all is good with you.
I always wanted to have a twin, it's fabolous!!
Not gonna lie, identical twins have always creeped me out for whatever reason. I'd stick with having a regular ol' younger or older sibling (I'm an only child!)
I think I will need to get that book as well,seems very interesting!I actually would love to have the twin.I remember that I used to watch a movie about the twins,it was called The sweet valley or something like that.I used to love it and dream that I will have a sister.
Sounds like I'll have to add it to my reading list!
I had a pretty lonely childhood because my siblings were way older than me so I always wanted someone closer my age, especially a twin.
Thanks for visiting my blog! :o)
Great photos!:)
I cannot tell you how many times I have passed this book up at the store; now I'm thinking I need to snag a copy ASAP - it sounds incredible!
I always wanted to have a twin brother for some reason. :P
i'm going to have to look into this book. and the twins information is so interesting. twins run in our family and i'm a little freaked out by the thought of having them!
Sounds like a fun read!
And I love all these twin pics!
You've just reminded me how much I ADORE this book! x
Wow, sounds like an amazing book. I'm a huge fan of British literature, so will be picking this up (maybe I can persuade my book club to read it).
Twins are always interesting. My aunts are twins and one is definitely more likeable than the other. Although, overall, both are really horrible people!
u got me on a interesting thought process, will definitely read this book...have bookmarked it and after i finish my current lot of books(already bought and waiting in line to be read!!)
This definitely sounds like a fascinating novel!
Hmmmm a twin, you say? What would my twin be like? I don't think I want someone around who knows TOO much about what I'm thinking...hahaha.
sounds like an interesting read.
i shall be sure to check it out.
thanks for this brilliant post!
betty xx
Sounds like an interesting book...will see if I can find it somewhere soon. :)
Have you read I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb? Huge novel, one of my favorite authors, about identical twins! Thanks for always being interesting :)
well this sounds awfully intriguing! i am making a note of it!
When I was little I wanted a twin & told everyone I had a twin sister who went to a different school lol. I had to eventually confess though.
The book sounds really interesting!
I'm intrigued now...must buy this book. XOXO
wow..this is such an amazing post! I agree with Blonde Girl : brilliant.
I am so very very intrigued now...this is something I totally want to research, and become annoyingly obsessed with...
Oooh so very interesting. Twins have always fascinated me as well. I remember reading in an old Psychology textbook about twins who were separated at birth and later reunited, and they were both firefighters with the same mustache.
yep i sure do wish i had a twin! love the info here. annnd the phot of mk & ash :) <3
Mk Ash <3
I have an identical twin. We don't really consider ourselves less than whole. We are two completely different people but I can't imagine what it must be like looking at us from the outside.
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