Back in June I did a post about a fat old tabby cat.
When his owners got divorced, neither one of them wanted to keep him. They ended up dumping him into a cat rescue shelter, where he sat in a tiny cage all day, every day for almost a year.
During my daily walk, which runs past this shelter, I would always see him hunched over in his tiny cage, by the front window. It broke my heart.
Well, ladies and gents, I’m pleased to announce that the fat tabby has been adopted!
Apparently some little old lady decided he was a perfect companion and picked him up last week!
In his cage is now a kitten, who will no doubt he adopted shortly as well. (The kittens are always the first to find homes).
Well, anyway, I was really touched that this tabby got adopted during the holiday season. Perhaps it was a Christmas miracle?
I hope he’s happy!
Awww...I am sorry to hear that the owners dumped him at the shelter. That is so sad, and I am glad he has a new home :)
omg... what a nice post. i'm so a big cat lover and i have adopted three cats. i'm so happy that he has a new home. wonderful.
lovely greets
maren anita
Stories like this break my heart. I hate children, but I love animals. I will be the old lady with all of the fur babies running around her house. I'm so happy that the kitty butt found a home, though. I hope that he has a fantastic life ahead of him!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Maybe there IS a Santa after all! Great story Jenny. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Oh, I'm so happy for this kitty!! Fat cats are so nice, I would've given him a home :)
Mabel Time
This post makes me so happy!
Yay!! I love to see shelter animals adopted...they need love the most.
congrats to fat tabby! glad the cat was able to find a home this holiday season.
Glad he got a home! I love my kitty. I can't imagine someone doing that!
Glad to hear it, that is great news!
I adopted a couple of cats several years back. They really are the greatest pets.
I also have a few neighborhood strays that I feed twice a day. They're always waiting outside my door...hahaha.
Aww...I'm so glad he found a home :) This was such a cute post, Jen. And I'm glad you found my last comment amusing. I was a little scared that by some odd coincidence she was your favorite celeb or something and that you might be upset over it. LOL! Have you seen her boob job? Google that shit. It's weird.
Have a great weekend, lovely girl!
So glad he got adopted! I would have taken him right away if I was there (I'm hoping to adopt a cat next year).
that's good because every day since your lastn post I have been worried about what happened to fat tabby...errr
Happy for him :)) He got such a perfect Xmas gift, a new home! :)
Aww! :)
ooohh cuteeeee :)
Am glad good old tabby found a home :)Hope he is happie there
Yay! I'm so glad. I love it when people adopt pets.
I remember your last post on this very well. Being a lover of cats and seeing the remarkable resemblence between this kitty and my first cat, it broke my heart too. I am honestly so happy about this.
Awwww.. that is great.. that the kitty is adopted :)
Maybe u have time to read my
New post
So good to read that happy ending. Sadly here a lot of cats get returned after Christmas when their owners realise the work involved in keeping them.
He's so adorable, love that he got a new home :) xoxo
Why is he soooo serious? Hahahaha :D
Hooray for Fat Tabby!
I am sure he is happy and making happy his new owner. I have two female cats both adopted and they are the candy of my life. :)
I remember that story! It broke my heart too. I am so so so very happy to hear that he was adopted. I would have taken him home.
I am like Bonnie - I can't stand kids, but animals I absolutely adore. I would have an entire farm if I could.
Awww, good thing he has a new shelter. Perfect timing. :)
Aw, that's wonderful that the cat was adopted :)
As a bonafide cat lady, I got shivers reading this. YAY!
so glad he found a home!
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Aww I love happy adoption stories! This kitty sounds adorable and deserves a good home. Happy he got one. Went by a pop up adoption store today and loved that the animals were being considered for adoption *hopefully*.
YAY! I love that he got adopted; that's so exciting!
xo Josie
what a happy holiday ending for the cat!
Aww! That's so sweet! I'm happy to hear the cat has a nice, loving home now! :)
that's such a nice story! so glad he got adopted. :)
that was a sweet thing that you have done too :)
I am glad the cat got adopted. The bag should be arriving any time now. Do let me know when you get it.
Aww, now I miss my cat. My mom should have given him to the animal shelter instead of just letting him run loose. :(
Awww, poor kitty! But so happy for new home! It must be Christmas!
How goes it girl? What are your grand plans for the festive season?
Aww that is so cute. I'm glad Fat tabby was adopted as well!! He will be much happier now that he is out of that cage and in a happy home. : )
aw I'm so happy he found a home! it drives me crazy when people treat animals like they are disposable objects... I will never understand that.
ah... so glad to hear he has a home now.
ah... so glad to hear he has a home now.
That just warms my heart!
That is awesome! All shelter animals need to be adopted. Glad he has a wonderful new home. A great story Jen!
Lil sweety pumpkin pie!!...Yes I am one of those! Im SO glad he got a home!
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Aww I'm so glad he got a adopted!! I'm crazy about cats!! I've had 3!
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