Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Journalist. Mother. Bunny enthusiast. Pop culture junkie.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cupcakes & Makeovers

After having a little too much happy juice the other night, Kerrie and I decided to be productive. We made fluffy pink cupcakes and lathered them with pink and cherry frosting.

Kerrie is a great decorator.

Then, she decided to give me a makeover!

Of course, I spent lots of time snuggling with Babs. I was so thrilled Kerrie brought her over!

It was a fun night. Things ended a little crazy, but that's typical for us.

Are you having a good week?


Shannon said...

things ended a bit crazy? don't leave us with a cliff hanger like that!! do tell!

David Macaulay said...

Very pink Jennifer - is that a real dog or a cuddly toy?

SMD said...

Yum!! I wish I could eat those cupcakes right now. Lol it looks like you guys had a great time!

Couture Carrie said...

So fun, darling!
And you both look so gorgeous and happy!


Anonymous said...

you look gorgeous and the cupcakes are making me drool!

Leia said...

I read your post, and I RAN (yes, ran) to the dining table where I knew someone had left cupcakes earlier. And swallowed a carrot cupcake. You are bad for my health! ;)

But you two look gorgeous! I love your makeover!

Andrés Corella said...

I want one of those cupcakes they look yummy!!!...the dog is just so cute!!


Anonymous said...

mmm i want some of those cupcakes right now.. they're my weakness...

Anonymous said...

I could eat that entire plate.

Cute makeover!

Tights Lover said...

hahaha...happy juice! I need some right now!

I love the makeover, you look fabulous!

I really need a cupcake too, now :).

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

OOOH cupcakes! I love cupcakes! :) Looks like you two had a wonderful time.

Yup - week going good so far...and looks like yours is too!


indianmakeupways said...

wow those cup cakes are drool worthy and u look fab!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, I want to tear into those cupcakes right NOW!

JUST ME said...

I think cherry frosting would be a little too sweet for me...which is saying a lot since I eat cookies at like 8:00 AM.

You look mmaarvahlous, by the way.

valncami said...

those cupcakes look delicious! yum. and you look so pretty!

xo, camilla & valerie

Vix said...

Dunno whats more gorgeous, you girls, babs or the cakes. You have so much fun! xxx

Bronzed Humanity said...

Now im the mini makeover!

Sherin said...

Those cupcakes are calling to me: they look so delicious. And I had to control myself from licking the screen when I saw the frosting.

And you look so beautiful with the makeover (but you always look beautiful).

daisychain said...

yummy cupcakes

and gorgeous you x

Unknown said...

Yay happy juice! Lol looks like a fun time girly:-)

Oh, My Darling said...

How fun! Love how you slathered the cupcakes in icing!

drollgirl said...

wow! that is a lot of frosting! and i would love to try some! lol

minnja said...

Looove it <3



cupcakes are my fav! they look amazing! i want one!

Anonymous said...

Those cupcakes look so yummy! I want one!!!
Love the makeover too!
You and Kerrie always have the best meet ups!


Josie said...

Those cupcakes are darling -- and Kerrie did a fab job with your makeover! So pretty.
xo Josie

Dina's Days said...

omg why did I look at those cupcakes now, while I'm famished. I want some now! Sounds like a pretty fun night, I want to snuggle, and have cupcakes!

Dina's Days said...

oh and your makeup looks fantastic...and your hair too!

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

Whatever shade of lipstick that is... THAT is your lipstick! forever -- it looks ah-mazing!!!!! x1000

and I want a cupcake!!!! wahhhh!

20 YORK STREET said...

So, you can have your cupcake and get a make over too?


I know, I know.. cheesy!

Stay Happy and Positive!




Missed Periods said...

Cupcakes, kittens and makeovers- the perfect girls' night in.

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

Everyones saying how they want cupcakes but I just wanna say you seem like the best person to hang out with. Lots of misadventures and silly times (totally up my alley!)--and I don't hate it one bit :)


Christopher said...

Sounds like a nice night. My weeks been kinda meh, haven't really done anything of interest at all.

lauren said...

omg. want a freaking cupcake. stat.
operation megan fox...

JoaNNa said...

you guys look fab! This week has been pretty tiring for me so I'm looking forward for the weekend! Anyways happy belated birthday!! I feel really bad that I didnt wish you earlier :( but I do hope that you had a great one! All the best! <3

Vanilla said...

So fun :) Love your make up

Love, vanilla

'moringHoney said...

helloo! my blog is waiting for u!!

The girl with the pretend crown said...

Aw look at your dog!! :)You both look so happy ♥ xxxx

Cafe Fashionista said...

I've been doing non-stop homework for my Accounting class; thus, I'd say that you are having a far better week than me. I love you and Kerrie - you are too fabulous together!! :)


yummyyyyyy I want this cupcakes!!
You look very beautiful :)


Unknown said...

Those cupcakes look delicious! Reminds me that its time for lunch, if only I had a yummy cupcake.

BECKY MAY said...

oh my god those cupcakes look amazing! lovely!

The Flower Girl


ZANAH said...

Those cupcakes look yummy !

Mon Mode Blog

Venus Loves Virgo said...

Happy juice,lol! I love that dress you have on and those cupcakes look perfect, pretty in pink XOXO

jessica // union shore said...

thanks for stopping by!! and those cupcakes look delicious... i want one! :)

Sierra said...

looks like you had an amazing time, you look gorgeous and giving my cupcake obsession as of late, i want one of those!

Fashion Court said...

you look gorgeous - as always! :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Sounds like you girls had a fun time!!
The cupcakes look delicious and you look absolutely gorgeous! :)

Lara Woodbine said...

Love the cupcakes!
+ thanks for your support and comments on my blog (: Just done a new post if you would like to see!

Unknown said...

OMG these cupcakes are so yummy...I would love to ba able to cook these beauties...lovely pics!
big kiss

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

You girls are cute :)

Barry said...

Sounds like fun. I love the last photo!


Melanie's Randomness said...

ooo Cupcakes, cute puppy, & make-overs? Pure Awesomness in my book! =) Love the pink frosting! =)

For The Love Of Fashion And Other Things said...

Dayum! Love those cupcakes! And the makeover is naaaaice, you'll look very 'happy' of course :D

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